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Everything posted by TeeJay

  1. I don't have a wristshot yet, insha'allah, I'll get some tomorrow, but, since last night, and, certainly until this hot spell cools down, I'll be wearing my new (less than perfect) 104 on SS. In terms of replication and manufacture, it's hardly the best (infact, the worst I've got) but, I look on it like the runt of the litter: Still deserving of attention, love and a good home (which I'm happy to provide)
  2. Rather than trying to affect the dealers directly, maybe an indirect approach would work better... Rather than folks donating money when the forums require it, or renewing subscriptions out of goodwill, if a large enough group was to say "We will not financially support this forum unless X, Y and Z dealer are removed, because of their poor dealings with Clients A, B and C", maybe the various admins would find the loss of support from the members, unacceptable by comparison to the amount that dealers pay to be allowed to deal... Personally, I'm more than happy to contribute financially to this forum, as I have gained much from it, most of which, one is unable to quantify with a price tag, but, I'm just wondering, if the dealers knew that they'd be losing out on the easy sales which these forums bring, it might encourage them to pick their ideas up... Just an idea...
  3. Awesome work, best of luck to your friend
  4. Awesome collection there Likewise, I'd be interested to know how you removed the lettering from the California. I've removed lettering from the dial of an Omega Aqua Terra before, using electrician's tape, and that lifted the printing clean off. I only wonder, as I'm thinking about sterilizing the dial of my 127.
  5. Awesome review I bought a lighter from Ken, as a Christmas present for my Dad last year. Turned out, he'd given up smoking some 15 months before Either way, I was really impressed with the lighter, and have been meaning to get myself something similar since. I don't smoke, but, for some reason, I find it really awkward if someone asks me for a light, and I don't have one. Talk about a crazy kind of peer pressure Sorry for rambling off topic, top review
  6. Wouldn't surprize me at all Yet another identity Someone with way too much time on their hands, and more issues than a news stand
  7. Glad to hear you had a good resolution to the situation
  8. That makes two of us Okay, so I don't have a pass to SD Zoo to check out the Polar Bears, but, when I was younger, every year, I'd go to Chessington Zoo with my parents (back when it was Chessington Zoo, before it became Chessington World of Adventures) and my favorite part was always the Polar Bears They're my second favorite animal. Second only, to the Wooly Mammoth. They are just FTW in my book Being extinct however, the Polar Bear is technically more a 'joint first' rather than second
  9. No problem, Rod, glad to be of help The CC option, is one he instated on his site following paypal issues. I'm not sure if he advertises it on CQout, as I haven't looked at any of his listings there recently. Essentially, it consisted of a weblink, to what looked like a simple enquiry form, ie: items required, cost (in USD) name, email etc. However, clicking the button at the bottom, rather than submitting it as an enquiry (which it isn't, it just looks like an enquiry form ) then moves you onto a standard CC processing page. I hope you get your issue resolved
  10. How quickly do other dealers change their sales information though? Do they make changes instantly? Do they even make the changes themselves, or do they have a webmaster do it for them on their behalf? If so, that would take time, but, that's something you'd have to take up with Tony. I'm not his spokesperson, I don't have any 'inside scoop' on his business, I'm just someone who has found him pleasant to transact business with in the past, and was pleased with the results of those transactions. If that's actually the case, and he is indeed pulling a deliberate Bait & Switch, then even if the case is good for a project, at the end of the day, it wasn't what you wanted. As it's not what you wanted, I suggest you send the Daytona back for a full refund. Don't settle for anything less. Also, with regard your comment "demand additional money to get the thing you advertised in the 1st place", was Tony asking extra money for an Asian movement with chrono function, or, was the watch he mentioned (with the higer cost) actually a different model and (in theory) a higher grade one than the one you thought you'd purchased? I only ask, as that would be quite different to a Bait & Switch. At the end of the day, if Tony's deliberately scammed you, then I won't defend him. I have no desire to get a reputation as his 'shill'. To be honest, I can't really add more than I said previously, about if it was a legitimate mistake, and giving him the chance to correct it. Best of luck with getting a satisfactory resolution
  11. What would you like me to clarify? Yes, that is all Tony. The guy I buy my watches from. If an error was made by staff, then, I would make this point: Would a 'forum trusted' dealer be given the opportunity to 'make things right', or would they simply be accused of scamming? From the response Freddy posted, I'd say that Tony offered a very reasonable solution: Either return the unwanted watch, for the wanted watch, and pay the difference (pretty reasonable, and, in all honesty, no reason why such a difference in price shouldn't be met by the client, as it is a considerable amount, and, the other watch would never have been sold for the lower price, so that must be accepted as clearly an error somewhere, by someone) or, keep the watch, and get a discount on future items (as 'forum recommended dealers' also offer to retain clients.) As for the sticker... Well, if I had the option of putting a sticker over the back of that Daytona case (I actually do have one, just not from Tony) then I'd do it, if just to coverup the engraving, so yes, a sticker can be of some use. I'm not sure about US law, but, in the UK, if something is advertised on a shelf at the wrong price, the retailer does not have to honor that price. (Despite many buyers thinking that they actually do have the right to insist on the retailer accepting the lower price) They are well within their rights to simply withdraw it from sale, and re-price the item. Not sure how that applies here, but, just to say, those are the 'price rules' I'm used to dealing with, and have worked under, in my days as a retail wage slage. With regards the issue of ordering the Swiss watch and not receiving it, I suggest that until someone actually orders that watch (ie now Tony knows that there is an issue) and still does not receive the Swiss watch, that he be given the benefit of the doubt, that it was a legitimate mistake. 'Forum dealers' are given the benefit of the doubt, for no reason other than they pay to deal here. That brings no other guarantees about their practices or services. As mentioned by myself and others, CQout dealers have to maintain positive feedbacks, or they are removed. Take a look at Tony's CQout feedback. Personally, I think that speaks for itself. I will agree, it is irritating to receive the wrong item, but, when the dealer offers to correct the issue, if the client chooses not to accept that offer, than that is no fault of the dealer. I believe that if Freddy was to order the Swiss Daytona and pay the difference, he would receive that watch (especially so now that Tony is aware of the issue). Rod, if you had payment issues with Tony, ask if you can use his system for direct CC payments on his own site, that might solve your issue I used it friday to order the 187 (ish), and, although it is a few pages of info to fill in (name, address, card details etc) the process itself was flawless. I got my tracking number tuesday, and, god willing, will have my watch in a week or so (I didn't pay the extra for EMS shipping, so it could be more than the 7 working days EMS has always taken thus far) With regards drop-shipping, I've never actually asked Tony if he does drop-ship. I will say this on the subject though. To date, I have never received an incorrect watch from Tony. I have only received two, which had manufacturing issues, but those were immediately replaced without any kind of resistance or argument. When I ordered my Planet Ocean (at the time, Tony was selling two versions on CQout) I asked if the version I ordered, could be fitted with the bracelet from the other version. He said that wouldn't be a problem, then, a few hours later, I received an email saying they bracelets didn't fit, asking if I still wanted the watch, and, if so, offering to throw in the rubber strap for free. At the time, I took that to mean he'd tried to fit the bracelets. It could, equally, have meant that he'd passed the order to his supplier, who tried, then emailed him back. If Tony does drop-ship, he clearly has a better guy working for him, than the blindman who 'checks' Silix's orders.
  12. River's springbars solve all manner of problems, from stripped screws, to issues wth tubes. They also make changing straps very quick and easy Go on, treat yourself
  13. Y'know what struck me reading that thread? Sounded to me, like the OP doesn't like 'them colored folks' wearing a 'richman's watch'... Their references were all about non-whites wearing the watches... What a racist c*ntrag
  14. My rep Submariner feels identical to the gen Submariner I tried on in an AD, and declined to purchase, because I didn't feel it was worth the money, as it left me unimpressed. I'd also say my 2531.80 is pretty close to the feel of the genuine. I've never worn (or even seen) a genuine PAM, so I can't compare my reps to them in that way. However, I would say that the 127 is the watch I feel most comfortable wearing. I rarely take it off (if only to exchange it for my 029a) and would be happy wearing it in the presense of gen owners. The ones I have worn it infront of, never made comment or even glance at it, it just slipped 'under the radar'. Then again, Panerai is such an obscure brand, compared to names like Omega and Rolex, I don't think folks even know what they are. The only person who has commented on it, only thought it was worth
  15. TeeJay

