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Everything posted by panerai153

  1. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. I just did a little more reading, and found that there are five ISC's, New York, Miami, Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. All International mail ibound and outbound travels through one of these five centers. So this would indicate that no matter where you live, your international parcel would have to be put on a plane that is going to one of these five destinations, as they are the only ones equipped to handle incoming mail. What was surprising to me, the volume of mail handled through the service centers has been going down rather than up. There are some within the USPS who question whether or not the USPS even needs these International service Centers, but that begs the question, why are most of our watches seemingly going through Chicago?
  3. I have followed the seizure thread here and on the other forums lately, and my feelings were where your package landed in the USA was probably based more on where you lived than anything else. Case in point, I have gotten or in the process of receiving three parcels from Singapore. All three have been routed through Miami. I live in the deep south USA, so Miami, Atlanta, Dallas or Houston would be the closest major airports to me. I was surprised to see these routed through Miami, although every package my wife sends to friends and family in Europe clears through Miami ISC. What brings this subject up, I ordered a watch for my wife a week ago, It was shipped EMS from Guangzhou. I got a tracking notice this morning, "Processed through ISC Chicago" and then "Inbound to customs". I have gotten quite a lot of packages from all over the world, and this is the first time that I can remember having a package go through Chicago. So, I'm just wondering is this the "luck of the draw" so to speak, or has the US Customs worked out something with the Chinese government or the freight forwarders to have a all small packages routed through Chicago. I know that there has been a couple of long threads here and on other forums about the problems with customs in Chicago. It would be interesting to see how diverse this is across the country. I mean, are folks in Maine and Washington State and Texas for instance all having packages routed through Chicago. Another thing, to combat this problem would it be feasible to have watches drop shipped from another location. Like I said, packages from Singapore are all going through Miami at least to me. How about shipping through there, or possibly from the UK? If watches continue to be seized in Chicago, I would expect that the dealers are going to have to be a little more creative to get watches into the USA, and I'm not talking about concealing them in toys!! Having to replace a bunch of watches certainly has to affect their bottom line to some extent. What is crazy about this deal, I almost went with Watch Station instead of puretime, because of the price, but since they offer no warranties or delivery guarantees, I got scared off.
  4. Hard to tell, no photos!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. A little Coke trivia. Although Coca Cola Headquarters are in Atlanta, and "coke" was invented there, I live about 60 miles from where it was first bottled. Coke was a fountain drink until Joe Biedenharn who owned a candy business decided that it would be feasible to bottle Coke for the rural trade. So the original bottlers were Biedenharn Candy Co. Vicksburg MS. In fact the bottles were not even labeled Coca Cola at first, Made the Biedenharn family rich as they had the bottling and distribution rights for Coca Cola across several Southern States. So Coke has a special place to us from the deep south.
  6. Clasp is definitely a rep, I have one or two old bracelets with that same clasp. Plus that number is not a good Rolex number. Also the bracelet number is wrong for a submariner. Heck if it has a Swiss ETA, it ought to be a pretty good watch as far as accuracy and reliability. Nice guy to do this for you.
  7. Great vintage tools. One thing for sure, they don't make 'em like they used to!!
  8. Since this isn't a sales thread, I suppose it's OK to smash, bash, dash or maybe send the cash I sort of agree about the AP conversion. Why? was this watch originally on a bracelet? I know at the time you thought it was probably the right thing to do, an believe me, I 've bought stuff and later wondering, "what in the Hell was I thinking about". Problem is AP stuff is way overpriced, so once you buy it, it's difficult to move without taking a big hit. And honestly,, when you sell a strap that has as much wear as yours does, you are going to have to be prepared to take a loss. But then, I'm sure you have been around long enough to know how this game works. I seriously like the Panda, but I'm a lume freak, and I already have a Safari with no lume and I really can't justify another one. I believe that you are getting down into the right area to move it. Problem is there isn't as much AP activity over here as say RWI. I would seriously consider listing it there if it doesn't move here in a few more days. I would definitely list the AP Bands strap over there and RepGeek as well if they don't sell here.
