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Everything posted by Nanuq

  1. Ah well.... there I go again, killing all the fun.
  2. ........bearing in mind that as a member and not a collector, you're not about to start listing a bunch of these, right?
  3. Yumpin' yimminy, let's see a non-date meters-first version, dial closeups?
  4. For $300 I'll bite twice! Spill it!
  5. I think I've been bitten by the Snowflake bug. Yeah yeah yeah ... "it's about time!!" but them's the facts. So how many obvious errors do you see with Yuki's offering? Other than the CGs of course. I'm thinking I need to offload a couple gens and snatch up one of these as a nice beater.
  6. Most of the "Bond" Subs now available are based on the modern 40mm Sub, so will be too large for the correct sized vintage dials to fit the 37mm case.
  7. Red, it's still the same OS, with "extras". Granted, jailbroken phones are the playground of #A><¤Я≥ so you want to be real careful of how you load it up. I'd for sure install the Firewall iP app, so it reports ALL TCP/UDP connection attempts... so if you get a nasty embedded you'll see it trying to "phone home." Then you'll know not to bring it to work till it's disinfected. If you're cautious, you'll actually be safer than running an un-busted phone, and the IT boyz in the corporate environment won't have a clue. Best answer: get TwoTone to install and test apps for you.
  8. Another note... don't take my dial as a reference. That's a screwy "mini" dial, with indices much smaller than typical. Check out the text sizing in the bottom three lines. There's a start to the WE errors.
  9. It's getting better but still not quite there. They've got the color split right in the bezel (asymmetric to the numerals) but the crown is still too big. The bezel appears to be a shaved-down Submariner bezel. But it's getting better.
  10. After some discussion with TwoTone, it became painfully obvious that I needed to jailbreak my iPhone. So I did the deed, and I've discovered a fricken cornucopia of good apps out there. My head is still reeling from the oyster I've opened. I've also found some are great apps, and others... not so great. So here's a thread to describe the good, bad and ugly of apps. Let's see what YOU can't live without? My3G - lie to your iPhone and make it think it's on WiFi. Great for huge podcasts and Skype. Firewall iP - everyone needs a good firewall. Pirni Pro - packet sniffer and ARP spoofer. TVOutTuner - if it's on your phone, see it on your TV. FTP movies to the iPhone and play 'em on the big screen
  11. Apparently, it's a new diet aid.
  12. Jkay, no evidence of a botstorm in the Arctic. Perhaps it's my signs posted on the ISP connection? Anonymous visitors will see "Spes omnes relinquite, o vos intrantes" Bwahahahahahaaaaaaaa
  13. Kasi: My Island Express Sebring 12 hrs Endurance Race Cobra 427 BB .4 Speed Toploader.Willwood Brakes .Hillibrand Knock off's.42 Gallon Endurance Racing Cell ....... Nanuq's response: Holy Smokes!!!
  14. Hey Dizz, good eye ... but unfortunately not quiiiiiite accurate. The 1665 DR was born with a "Superdome" crystal like what's mounted to the MBW at the right. My friend used the watch so hard in commercial diving and instructing that the crystal was always beat to heck. He got tired of having to lick the crystal to read the time (ewwwwww) so he had the RSC replace the Superdome with the later "Dome" tropic 39. That's what came on the "Great White" 1665s as well. So yes, it's flatter, but not from wear. I have a NOS Superdome tropic-39 sitting here in waxed paper waiting to be mounted to that case. But... The watch was worn since new by my friend, and it acquired its gouges the hard way. He suddenly died, and his wife said he wanted me to have it. So now it's my duty to keep it in good shape for my kids. I get out my tools to replace the crystal, but then I look at those gouges and ... I just can't. It means more to me all beat up than it would with a big gorgeous Superdome on there. So, that's how your 5514 should look too. It was a tool watch so it should have been regularly serviced, and seals checked. The crystal should be beat to heck. The CGs should be getting pointy after 30 years of service. Right?
  15. Another one of my favorite vintages. Magnificent. Let's not call this a "fake", rather a non-varietal
  16. Pffffft. You're on the Web with passive management? The problems will only increase. The key is ACTIVE resistance. I have a custom interface linking my 220v power panel through 12 gauge wiring to the ISP. When my router detects an intruder it simply closes the switch and connects the 220v supply to the LAN card of the intruder for 0.5 seconds. Poof, problem solved.
  17. Yeah they're iconic for sure. See how small the old polished gen CGs can get? I think yours is pretty much believable. But then again I could care less what purists think. If YOU like it, that's good enough.
  18. Turn off FTP at the router and 99% of the problems go away. I use another access method and it's peachy keen. PM for details. I bet almost all those IPs can traceback to China.
  19. My gen 1665 has CGs that are so worn they are nearly pointy, especially viewed from the side. So yeah... call your 5514 "well loved".
  20. Oh, man... that thing sings to me. It pushes all the right buttons. Very nice work! And one of very few COMEX dials that are even remotely squared off on the inside of the "O". Nice work!
  21. Yep... Life in Alaska!
  22. And people think an RV is safer than sleeping in a tent? Not when you have big bears around.
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