    PAM 187

    That's awesome, thanks I know mine's not going to be over accurate (bezel etc) but figure it'll be wearable. I did ask if I could have the correct bezel (from another watch the dealer sells) but they said it wouldn't fit. Oh well, I've never really been overly concerned about accuracy, so I'm sure it'll suffice. I'm planning on putting it on the bordeaux strap I wear my 127 on, as that's got a pretty rustic feel to it. Thanks again for the photo
  16. She's better looking than Divine Brown
  17. Wow, that's an absolutely awesome project Can't wait to see the strap choice, but I'm sure it'll look great
  18. TeeJay

    PAM 187

    You're quite right, it was that one Was the strap a Toscana Rustic? I'm sure it had 'rustic' somewhere in the name...
  19. Thanks for the responses guys, and indeed, that's confirmed my own thoughts. Once I'd done the picture (which was really just something to do) there was something about it which I couldn't quite put my finger on, but you've said what I needed to hear Now, to find out if the guy with the two 'under wraps' has plans to sell one Don't worry, I won't mod it
  20. So I had a little time to kill while waiting for another project to finish drying, and got to thinking about modified cars... I've always wanted an MGB, and for the last few months, someone down the street, has been working on two. (I suspect one is simply a donor car) I keep meaning to ask if they plan on selling them once they're done, but never get round to it, and had an idea, what it might be like to put a Japanese bodykit, and Chip Foose wheels, on such a car. A few found photos, photoshop, and I had my answer: What do folks think? Interesting project, or just a butchery of a design classic?
  21. Polar bears are my second favorite animal
  22. No problem, it's an awesome project. All the more impressive, because you designed it yourself Sounds like you got it built just in time, so a nice little bonus
  23. TeeJay

    PAM 187

    There's that pic that got me thinking "Gotta get me one of those...." I'm sure I do that on a daily basis anyway I don't think the size will be a problem, I certainly don't have a problem with the 127 (although I know the 187 is beefier) so fingers crossed
  24. TeeJay

    PAM 187

    See, it's pics like that, that make me think I will (even though the one I have on order has NESW points, rather than minute markers) I'm just hoping the difference between case/dial size won't bug me as it did with the SOSF...
  25. TeeJay

    PAM 187

    Ahh, that's a positive spin on it A practical value Not that I'm likely to hit 1000 meters Well, the thing is, the reason I passed on the SOSF, was that I felt that the size of the dial, was rather small in comparison to the size of the case itself. Silly, I know, not to have noticed that before about the 187, but once I saw the group shot, I had one of those "Oh $hit.... " moments. Of course, I might unwrap it, and love it immediately, I'm just a tad nervous, knowing that I didn't really 'feel' another watch for the same reason... Oh well
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