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Everything posted by watchlover321

  1. Ahh.. these are good suggestions. Thanks The Zigmeister!
  2. I second that. It's more of a convenience. Just think about your future watch collection, where you rotate daily...
  3. Funny, since I am looking at that one too--got a window open with the review for that shop! I will definitely try and call Thx chieftang!
  4. Uh-oh.. I like to handwind my hand-windable autos before use... I guess I have to stop that habit
  5. I'm more interested on where you sourced the gen deployant.. care to share ?
  6. jfreeman420: I always thought that DST was less complicated than that... but I WAS WRONGG!! Now where does this Tanfoglio dude lives again?
  7. Wuah! Me 2!! I experienced the same thing! My 'puter clock was 9:14, but aLL the others were 10:14.. exactly an hour off..... .... .... Oh that's right.. today's Daylight Savings Time fallback here in the states ahem
  8. BUMP.. Before it gets shoved under the carpet
  9. I read and re-read this thread again and again, but I feel somewhat weird... I always thought that Davidsen's dials are already superlumed? ..or maybe I missed something here?
  10. Ubi--Good points. My preference distribution is as follows 1. 80% Movements 2. 20% Case work For complex Asian Movements such as the newer 7750s I only trust The Zigmeister. Looking a local guy to do inspections, simple dial swaps and the kind, also movement swaps if any even--since I don't have the aptitude for watchwork
  11. Shameless BUMP as I searched and found nothing for San Mateo There was one mention of Zecko Watch repair in the East Bay. Any in the SJ/SF/Oakland area? If you don't feel like disclosing publicly, feel free to PM me Thanks again!
  12. Ahahaha nice play on work man!! you're on the money too
  13. ..but he does make quality watches from what I read. Thus I ordered an unbranded ones from him 10 days ago can't wait!
  14. Welcome! Too bad the selection of ladies watches is not as elaborate as the men's... But it is getting better both in quality and quantity of choices
  15. I'm perfectly honest with her about my hobby. If they look nice enuff, she's tempted to get one too. So far none has caught her attention. Her comment to me was, "wow, if they look 98% close to the original at 10% of the price, it's a good buy..." I am lucky I guess
  16. I like it but not the name... Apnea is a condition where one would stop breathing in the middle of the night for a short period, then recovers. Apnea is associated with snoring... .. I certainly don't want a watch called Apnea.. hey but that's just me
  17. Ouccchhhhhhhh
  18. Thanks bunch for this Group Buy man, you deserve the praises--so dont feel embarrased I paid to EL already last night, and offset the diff to a donation to RWG You can safely cross me off the list
  19. I am on EL's list, soo I have to donate to RWG for $5 for fairness sake, and I just did
  20. I find it very surprising that most teenagers now know how to operate the computer better than a simple mechanical contraption.. it's sort of like a generation gap methinks.. quartz watches, 'puters and cellphones and no Joshua, I am not talking about you I can understand your excitement. I handled my dad's automatic chrono when I was 10, and the first word that pop out of my mouth was, "Dad, we should get batteries for this watch.." ..simply because I observed the large second hand was not moving.. sigh.. I guess I do belong to the quartz generation after all... ..but I'm goin' RETRO-Matic man yeah
  21. simply beautiful... gulp.. i'm actually drooling here. Measurements?
  22. Will Jay have the boxset and tool too? If not, would you please put me on EL's list? Thanks RT!
  23. Whoa wait up here... What happened to the revised list? The one Eddie got from an Iraqi postman is waay outdated I'm supposed to be in the list too.. and only 27? uh oh no good... I sense trouble coming Well, trouble goes a way if Richard Tracy updates EL on the list hopefully...
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