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Everything posted by HaydenM

  1. I've ordered a case back ball from watchbitz so I will have to see if that works when it arrives
  2. Hi All, I recently purchased this watch off of ebay and it worked perfectly for a week and a bit but unfortunately then all of a sudden stopped. I would love to open it up and have a look at whether or not I could fix it up on the cheap. I have worked on a 1016 build so have a basic understanding on working with watches and a tool kit to match but then I can across this case back design. Any advice on how to remove this caseback? Thanks in advance
  3. Talk to Ken (KB), I bought one off of him.
  4. No idea about the member but I have certainly never seen any of the full sized automatics of the old SMPs go for anywhere near 1k, usually closer to 2k that they go for on evilbay.
  5. From what I have heard I would stay away from most of the TDs when they claim Swiss ETA. It is preferable that they don't give you one as most probably the Swiss ETA delivered would be quite old stock and not up to satisfactory quality. The clones are typically good and if the clone won't cut it for you you could always purchase a swiss ETA on the side and transplant it in. As for the best sub, you're one step above the general newb question but I'd encourage looking through the sites of the TDs and finding a model there that you like and then posting asking about that model as opposed to asking the very general question. Good luck for the search mate
  6. finds a TD from the section you want and then just google it
  7. Hipsters: https://www.google.com.au/search?q=hipster&es_sm=91&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=CGbsVPz1O9fU8gXZkYHgAg&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAQ&biw=1280&bih=728&dpr=2
  8. I'm a young guy and unfortunately I live in one of the hipster capitals of the world and the wearing of something like a pocket watch come come off very inauthentic, that being said most hipsters don't carry a pocket-watch from 1899 they carry a crappy quartz thing. Also I find a wristwatch easier for general use, and I can't wear both
  9. I wear when whenever I wear black tie, but otherwise I can't see myself ever doing so in general wear.
  10. Pimm's, The perfect summer drink though I may have been a bit creative with how it was taken / edited
  11. "Time is an illusion" "The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once" Both from the brilliant Albert Einstein (I'm a bit of a science nerd ) And one I found in my search that is off topic yet brilliant "Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves" - Albert Einstein
  12. Did you mean the send the google link? I have a feeling the Gen may be completely and utterly out of my price range
  13. I don't have the 007 (as much as I need to get one) and nor am I from the US but congrats on being a top bloke It's great seeing threads like this.
  14. I think with a collection like that you can bloody well make whatever you want to I think you've surely ticked off pretty much every vintage rolex box there is
  15. If you haven't tried it try hazelnut gelati, it's to die for
  16. Okay, I've not had any issues with the screwdriver set in the kit above. I've done movement work as well as bracelet and i've had no issue, though I haven't used anything better so maybe ignorance is bliss in that department.
  17. Really depends what type of watch tools you want. You can pick it up tool by tool if there are only a certain few tools that you want. Personally I bought this: http://watchbitz.com.au/shop/index.php?_a=viewProd&productId=259 It's completely over the top for just changing / sizing bracelets but it's all you'll need for quite a while if you get into modding. My only advice is don't skimp on the screwdrivers. Bad screwdrivers are horrible, will bend and rip the hell out of the screws in bracelets with screws. I tried sizing the bracelet on my tudor BB with poor screwdrivers and in the end the only way to fix the mess it had created was a hacksaw. So my 2 cents is get good screwdrivers, they'll pay their own worth in one screw up and the stress that comes along with it.
  18. Hello from my 1016 I love yours on the jubilee, I need to get one.
  19. Hi All, I've searched around the fora and I know that they exist (or existed?) but was just wondering where I could find a Patek Nautilus 3800 and if by rare chance there are multiple version which is generally preferable? Thanks all HaydenM
  20. Trusty is the only dealer I've dealt with here. Brilliant dealer and an all round good guy. Always quick to reply for me (I'm in Australia), the normal price and a speedy delivery.
  21. Hi mate, welcome. Stick to the Trusted dealers list on this forum. Especially when you're just starting out. For the prices on that site you're not even getting that good of a deal and probably won't get anything at all (at least not like advertised) if it's anything like the mass of non-TDs that most newbies post.
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