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Everything posted by Nanuq

  1. Scammers... Can't live with 'em, can't shoot 'em. Wait a minute. Yes I can!
  2. Good job By-Tor, I just updated the Report Center.
  3. Boy Pizz, wish I was there with you... they're predicting hurricane force winds the next 48 hours. And I need to get a couple pieces in to Tom Nesbit. Is he still in the 4th and Pike building? Ron Richards was upstairs from him... the last good source of gen parts that I know of on the West Coast. Well, next to last... Enjoy those hawgs! A nice Pike Place espresso stout and you're all set.
  4. Niiiiiiiiiiiiice!! Thanks for bringing us along!
  5. For those that missed out on Alt.Watch.Obsessive's BP50 1000 sale, there are other pieces out there that are nearly the same. The vintage market is just crawling with gorgeous pieces like this. Sale price today? $459
  6. "The eyes of the LORD move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His." -2Chron. 16:9 Prayers for you and yours, my friend.
  7. Yowza! Go get some of those hawgs! I'll send you my super-secret recipe for the smoker marinade.
  8. Allow me to beat my dead horse some more here. In the last 2 weeks a VERY RARE mislabeled Doxa SUB300T sold for $700. It had the wrong text on the dial. This is fruit for the picking, guys. About this Big Logo ... I think I'll wait until Yuki releases his version next week.
  9. "This price here (knee high hand gesture) original price here (head high hand gesture)" BWAAAHAAAHAAAAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA! Perfect!
  10. How about the triple-date that came just before the "Navitimer" name appeared?
  11. Vintage all the way for me, I really like the "AOPA Wings" version of the Cosmonaute, with the black on black subdials.
  12. Hey that dial looks just about right to me, perhaps a biiiiiiiit more vintagizing...
  13. Hey Chief, bluebird skies now, temp 34F and the snow melted (dangit) but just above me on the mountain there's a good 3" in the shadows still. Monday morning ... call in sick? Nanuq flips a coin......
  14. Get yer mukluks, get yer skis boys... IT'S SNOWING here at the Mountain House!
  15. Remarkable similarity if you ask me....
  16. FlyingWedge, sorry but I looked back through my EBay history and I can't figure out who I bought them from. I've been using them for 6 or 7 years and they're still strong and stout. I used them in my gens and they fit fine. I have a spare pair left and gave a pair away. Sorry! Man I should have bought a fistful of them!
  17. I bought 5 pairs of humongous stout bars on EBay for $.99 a set. I cannot bend one. Good stuff and cheap.
  18. TeeJay, I'm with you re: the iPhone thing. It's far and away the most useful tool I can carry with me besides a Leatherman Squirt P4. So whad'ja do to yours? Mine went swimming Dragging this back on topic, I was in the Dr. office yesterday and walking out, saw an elder gent waiting there, wearing a Pepsi GMT. My immediate reaction? "Guy must be a retired pilot." Why did I think that?
  19. Which begs the question... Why doesn't Mercedes make a watch?
  20. Hmmmmmmm. Interesting. I find I'm just the opposite, I tend to wear my gens to mess with people's minds. You can see it in their eyes, they're thinking "Good Gawd, here's this schmuck in a ratty t-shirt and shorts, on a mountain bike, and he's wearing a Double Red? It's gotta be a fake." I'm good with that, I couldn't care less if they think it's a fake. Then the double-entendre hits when they eventually discover it's a gen, and they get another look in their eyes. Hmmmmmmmmm, thinking twice about this, 99% of people wouldn't know that it's a gen... they couldn't identify one. So I'm running around convincing people I'm a schmuck! I'm good with that.
  21. Alright dammit, where's that BAN button? Sadly, I think you're right. People have perceptions of us, and usually do not share them. *smacks self on forehead*
  22. You want something blue and different? You can't beat this gen for $750
  23. Well said, Stephane. I think if you're wearing a Rollie so people will think differently about you, you will have a long wait. Truly, who you "are" does not depend on what you "own". A few times people have noticed mine, the most fun was when I happened across a traveling Rolex show, so I stepped in to look at the new models. I was oogling a Daytona and my sleeve slipped up a bit. The guy in charge of the show leaned closer, sucked in his breath, and said "My GOD, that's a RED!!" I grinned at him. No biggie.
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