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Everything posted by HaydenM

  1. I have a pretty bland taste in watches. I like the classics and simplicity is key for me. I have a feeling that watches like this would appeal more to the aesthetics of the Hublot or AP crowd.
  2. Welcome to the somewhat weird humour of RWG. Personally the only times I wear a watch to bed is after a big night out on the town or when I'm in somewhere that's scarily dingy and I'm scared for my watch's safety (and my own a close second )
  3. This has to be a troll. People don't talk like that. who in their right mind is scared of getting raped for wearing a nice watch? I'm a weedy guy myself and often go out with an explorer on my wrist. I don't flash it around and wear it like any other watch and people notice it just about as much as my seiko.
  4. I stand corrected Re: PP and quartz I thought they hadn't ventured into it but I was wrong.
  5. You ma'am have a fake patek, I guessed from the face and it was confirmed by the fact that it's a quartz movement.
  6. Not sure if he's bringing out the good or bad in me, or it could be that I'm doing amateur photoshopping of memes at 2 in the morning.
  7. (My last one before I have to be off to bed I swear ) The most royal of deaths?
  8. Well if you are really wanting to be efficient
  9. My prediction for the near future
  10. Different strokes for different folks I guess.
  11. I love the smaller watches (1016 is 36mm and seiko 5 is 38mm) they fit easily under a cuff and can be worn subtly without looking flashy.
  12. I wear my seiko 5 when I want a gen watch and my 1016 when I'm fine with a rep.
  13. I think this guy has truly outstayed his welcome. He is here to do nothing but instigate argument and hatred. If he wishes to discuss gen watches and hate rep watches then he should head over to WUS, which I find has far fewer experts of horology than here. Here a large amount of the population can pull apart a watch it build one from parts, something that couldn't be said about a large amount of WUS members.
  14. The problem with even comparing the Eco-drive to a breitling rep is that the movements are in completely different fields and comparing a glorified quartz movement to a mechanical movement is completely apples and oranges.
  15. The alternative could be just buying a new watch and finding somewhat who could do a direct movement swap, or do it yourself. Same watch, different heart.
  16. Reminds me of the conspiracy nut that was here recently, made for hours of humour. In a thread like this it's easy to ridicule but there are other threads he's popped up in and just destroyed a good thread.
  17. I like the set as it has everything that I would need and it makes it simple to do any job.
  18. Haha. Nothing wrong with that. Idiotic comic relief is needed
  19. An absolutely hilarious thread. There are some brilliant people on this forum from all walks of life bound by a love of watches, be they rep of gens that cost more than I could ever fathom spending on a watch. I personally very much look forward to the ban hammer falling on king
  20. thanks for the help mate, can't wait to build myself one
  21. Hey Gentle, Love how the build came together. Just wondering, what's the diameter of the vostok case?
  22. Mate with all due respect you probably don't belong here. If you think that all of our reps are sh!t then fantastic, enjoy your gen seiko watches. Reps have a market and you're obviously not part of it. When new rep prices go into the $400 with an asian movement I tend to agree with you, but my 1016 build would be over $400 slightly, is waterproof and runs a genuine ETA 2824-2 and will run for ages. It's all about getting what you pay for. To the OP, that rep is horrible and when it gets to that price, for that watch, it's not at all on the table.
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