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Everything posted by Nanuq

  1. You drink it with a "neat" .... what? What's neat? I'm so confused. Gimme straight hootch and there's no confusion.
  2. Nice story, George. I used a Carvin SLM1600 for years, with just one cabinet. Like you, life got in the way and now all I play is my wood music baby. Guild only built 100 of these, and I got lucky on this one. I'm on my 3rd set of frets and she sings. Okay now I'm really, really, REALLY going to stay on topic. Promise.
  3. <OT> George you have good taste. In fact I'm listening to some Jimi right now. My tastes run to the Gibson side of the aisle... all original '59 Cherry Les Paul here. Really REALLY OT here </OT>
  4. So Freddy, are you gonna dust-bin that POS Brevet crown?
  5. Seraphim, that's a nice racebike. Mine's old-school. It was built by Charlie MacDonald, one of Fast Freddy's mechanics from the '82-'83 season. I blew the motor up at 600 miles and he rebuilt it for me, stuffed it full of HRC parts and billed it all to the Honda factory. Then the capper: Kaz Yoshima hand bent the pipe as a one-off for my motor. Here's an old photo, mine's a little different now.
  6. Hey jarmin.72 check this one out!
  7. Man, how do you guys keep your cars so shiny? No matter what I try, I just can't get any glisten from my paint job. Maybe some wax?
  8. Nice! I don't think I'd like to live around bugs that big. I went for a mtn bike ride on Sunday too, why is it we always see the best wildlife from the bicycle seat, when the camera is put away?
  9. It's also a good idea to keep an eye here for gens, as some have been sold over the last few years. Ask Watchmeister about his...
  10. Pfffffffft! Wear the beasties and enjoy them, says I.
  11. It's a long story, but mostly it's because my parents loved the outdoors and disliked crowds, and in the 50s and 60s Alaska was the only place (in the USA) that had what they were looking for. Lots of people live here but never experience "Alaska". There's a saying, that Anchorage is not Alaska, but you can see it from there. That's pretty true. If you want to experience the real Alaska you have to go places that aren't on the map, and you have to be ready for an adventure.
  12. Holy Moses, Cats ... how'd you do THAT?! Pretty impressive, broke it off twice in one crash? Remember the sequence next time: 1) Jump out of airplane 2) Pull ripcord 3) Hit the ground Apparently you reversed nbrs 2 and 3.
  13. Nobody has mentioned Dr. Evil's amazing Graham yet.
  14. Well Gran, it is almost like your home. In Norge we have ladies like this. And in Alaska we have ladies like this.
  15. How cool is that!! Bugs that eat birds. Who woulda thought. Great thread!
  16. Nanuq

    Daytona Beach

    Wow, great photos!!!
  17. We had an earthquake yesterday, so I went looking for stats about it. It was just a puny one, but I did find some photos of one we had in 2002 in the Mentasta/Tok region. Landslides onto Black Rapids glacier, coming from the right. Avalanches on the Gakona glacier It offset the highway as much as 23 feet It faulted through a small mountain and up a glacier Knocked the side of this mountain off onto Black Rapids glacier Fault continued up Gillette Pass Fault went up Canwell glacier, splitting it down the middle. Those ice chunks are the size of houses More landslides at Mt. McGinnis, roughly 40 million cubic meters of material sloughed off Vertical shift in a glacier Earthquake eating Peter This one's cool, the mountaintop moved downward like a keystone, producing an uphill-facing scarp. The main fault is on the far side of the mountain and a smaller one in front. Plop, down she goes Good thing the pipeline is engineered for earthquakes, eh? A benefit from the earthquake: it pre-splits your firewood for you!
  18. Yowza, what a deal!! Let's see some photos, Diz. The 5514 is the ooooonnnnnnee additional piece (crossing my fingers behind my back) that I could be persuaded to add to the stable. They just reek subtle gnarliness.
  19. Charlie Vandergaw lives out by the Yentna glacier and he's had bears around his place for years. It's possible to live near them and be just fine. He's comfortable being a lot closer to them than I am. Here's how close I'm willing to get: Here's Charlie ... don't try this at home. Seriously.
  20. I can feel a Mister Rogers episode coming on here. "Hello neighbor, can I be your friend??" CHOMP! Sorry TeeJay, they look cute but the friendliness ends there. Best to give them a wide berth in passing.
  21. Garrrrrrrrrrrr!! Halt! Halt! We don't need no steeeeenking 19mm bands!
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