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Everything posted by Cats

  1. I also once have seen a "double" one but i can't recall it anymore. HOpe some one can tell us if they work properly and were to buy the "double" one. Carpe Diem Cats
  2. Altough i'm not German , Dutch in fact , i can translate it for you. The artical is not available for sales anymore and they can't recall the offer anymore. I have seen this before even when the auction ended in a normal way. By the way it's a nice box. Carpe Diem, Cats
  3. Today i'm wearing my PAMMIE. Carpe Diem Cats
  4. I started this year with my entry level DRSD. Still searching for a nice MBW DRSD that has to become my good luck watch for 2008 So if you have one available for sales feel free to PM me Carpe Diem Cats
  5. Happy new year to everyone in good health and with lots of hapiness. Carpe Diem Cats
  6. Depending on the date i will join this GTG. Brussels is my favourite because i'm not able to travel for more then 3 hours next year. Carpe Diem Cats
  7. I wanna have one like this beauty. Nice watch Carpe Diem Cats
  8. Hi all, i promised to keep you up to date on my health development. I came home from the hospital yesterday. On the 13th of decemeber i fall down the stairs and broke my upper left legg. They fixed it on the 14th and removed the tumor the size of a tennisball from my bone. On the 19th the orthopedic surgeon came into my room with BAD news. The tumor that they removed from my legg was malignant and came from my left kidney ( the rest of my body is clean god bless ). At that time the world stopped spinning , i called my wife who broke down ( here father died on the 7th of November of bone cancer ) After 2 days i decided to only look into the future and see it positive. The 10th of januari my left kidney will be removed. Then we will start with immuno therapy. After that we will start the chemo and the final blow will be radio therapy on my left legg. End of Feb i'm allowed to stand on my left legg and i will have to learn to walk again. One thing the F****** Cancer won't kill me. Carpe diem Happy ending and a good and healthy start in 2008 Regards, Cats
  9. This one just arrived. Her nick name is "Miss Piggy" I'll keep it on during the weekend. Cats
  10. Mine was confiscated almost one year ago. They , the customs , said that they were going to report this to the "officer van justitie" which didn't contact me up untill know. Mine was shipped with FEDEX. I have the impression that FEDEX get's more confiscated then others. Recently i got a parcel in via Fedex but it wasn't recognizable as a watch. So i don't know if they keep track of my address. My feeling says YES Cats
  11. Congrats V, I like the new 3d scans it gives a much better pictures then the 2d scans. Enjoy it when you still can because the sleepness nights are on it's way. Regards, Cats.
  12. Thank you all for the replies and Pm's a got. Decided to go for the 100% positive approach since only 1-4% of these cases go wrong. SSSurfer i will ask a second opinion when professor Taminiau comes up with a proposal were my walking capabilties are questionable afterwards. Keep you all informed Thanks again and nice to experience that this is more then a hobby club but also a forum were we care about each other. Regards, Cats
  13. I used to be annoyed about a shipment which didn't arrive with lightning speed or a cannon pinion which wasn't completely flush. But what about this 3 weeks ago a had an appointment with my orthopedic surgeon because my left leg was hurting like hell and i walked like a penguin. X-ray were made and during the second consult she came with terrible news that they had seen white spots in my bone ( of the upper leg ). Both my father and mother died of cancer so i knew what see was telling. 2 weeks ago i went into the MRI and she called me the same evening telling me that they didn't see anything life threatening. So the champagne came out of the frig and we had a good time. Today i had my 3rd appointment together with my wife and we were more or less prepared for the message that i needed a new hip. NO WAY see told me that on the phone the message was that they didn't see anything life threatening but it still was diagnosed as bone cancer ( Fybreuze Dysplasie , sorry that's in Dutch i don't know the English title for it ). I thought that's it but then she told me that the head of the orthopedic surgeons didn't agree with the oncologist on he fact that this was a mild form of Fybreuze Dysplasie. He is almost sure that it's the aggressive form ( because of the size of the tumor 66,4 mm ). I just want to get this of my chest. My 5 year old boy and my wife are in bed and i don't want to bother them with my fears. My wife is very helpful and understanding and helping me to cope with this situation. But we lost her dad 2 weeks ago on a disease called f***ing bone cancer so she needs her time to close that part of here life. Does any one on this forum have the same disease ?? PM me if so , because i got lot's of questions. Cats
  14. Both beautiful watches but i prefer number 1. If you ever consider to sell it i'm the one tp buy it. Cats
  15. Agree, nice pair of Bergeon srewdrivers. Personally i always use the 1,7mm (purple) one. Indeed don't do the changing job when you had some drinks. About the springbars, i think they are a good solution when your thread is damaged but i personally don't like them because they don't perfecrly fit is a screw does. Cats
  16. One word "AMAZING" I'lll start raising some funds for a good lume job . Regards Cats
  17. Thanks offshore for your quick reply. I didn't assemble the plexi so i can't tell you of it is cemented. We had to insert a new movement because the one i got it with was all rusted. We also fixed the cannion pin but that might be a mistake after all because i only see vintage examples with non flush pins. If i can find the correct glass and installed it i will let you know. Regards, Cats
  18. Just recently assembled this watch. I don't trust the plexi glass in it . It makes a scratching noice when i touch it and press it into the case. Does anybody know where i can buy a domed plexi glass for it , if i measured it right it has to be a 41,5 mm. regards, Cats
  19. I'll be wearing my old PAM for the next coming days
  20. Nice glasses. They go 300 meters don't they. Cats
  21. Neil i have to respect your decission. I think we loose a good source for REP's. As many members said before me : please stay member of this forum and keep to sharp pencil ready for use when ever you want to. regards, Cats
  22. thank you all. I'll wear it as it is and maybe add some baseball glove oil now and then. regards, cats
  23. I just bougth a strapworks 1950 which i want to mount on my vintage PAM. My question is what's the best way to age it. Should i use neatfoot oil over and over ?? Should i use gun oil over and over ?? Drive with my car over it to give it more texture ?? Bleach it ?? Damage it with sandpaper ?? Any suggestions cats
  24. Neill, Yes Skype works SUPER. What i don't understand is why you don't accept Moneybookers anymore. To my knowledge is secure and safe as the bank of switserland and more important transfering money from a to b is virtualy for free whilst moneygram charge +/- 10 us dollars. Cats
  25. I still don't have a MBW Great White or DRSD so i will wear this baby for the weekend. Have nice weekend Cats
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