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Everything posted by Nanuq

  1. That Cyma was the Army model ... good memory!
  2. C'mon boys, a Doxa this rare for under $700? Think about the early 70s and vintage Rolex. That's where Doxa is right now.
  3. Hey *I* want to know what he's drinking. for his hands to be that steady, it MUST be something good. Espresso? No good when you're working on watches.
  4. It is good to allow ourselves to feel these losses at a visceral level. Every book needs a final chapter, or the story is incomplete. But when the last chapter is read, it's good to flip back through the pages and look again. What permanent mark did that story leave in your life? I've lost a horrendous number of friends in brutal accidents, but the high points always ... ALWAYS outweigh the feelings of loss. I'm better for having known these fine men. That's what I carry with me. It's what I see all around me.
  5. So we sit ... with bated breath ... anticipating. WWUD?
  6. Fourteen hours to go, this is a silver dialed SeaRambler SUB 300T mislabeled as a "Sharkhunter". All Sharkies have black dials. Item #330470366020
  7. And as we ponder these truths, Il Maestro slumbers, refreshing his finely honed talents for yet another foray into the unknown. WWUD?
  8. Indeed, WWUD?! Breathless with anticipation!
  9. I can see it now.... Ubi-Build,
  10. Well, even I have to admit a 4x4 is a little over the top. Sometimes it takes a bit more finesse.
  11. Dammit. Now I have to get out my grinder and take these lousy engravings off.
  12. Hey, lookie there! That Yachtie Cosmo was built using DW's second generation case. See the pooches around the crown? Dead giveaway.
  13. Drat. I had the sneaking suspicion that was the answer. Maybe I better calm down a little here and just fix instead what I've busted the last couple weeks, before tossing more coals on the fire. So how rare are these "red" GMTs?
  14. Freddy, mah man, talk to me about putting one of those on my 1675. You know I've been jonesing for a gilt dial for years.
  15. Well heck, I should get one of those for my 1675!
  16. Ooooooo that's nice. But it's the big vintage one, same size as a Triplock like on a Sea Dweller. In fact that would look killer nice on my crusty old SD! The twinlock I need is 5.3mm so much much smaller. But THANK YOU for the link!
  17. Sadly, the crown took the bullet this time. There are thread remnants lodged in the tube down around its base. The last vestiges of a crown as old as I am! Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus AND a Sub as ancient as Nanuq. But this Sub is gettin' new shoes, baby!
  18. It was $219 with a matching new-style tube, with the larger thread diameter and with splines for solid installation. It's the flat bottom one to sit flush to the case. Guaranteed to have good stem threading and the spring/clutch are perfect.
  19. Roger that, Freddy. The Long Dark is coming back with a vengeance. I have to admit it was your 6542 that pushed me over to the Brevet side.
  20. There's a saying here in Alaska, "Go Big, or Go Home". So per Freddy's advice, I went big. Thanks for the good advice! Now the waiting begins.
  21. Thanks guys. Mine is not labeled Brevet between the lugs so I'll have to go with another Twinlock. If you spot one, sing out! How did I pooch it? The threads were already weak, I only had about one turn of threads left and I'd been nursing it along for the last 12 years like that. Today I was getting ready for an epic mtn bike ride and was in a big hurry getting gear together. I grabbed the Sub and unscrewed it to set the time, as I was running around packing up. I set it, pushed the crown in a click to give it a couple winds, and as I was getting my backpack out, clicked the crown in and twisted to screw it down. I wasn't paying attention and got it so the last remaining thread was barely engaged, then gave it a turn. It didn't thread, instead it stripped as I turned it. I grimaced as I felt the last thread come off, and stopped barely in time. Now there's the tiniest bit of thread left, maybe 1/16th of a turn. It will hold the crown in, barely. Dangit. My fault entirely. So if anyone sees a good crown, let me know please? I'll chase the threads on my tube and see if it can be salvaged.
  22. Well I'm sad to say it, but I pooched the Twinlock crown on my 6536. I'm in need of a replacement. So which is more appropriate for a '58 Sub, the Twinlock or earlier Brevet? And who has an extra set for sale? Thanks gents!
  23. Doxa. Pick up SUB 300 and 300T in any configuration, Sharkhunter, Pro or Searambler. Prices are going up, up, up.
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