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Everything posted by Nanuq

  1. You want to really feel sick? My friend paid $275 for this one brand new.
  2. 1,000 posts and you're just getting warmed up. You're a great addition to these hallowed halls. Stick around!
  3. Well said, all. "We few, we happy few. We band of brothers."
  4. That's it.... torture us! :-)
  5. "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" Just make sure you're pointed in the right direction.
  6. Some authentic Alaskan flavor! The Ballad of Blasphemous Bill BY ROBERT W. SERVICE I took a contract to bury the body of blasphemous Bill MacKie, Whenever, wherever or whatsoever the manner of death he die
  7. Indeed. This has not been a red letter day at RWG. So I propose a global toast to we few, we happy few, we Band of Brothers. To all: sk
  8. JMB, I have some Yuki riveted folded links if that will help. Lemme know...
  9. All together now! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!!
  10. Okay Sparky, let me sweeten the pot for you. How about if I donate my vintage MBW case with pooched movement, gen crown with CWP tube, and gen superdome 39? Build that sucker!
  11. Gentlemen, The Admin group has done some in-depth sleuthing and we have confirmed the Ebay watch is indeed Ubi's creation. Also, sadly, the Ebay seller has been a member of RWG for some time. The member has been banned from RWG. We will withold his username for now, but eventually it will be made known. As always, caveat emptor. Buy the seller, not the watch. And thanks to ChiMan12 for being vigilant and pointing out the Ebay sale so we could address this.
  12. Orange goodness for the frigid north today.
  13. Here's the solution to your quandary: I send you the 1665 with the pooched movement, and you see how deep the rabbit hole goes.
  14. I get the Snowflake! I get the Snowflake! Seriously now: Ubi this is exactly why I teach my kids about the value of a good reputation. When people know you, and you're a stand-up guy, then they can look at something like this and say without a moment's hesitation that someone else is pulling a fast one. Your reputation here is beyond reproach.
  15. Ahhhhhhhhh! That's interesting. And good to know. Then by all means enjoy that beauty just as she is.
  16. What he said. BUT...... In these hallowed halls we watch each others' back. That's why we have a Members Trade Review section, and a feedback area. So when we find good service and good products we spread the joy. And when we find a scammer, we tar and feather the creep and throw him out. The iOffer seller is unknown AFAIK so tread with caution. If it turns out good, by all means spread the joy here. If he's a rat, bring the disinfectant.
  17. Absolutely! This is why we exist... to share watch information. Well spotted!
  18. All I can say is WOW! Now get that beauty off to our Canadian Maestro for a service and repaint those hands to match that magnificent dial.
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