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Everything posted by Nanuq

  1. Drat. Just like the 7206. Thanks for taking the time to measure it. I wonder if I could cobble in some links from another 7836 and add another inch? Or would it look nasty?
  2. Easy, the venerable Land Rover D90. Ooooooops.
  3. A classic from when I lived on an island near Seattle... Man in the Box
  4. It's not bad, but the rehaut is too deep, insert is marginal (numerals too close to inner edge) and pearl is wrong. The bezel looks just cheesy, CWP's is far better.
  5. Messing around with my new iPhone, trying out the camera. This is unretouched... straight from the little bugger. It's a LOT better than the camera on the last phone!
  6. How about Popeye the Sailor? Seriously, how cheap ARE these things? I see them over on Yuki's for about 100 clams.
  7. Gratulerer min venn! Well done. She's quite lovely. In the first picture, is that a 1.300mm Broad Arrow with quadruple AR sitting on the stage?
  8. Okay, the really salient question here is, how long is the 7836 when fully extended? I reaaaallllly want a couple for my 6536 and 1675 but I have trouble getting bands to fit. Yuki's 7206 was just too darn tight even on its biggest setting. How does the 7836 compare?
  9. I stuck a steel pin (like for holding sewing together) thru there, cut off the excess, and peened it down with a brass hammer. Easy squeasy.
  10. Excellent! One of my favorite vintage pieces.
  11. A progression of the upcoming nuptials... Admin sees her by chance... She stops for a brief rest It's love at first sight! Admin woo's her in song She plays hard to get... And then discovers she loves him too! And they live happily ever after
  12. More "Life in Alaska" Just missed this big boy on my bike Chillin at the toe of Spencer glacier I could spend the rest of my life right here Mt. McKinley
  13. Just glad he didn't show us his caseback too...
  14. The first giveaway is the MBW insert with the little glop of plastic instead of a pearl. Second are the humongous MBW crownguards. Third is the humongous MBW crown. Fourth are the inordinately squared off lugs with no bevel, also from early MBW. Fifth is the early MBW caseback. Hmmmmmmmm. Wonder if that's an MBW with a better dial?
  15. I have two of his expanding 7206s and one of the non-expanding ones. Freddy's right, they are magnificent copies. But my huge manly Popeye-like wrists make them uncomfortable. For me they're just tad too tight even on the largest clasp hole. I tried for 6 months to make myself like the fit, but couldn't do it. I really wish they would fit me. They're that nice. So I bought one of his non-expanding 7206 in the hopes that I could swap a link or scavenge a part to add to the expandro, and make it bigger. Or vice versa. I tried but couldn't make anything go. And in the process, the tiny little link on the adjustable side of the clasp broke. Right at the bend where the thin metal is bent around to make the end piece, it busted right off. I wasn't even tweaking it hard, it just busted. So I have one good and two broken / abused 7206 bands that I won't use. Unless someone has a way to swap in some parts? No, there are no screw heads to remove/add links... you have to open and refold them. Is there such a thing as a long non-fliplock clasp I could fit in there?
  16. The one perfect vehicle that does everything that matters? The DeHavilland Beaver
  17. Here's how you can always tell... Just subtly mention the word "Jetmid" and see what happens. It's like a secret decoder ring!
  18. This might be a good time for me to post my 1665 reference pics page again. Note this isn't for the Great White, sorry. 1665 reference
  19. Man you guys drive nice stuff! This is my baby, from '96 and the most reliable car I've ever owned. You wouldn't believe some of the things I've put her through. Well, okay maybe you would believe it.... she's been everywhere and done everything with my Scouts troop.
  20. That's a great suggestion Marky, but unless the buyers/sellers can leave their own feedback, unedited by anyone (which would be necessary to keep any list pruned due to bad behavior) then any comments stored here on the board could be suspect of editorial bias. This is why we encourage open followup to transactions here. We get the word straight from the horse's mouth and it's made public. If someone is going to scam, we will all hear about it. Maybe that will make them think twice. If they're a new seller/buyer with no "reputation" here then hopefully people considering making a transaction with them will think twice, and make that phone call. The raw truth is a powerful tool. We publish it here. It outs scammers and it builds powerful reputations. Let's make judicious use of it.
  21. Shucks, and here I thought I was the only one with a crystal like that! Of course yours is in slightly better condition than mine...
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