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Everything posted by andreww

  1. Can we just agree that the B&R project was not exactly handled properly and move on? I'm sure the guys will know that they are being watched, and I'm sure we won't see this kind of thing again. I will, for one, continue to do business with these guys as previous to this incident they have provided nothing but top quality service by all accounts!
  2. TJG, I brought that up to provide a possible excuse for some inaccuracies, and I believe it is likely true. However, Andrew and Josh were in their opinions, the leaders in the B&R project. They obviously were aware of the product. I'm really stumped on that issue. Aside from that one instance I do not see major transgressions, so this is totally out of the blue. My only explanation is that for some reason they decided to push the envelope with regards to their marketing speak. I really believe that they have learned a lesson, and I doubt that we will see something of this magnitude from them again.
  3. Don't get me wrong Pug, I'm not condoning this practice, I'm just throwing out an explanation as to why things are the way they are. This whole rep industry is rife with scammers and liars. I don't think that Andrew and Josh are either of those things. I just don't see how the crystal or lume issues can be guaranteed without testing each watch?
  4. Go to Andrew's website and look at every single watch on there. Check the specs on the crystals and movements, then acquire each one to ensure that the description is correct. As Andrew and Josh dropship, I would bet that they really haven't even handled or seen most of the watches on their sites. They have to go by the descriptions provided by their manufacturer and likely cannot be held accountable for most inaccuracies. If you want to check their sites, feel free!
  5. No problems at all with these as at most there is only one action in a 24hr period. I have a couple of these types of watches and they have never been a problem.
  6. I saw that one too. My guess is that its a special order type deal. Case, dial and strap are identical so they just use the same pics. I am pretty sure that is why there is no movement pics of the "Ultimate PO Lite" as they are likely just pics of the ultimate.
  7. Not really hard to be honest about a product that you don't have!
  8. Although I agree with most of what has been posted here, I also realize that Josh & Andrew are different than most of the dealers on this site. They have large sites, and a huge catalogue of watches. I would guess that our community is not their only source of business, and that they compete mostly with all the other rep sites out there. When looked at in that context, they are actually probably the most honest, and highest quality rep dealers on the internet. If they are in fact competing with vendors that gladly tell you that an asian 775o is actually Swiss, then it would be unfair of us to demand that they stop using any "Asian exaggerations" on their sites because we perceive ourselves to be above the rest of the buying public. If I am correct, then I would not be surprised at all to see Andrew & Josh leave our community, and solely work the "dumb buyer" market. These guys are business men dealing in a dirty business mostly founded on lies, deceit and illusion. If they are to compete, abandoning these deceptions may be impractical. So think about what you are asking, before you demand it, as we may lose two of our best dealers in doing so. If this is the case, I still believe that Andrew and Josh should at least have clarified these "exaggerations" here, if not on their sites.
  9. There's no silly watch questions, just silly watch answers!
  10. Awesome pics pug. I cant wait for my hockey puck to show up!
  11. Why clone the 7753 when the revamped 7750 works perfectly well. Don't you think cloning the movement of a Speedmaster would make more sense? Sure, a recessed datefont is annoying, but try living with completely wrong subdial spacing!
  12. Man, the bentley is just too big for me. I would love an all gold Navi though!
  13. That was such a good price that I was considering buying as a spare movement for my 192. I really would have been [censored] if that showed up!
  14. I wasn't speaking of you TTK, you've been well behaved. But, if you feel like being uncivil there a little place around the corner that I used to frequent...
  15. If change is to happen, conversation and accusations must be done in a civil manner.
  16. Be nice! The glass looks half full TTK. I prefer to call it stretching the truth as opposed to lying!
  17. Agreed. I just don't see this as Andrew and Josh purposely trying to mislead anyone.
  18. Glad that you guys had fun. Wish I could have joined you!
  19. I am glad that Trusty has begun updating his inaccuracies. The point of this thread has always been to point out misleading advertising, not to bring down valued dealers.
  20. Your only solutions will be to send the watch back, or send it to The Zigmeister for service.
  21. I agree that the pictured dial will likely only require a cleaning. At worst, a relume.
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