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Everything posted by panerai153

  1. Depends on how accurate you want to go? Generally accuracy and price are somewhat linked. I have seen a fair number over on the Vintage Rolex Market, but they aren't cheap. But they are genuine!
  2. Are the yuki 3135 movements available again, they were not available for quite a while?
  3. You built a very nice watch, but IMO, the SS bracelet doesn't work. You need to find a good TT bracelet, which is probably the hardest part of this build. I like the idea of the clone 3135 movement and gen hands.
  4. I would have to agree with Pete and Sgtguk, Ebay is not the way to go. First off, you aren't going to get the prices you need if you give full disclosure, which you should do. You are going to get a lot of flack from the folks on the gen forums who see your watch as a fake, no matter how many genuine parts it has, short of 100%. they might let an unmarked rep bracelet or NATO strap pass, but it is going to be a problem.Any branded rep part, bracelet, clasp, crown, etc is going to get you in trouble. Second as one of the guys said, no matter how much disclosure you have, invariably, the guy that buys your watch will not have read or claim to not have read your disclosure, he takes the watch to his local Rolex dealer, who tells him "this watch is a fake"!! Now you have a Paypal dispute on your hands. That is the big risk of building these "almost genuine" watches, you can easily get to the point where about 99.9% of the forum members are priced out of your price level. I have said it countless times to folks here who want to build watches that are up there in the 60-80% range of genuine models, you had better like it, because you might play Hell trying to sell it. You have a couple of really, really nice TT's, both would be nice to have if you are looking for a TT. Unfortunately, they are the "red headed stepchild" of the contemporary submariners, and even with genuine TT's, they are often difficult to sell. Personally, I would entertain offers down to where you are not getting slaughtered, and if that doesn't work, I would part them out and sell all the genuine parts on genuine forums, and the rep parts here. Tough thing to do, but in the long run maybe the best way to get them sold. I know how you feel, I have a DRSD that I have over 3K in and my 16613 is well over 2K, by far the most expensive reps I have ever owned. I know that they are destined to stay with me, as I know they would never sell for anywhere near what they are worth.
  5. I sent him and email last evening, and he responded in minutes, everything seemed OK.
  6. I'm going to chime in here. I believe that Freddy has some good ideas, the problem is the exponential cost increases for health care are going to bankrupt the country. Someone has to pay the freight. If all of the graft and corruption were removed from the Federal programs, it would be a great start. Another problem driving up costs are the folks who keep dreaming up all the new programs and regulations. While some may be helpful, for the most part, they create more time consuming work rather than streamlining the care of patients. Here is and example, EMR (Electronic Medical Records) sounds like a great idea, and in principle it would be, but it's a nightmare. biggest problem outside of the costs (My brother who is a Gastroenterologist started a group about 30+years ago, now 6 physicians in the group. they just installed their EMR system, cost the group 400,000 USD!! It's slow, and cumbersome, and it will eventually save time and money versus paper records, however it doesn't solve the biggest problem, which is access. The Docs in the group cannot access their system from the hospitals systems, so when they see a patient, the cannot send the results over to their office. they can see their hospital patient records from their office, but only from one hospital, as the other big hospital's system isn't compatible. When this was envisioned, we thought that there would be a universal standard, which would allow folks like us in rural areas to access records of our patients outside our area. here is an example, suppose I have a patient that comes in for surgery, and on his pre -op interview, he says he has had heart surgery, sees a cardiologist in another city, still has occasional chest pains, but has seen his cardiologist in the past few weeks. Now this guy is going to have surgery and an anesthetic. He needs a cardiac clearance before surgery. In a perfect world, we could, with his permission, access his records from his cardiologist, read the reports and decide the course of action. Now if we find out all this the morning of surgery, most likely his surgery is going to be postponed or pushed back until we can get his information. this adds lots of wasted dollars and time to the system. So what we have here are a bunch of EMR systems around that don't talk to each other. Pretty useless. Another area of extreme waste is the needless duplication of services. Every hospital is trying to be all things to all people. I live in a small community with about 20k people in the town, and we serve and area of about 60-70 k. We have two hospitals here, a smaller one with about 100 beds and a mid size with about 150-160. Both hospitals off exactly the same services, which means that in this small town, we have 2 DeVinci robots at 1.4 million each and a required service contract over over 100K per year each, 2 MRI machines, 2 64 slice CAT scanners, and the list goes on and on and on. None of this equipment is utilized to it's fullest capacity, because we have over twice the capacity that we need. Until some entity, Federal or state comes in and puts a stop to all this madness, the costs will continue to grow. We promise the citizens of the USA, womb to tomb state of the art healthcare, whether they need it or not, and it will eventually consume all of our resources. I have been watching this hydra headed monster grow for over 35 years, and it continues to grow unchecked. We have to get some sanity into the system or it will consume us all. We are all guilty, because as consumers we expect and demand the latest, greatest, most expensive state of the art equipment and procedures, and damn the cost. Eventually, we will pay, as the pendulum when it begins to swing, will invariably swing too far in the other direction and we will all suffer the consequences. And joey, I'm going to respectfully disagree with you, the golden age of physicians was not after Medicare, but the 15-20 years before it. That was when the insurance companies were paying reasonable rates of reimbursement, and lots of folks had good health insurance. The age you speak about, when the physicians were getting chickens and eggs, vegetables, barter services, etc, was before that era. That was when you and I were growing up and were very young. I started my practice in 1977, and things were pretty darn good back then. Medicare was a revolution in the sense that now all elderly folks were covered, albeit at a lower reimbursement rate than private insurance. this was extremely good for all of the healthcare system, although it probably did change the physician/patient relationship, and not for the better. When things started to turn was when the private insurance companies realized that,"Hey" Medicare is reimbursing at 60% of our rates, and the hospitals and physicians are all accepting Medicare, why don't we negotiate our prices down to the Medicare level. That my friend is when things started to change. Of course that was also about the time that some physicians and hospitals saw that they could game the system by upcoding, charging for procedures and supplies that were not performed, entering into unholy alliances, buying imaging centers, cancer treatment centers, etc. and then feeding them patients that may or may not have needed the services. We do have a broke system, and it needs to be fixed, I just don't know how exactly.