  9. http://www.rwgforum.net/forum/230-watches-clothing-accessories/ Go to this section: http://www.rwgforum.net/forum/230-watches-clothing-accessories/you will find a list of each of the trusted dealers here. The site you listed above is not the real puretime site. This is a site that basically was cloned from the real site, but it's not puretime. It's probably a scam site, but It's certainly not one of our trusted dealers. Here is puretime's link this is to the Hublot page. http://pure-time.com/category/hublot/?sort=Price&direction=DESC Some of the other questions are related to slang that's used by native English speakers "Asking about a book's worth of questions right off the bat" loosely translated " All the questions you are asking could fill a book, right off the bat" means asking them quickly and all at once. And "all it takes is one of your buddies to see your watch, Google Hublot Tourbillion, and partner, your busted" means if one of your friends sees your watch and uses Google (popular search engine on the internet) to look up the Hublot Tourbillion, he will see that it is a 200,000 USD plus watch. "You are busted" simply is slang for he will know that it is a fake watch, and he will let you know that he knows you are wearing a fake watch.
  10. NOOOOO !!!!! It would be interesting to know how many of those small block chevy conversion kits were sold, as opposed to how many were actually completed. Rovers are as scarce as hen's teeth down here in the south, and I personally know of two that are sitting in barns half done. Problem is both of the guys who own them are dillusional!! They won't sell, it's always "I'm gonna get this project finished one of these days" Every time I drop clothes off at the cleaners, when I drive through the drop off, parked behind the building is a nice defender. I asked the owners wife about it, she told me something was wrong with the motor. I asked her if they were interested in selling it, she told me that they were asking 20K !! Been sitting for at least 4-5 years, no telling what else would need to be done, and they are wanting 20K. I told her I would maybe pay 8-10K !!!
  11. Unless he is a reporter with a national news service or a technology reporter covering the Apple watch release, he hasn't tried it on, the actual release date is April 24th.
  12. Please read my response to this question in the post you made today. These are SCAM Sites !!!!!
  13. WOW!! You are asking about a books worth of questions right off the bat. First off, both of those sites you linked to are scam sites. You will pay those people big dollars and get a 50 USD junk street vendor quality watch, if you get a watch at all. If you want a replica, take mine and most everyone here's advice, buy from a trusted dealer on this or the other reputable Replica sites, RWI, RepGeek, or RWG.bz. If you want to donate your money, I can send you my PayPal address and you can send it to me. I'll put you on my Christmas card list and at least you will get a nice card every Christmas!! My advice to you sir, is before you buy any replicas, you need to do a lot of reading and research. There are lots of discussions here that will answer your questions. Here is my take on buying replicas and movements. The simpler the watch and movement the better chance it will be reliable. that is not a 100% guarantee, because these are replicas, and most of the movements are replica movements, which means that they are copies of ETA Swiss movements, they are not ETA Swiss movements. So if you buy say a Hublot replica with a copy of the ETA 2824 or 2836 movement it should be OK, As you go further up the line of complications, the more likely they are going to be troublesome. So the next in line would be a chronograph model which uses the A7750 movement. If you buy a chronograph with the seconds dial/hand at the 9 o'clock position, commonly referred to sec@9 , that is the normal position for the 7750 seconds hand, it should be OK as well. You will not get and ETA 7750 movement in any rep watch today. No matter what those scam sites tell you. ETA 7750 movements are hard to get and the price is more that 300 USD for a movement, so the rep manufacturers are not going to put a 300 USD movement in a 500 USD watch! So the next step up the line are chronographs with the seconds hand in a different position. These would be the Rolex Daytonas with the seconds at 6 (Sec@6) and the Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Offshore (AP ROO) models with the seconds at 12 (sec@12) . These are what we commonly refer to as "time bomb" movements because they have a history of problems. Some people say that they have had several watches with these movements with no problems, but personally, I have 5 AP ROO's, and three of them have been trouble free, and the other two have been nightmares. So, personally, until you get a little more experience with replica watches, and get to know people who can repair your watch if it breaks, I would stay away from these movements. Stick to the simple non chronograph movements or the watches that have the A7750 movement but the seconds hand is in the correct position (Sec@9) AFA tourbillion movements, I have no experience, never owned one, and I don't know of a single rep repair person who will work on these movements. I believe that Seagull makes a pretty reliable Tourbillion movement, but I don't think it is used in rep watches unless it's the really high end ones that are around 1k. Another problem with these, most of these watches sell for a couple of hundred thousand dollars, so are you able to pull one of those off. all it takes is one of your buddies to see your watch, Google Hublot Tourbillion, and partner, your busted!!! So unless you are driving a Ferrari or equivalent, or just flew in on your private jet, I would stay away from watches like the tourbillion.
