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Everything posted by Nanuq

  1. Here's a MK-II though the quality isn't so hot. I hope it helps?
  2. It looks like the top CG is shorter too. I wonder if that's a battle wound cleaned up? Fisheye lens?
  3. Thanks Ken, that means a lot coming from you.
  4. Woo hoo! You da MAN! That was very intelligent, very concise. Well handled. You're right, that sterile, soulless place is not for you. Welcome home.
  5. Joerg, she's 18. Amazing, huh? I love how the shading on the "head" tell you where it's looking, and the shape of the lines imply emotion. Dang... I could NEVER draw something like that.
  6. Over the years I've posted artwork that my daughter has done, the most recent being a photo essay. Now she's taken up her sketchbook and pencils again, and is doing some amazing stuff. Last night she showed me a couple pieces she just threw out there... it's just astounding. Here's one of them:
  7. The CGs on my 1665 are not the same size, and it's 40 years old too. Not to worry.
  8. Mmmmm that Red Sub is right at home, and to my eye, steals most of the show. Very nice!
  9. All well said. We're not in this to stab each other in the back. I guess the saying applies to parts as well as complete watches: "Buy the seller, not the part". There's a bit of a disconnect with genuine vintage parts, however. I don't think anyone here would spend big money on gen vintage crystals, but on TZ and VRF there are lots of people with more money than brains, and they'll pay a lot for the "correct" part. Add in the unavailability factor, and insanity creeps in. Example: you can buy a CWP bezel for $300 and the gen piece goes as high as $2,000 Example: I needed a replacement crystal for my 6536. The part was unavailable on the aftermarket. I wasn't certain which I needed, so I bought two on VRF, a t-16 and t-18. Now I want to sell the t-18. I paid $400 for it, 5 years ago. Any takers? Didn't think so. Example: WIS collectors will demand a genuine Superdome t-39 for their early 1665. They would be horrified to consider aftermarket, even though those antique crystals are getting fragile in their packaging. I stumbled across a cache of the beasties years ago, and bought 4 as an investment. Other members here bought the rest. Now I'm ready to sell, and how many takers do I see at $400 a pop? None. And that price is only $50 higher than PonyCar350 was selling them for, almost 10 years ago. When you're talking vintage, it's the wild wild west. Contemporary is a whole 'nother story.
  10. C'mon T, you gotta open it up for posts one more time. It seriously needs one more... Who makes the best Sub?
  11. You'll also find there are more than a few gen owners here as well. We're sort of a laissez-faire sort of place. Whatever blows your skirt up (except Ken ... please no more skirts, okay?)
  12. Shweeeeeeeeeeeeet. How many days? C'mon man, this is a competition here!
  13. Dang, there's a lot of names over there that had completely slipped my mind! Thanks T, that was nice.
  14. Let's see, I joined Oct 9th, 2008. I had my Black Lung by Nov. 1st, then the fur hit the fan that day. So I accomplished a ban in 23 days. BEAT THAT! Okay Prsist, you're up. How many days/posts before you were banned?
  15. Oh Lordy, you've got a GREAT idea there! Should we have a contest? Oh, and BTW, yes I heard about that !@#$&* Nanuq. Always cherry picking the sweetest deals from the web for his buddies.
  16. And for the love of all that's holy, NEVER EVER EVER mention an Ebay auction that's still underway!! I mean, God forbid you'd point out to the members an obscure listing for a rare Doxa that someone would love to own. Who in their right mind would think that's appropriate?!
  17. Welcome to the club! I'm a bad boy "over there" because I was willfully ignoring the rules and flaunting them in the face of the mods. They told me so in a PM, later an email exchange, putting words in my mouth. I bent the guy over and REAMED him, apparently he didn't like that... So I got a "bad boy" warning, so I posted verbatim what the email exchange had been about, and many of the more *cough* vocal members stood up for me. I told the Mods and Ernie (the site's owner) where they could shove their pathetic website, and told them to delete my fricken account. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Later, a Mod emails me saying it's all a big misunderstanding, please come back, and I got a written apology in a PM from the POS the put the words in my mouth. Go figure. It's a dictatorship with Ernie at the helm, and it sucks compared to this place. They have nothing new to offer, they're only allowed to salivate in unison over the retreads that Doxa is putting out, and no criticism is allowed. They're afraid to take the back off their own watch, thinking you need to send it back to the factory for the smallest problem. That's not my idea of a watch site. Welcome to the club!
  18. Hi Cobra, and welcome! You're right, there are tons of scam artists out there, and this place is a good resource to help you avoid them. Read up on the member trade and purchase reviews, and you'll get a feel for the flavor of this place. Everybody here understands if someone attempts a scam they'll be gone RIGHT NOW. It is not tolerated. Period. Do a bunch of reading, figure out what floats your boat, and jump in. Gotta warn you, your wallet is gonna hate you six months... before you know it you'll be researching and building your own pieces.
  19. That tattoo on her back... for some reason I just keep thinking "it's the gift that keeps on giving"
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