  7. Here is a link to the Maratec NATO's, very good quality, lots of sizes and color combos http://www.broadarrow.net/maratac.htm
  8. JoeyB can give you the answer, as he has used a bunch of 3804 movements in his GMT build. From what I remember from him, the hands are not the same on the ETA clones and the 3804, not sure though.
  9. Looks like a scam site to me as well.First off, they would all be in jail if this was really a Swiss company based in Geneva! The Swiss anti-counterfeiting laws are really harsh, and enforced with a vengeance. So I would bet that part is a hoax. Also while they list a bunch of movements, I couldn't't see any movements for sale,just watches. This may well be a phishing site, you sign up and it opens your computer to all sorts of bad stuff. Or folks take advantage of that wonderful 20% off deal and wire them the funds, never to hear from them again!
  10. Just in JLC Master Compressor GMT on a gen alligator strap
  11. The TC 16610 is a rep of a much later series. The engraving between the lugs if my genuine P series (2000) 16610 is very similar to the engraving on my genuine 16750 from 1983. That's the style and era I'm looking for.
  12. Most of the really nice. 1665 builds have used the old MBW case. Will accept all gen parts. Here is mine, DRSD
  13. So where do you make the break from vintage to non vintage. Does an early 16610/16613 from the late 90's early 2000's qualify?
  14. I believe that it is definitely worth 700 dollars. You will have a watch that you will never see on someone else's wrist out in the wild. Rare bird indeed.
  15. Scotty, you might have missed this in the 3000 posts in this novella!! Mike posted his emails, MD543678@yahoo.com and MD2020Repair@yahoo.com hope this helps.
  16. Any update on this project? I have a sterile cased 16613 that I would definitely send over for correct engraving.
  17. That Doxa is indeed from the late 50's or 60's I have one very similar to yours, which was authenticated by Doxa SA, as well as Dr. Peter Millar, and appears in his book "Doxa Sub 1967-2007" Here is mine. Also a copy of a magazine ad from the late 50's or early 60's. These are pretty scarce, a few have turned up since I got mine about 8-10 years ago. Any possibility of larger sharper photos, especially the dial face on? Last photo is a pair that show some variations in dial print. mine is on the right, and only contains the words DOXA and Automatic, whereas the one on the left also has Sharkhunter, Super Waterproof and 300 Meters on the dial. I would suspect that the watch on the left is a later model, possibly the last model before the introduction of the 300 series which were the first of the Orange dial Doxas. The reason I say that is the black dialed version of the 300 was labeled "Sharkhunter"
  18. Rainy day here, but much needed!! So would need something waterproof, right?
  19. Welcome aboard John, glad to have another Southerner around. Your old Tudor sounds pretty nice, they are really nice watches, and the nice thing is they fly under the radar, so even if one has a rep, as long as it's a good one, no one notices!!. AFA the TT Submariner, there really aren't any good 16613 models out there. All have flaws, and the biggest problem has been the bracelets. About the best way to get a good one is assemble the parts and have someone build one from scratch. Genuine dials, inserts and bezels are readily available, so it's just a matter of coming up with a good case and bracelet. Or the other alternative is watch the sales forum here, as periodically really nice ones come up for sale. Their have been some good threads lately over in the Rolex forum about building a 16613. I recently completed one, and it's my favorite "dressy" watch .Read the threads on the 16613 builds and you will get a much better idea of what's available.
  20. Best wishes to both you and your wife. Beautiful watch, and I'm sure her bracelet is stunning.
  21. Sadly, heading home from the beach and perfect weather. 1680 for the trip home
  22. For some strange reason packages appear to have this circular path, showing that they are sorted through the same facility twice. I've had this happen a couple if times, and no one at my local PO has a clue as to why this happens! Your package is getting closer to you though, and you should get it in a day or two.
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