  14. If it were being sold head only, or back on the rep strap, that would probably be in line with the price.
  15. I agree with Mike, she's been roasted enough, And while I believe the pain initially was self inflicted, and probably deserved, she has come around, apologized and will either hang around, contribute and become "one of the guys", or she will decide that this is not the place and move on. Entirely her choice. To add another side to your post above about modifying genuine watches with genuine parts. I'm speaking from a different side of the equation, as most of my watches fall into the "Vintage" category, whereas yours are contemporary. There has come a time with every watch manufacturer, outside of some of the very exclusive brands like Breguet and Patek, when they will no longer stock parts for their watches. We see this with the older vintage Rolex watches. Right now in order to repair a 1030 movement you have to find parts from another movement. Same with dials, some crystals are no longer available, so at some point, it's either a question of using aftermarket parts or the watch becomes a paperweight. So while your feelings about modified, but with genuine parts only, holds true for contemporary watches, it isn't always feasible with older vintage watches. If the choice of continuing to wear my 1665 or my 16750 comes down to using a generic crystal and wearing them , or putting the watches In my watch box forever, that answer is easy. I'm going to opt for the generic crystal. Rolex owners are very fortunate in that the watches are made in such large quantities, Yes Virginia, contrary to popular belief they are mass produced watches, there is a thriving aftermarket parts industry out there. So Rolex owners at least have a source of parts at least for most models. Try that on your Tag or even your Breitling when they are 40+ years old and they need hands or a Crown/tube or insert, even bracelets and clasps. I would bet that it would be next to impossible finding any parts, genuine or generic for most older watches. And if they aren't using a relatively common movement say an ETA, either stock or as a base movement, you can probably forget about finding a movement as well.
  16. You work for McDonald's ? Seriously though, never had any problems with parts and tools. I've sent parts to Asia and EU and parts from there back to me. It would be difficult to tell a gen Rolex insert from a really good aftermarket. Most parts don't have the brand written on the part, so even if they have the Rolex Coronet, or the initials AP, Doubt that they would attract much attention going through customs. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  17. I agree sir, In fact like you, that is a minus rather than a plus. having had my share of "Vac Modded" watches that came back not running, running poorly or suffering various misalignment problems. However that's not the point of this thread, it's to try to help as fellow member get his nice watch sold. I also agree with you that it would be wise to split the watch/strap as and option. Honestly, having put one of my ROO's on a wider band (20mm) like the new 2014 ROO's are coming with and a 20mm tang buckle, I would never go back to the 18mm with deployant. Others may feel the same, and paying a hundred or so for a strap that they will either stick in their strap box, or try to sell on, may make them pass on the deal.
  18. PAM 063 GMT today. Looks like you all do a better job of keeping your watches clean!! mine looks like a lint magnet.
  19. Legend is correct, the AP section here is pretty slow. Obviously not as many folks here that are avid AP fans. The biggest help to a fast sale are fair price, lots of good well focused photos and a complete description. Just imagine that you are selling your AP to a complete noob. You need to describe it fully and accurately. For instance there is a nice ROO for sale on another forum. To me, it's overpriced, but the description is inadequate. For example he states "Vac ultimate mods" now if you are familiar with Vac, and you know what his ultimate mods are, you are OK, but if you don't, you will look at the price and immediately move on. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  20. All I can say is it must be a supreme PITA to have to migrate all those hundreds of pages and photos to another server all the time!! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  21. RBJ,the Ebonics speaker of the watch world. Lol,lol . I used to get emails from him that were absolutely unintelligible. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  22. Have to say, this thread certainly has generated a lot of interest. I agree with most of the guys above, if you hang around and maintain a modicum of politeness, I believe you will find the knowledge level here pretty darn high. We welcome everyone here, as long as they don't purposely ruffle everyone's feathers!! AFA Frankens, when you are looking at vintage Rolex for example, there are very few parts available, quite a lot of the stuff for sale over on the vintage Rolex Marketplace is well used, and some of it is used up. So that brings us to another dilemma, I have a vintage Rolex 1665, if I need a crystal, and the only choices are, 1. Vintage that's probably old and brittle and may crack when I try to press it on, 2. Aftermarket new crystal that is the exact same specs as gen and will not only fit, but preserve the water resistance, or3. Put it in my sock drawer and forget about it because I would rather not wear it than have a aftermarket crystal. What would you do? I know what I would do, the same thing that 99% of Rolex owners would do if faced with a similar situation, use the aftermarket crystal. Since you have contemporary watches that still have parts available, that is not a problem, but believe me, there are tons of watches here that are almost all gen, but have a non-gen part or two, sometimes out of necessity. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  23. WOW!!! That's a blast from the past!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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