La donna è mobile
Qual piuma al vento,
muta d'accento
e di pensiero.
Sempre un amabile,
leggiadro viso,
in pianto o in riso,
è menzognero.
La donna è mobil'.
Qual piuma al vento,
muta d'accento
e di pensier'.
È sempre misero
chi a lei s'affida,
chi le confida
mal cauto il cuore.
Pur mai non sentesi
felice appieno
chi su quel seno
non liba amore.
La donna è mobil'
Qual piuma al vento,
muta d'accento
e di pensier'!
I hear ya. Thing is, there's one dial that's good enough for an epic build, and those are getting harder and harder to come by. I did the Big Gonzo v1.0 using a much modded lesser dial, with the assurance some day my GOOD dial was going to be available. Without that certainty, I wouldn't have started the project.
Nice taste in tunes.
Tonight I'm going to turn the lights way down low, pour a little Laphroaig, set the mood, and then listen to the opening chords of "Wind Cries Mary".
Those three chords say more than most entire albums.
If you're really set on going the Phong route, try contacting JMB. He has mad skillz in machining crystal retaining rings and I bet he could make something to mate the Phong to the Cartel.
As long as there's a rehaut neck on the case, and a crystal to fit snugly over it, I think there's hope.
Thanks for the review. Gentlemen, what you have here is a guy with a lower member number than even me!
JeffG has been there, done that, and has the t-shirts to prove it.
Welcome back, big guy. Stac and POTR have been hanging around lately too.
I was taught that threads on a bolt (case back) are the equivalent of a spring. You tighten enough to get some elastic deformation of the piece, to stretch it like a spring so it wants to snap back. Too much tension causes plastic deformation and the bolt (case back) is stretched and useless. It will never stay tight after that.
I hear ya. Of course my thinking is purely theoretical, as I have crates of welding rod at my disposal. And the old girl just gets stronger and stronger, as only old Rovers can do. Now she'll make the final 12% grade to Chez Nanuq in top gear, and she wouldn't a year ago.
Too bad we can't use hammers and welding rod on our watch movements to keep them running.