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Everything posted by Toadtorrent

  1. Is your real name Lolita? I doubt you would get expectations for a donation in the future. It's the usual deal like rep collecting and the GGG thread...if you feel you've found something you're excited about...you just want to share it with the whole universe...and mail order happens to be a convenient medium.
  2. If the stem is indeed snapped...if you can get any purchase you might be able to heat the crown (it needs to be pretty hot) to melt the glue and unscrew the stub from the crown so you can salvage the crown...then all you need is a new stem. You can probably get that from any watchmaker. Just bring in the watch and tell them you need a stem for an ETA 2836 movement. They should have it in stock. A replacement crown is harder to get but probably available from your dealer or Peter (Watchstation). I've ordered parts from him with good success.
  3. It is a great looking watch. Is it very light because of the ceramic? It looks like the stick markers are better than usual...but possibly the "6" being a little skewed or is that camera angle stuff? Good score on this one.
  4. I remember that thread. Yeah...that OP wasn't welcome around here for very long...and in spite of it...is still part of the collective DNA.
  5. Neither actually...it's officially called the "Sea-Dweller DEEPSEA".
  6. Let me crash the party too. I work pretty much across the street from Andrew. That thing looks amazing. Indeed...no worries of a rep on that one given the movement. The day they make a GMT capable tricompax layout with proper sub spacing is the day...well...the day they make seconds at 6 that isn't a timebomb. Big congrats on that one.
  7. Beautiful. Is that the Brevet crown? Nice pics too. What's the story on the bracelet? Why did Rolex do that taper on the clasp connecting links? I like that wrist shot.
  8. Big congrats. You are so lucky to be able to enter the rep world with a watch like that . Wow. Great stuff!! Thanks for sharing and glad everythig worked out.
  9. And every reply in this thread is a Notable Quotable. Too funny... @jonthebhoy ...definitely use the bottle...saves washing a glass too!
  10. Wear it for awhile and see how it keeps over a couple days. They usually gain in one position and lose in another so if you move around a lot that will hopefully round out the regulation. I guess I'm trying to say that you should try and see if over a period of wear it is on average gaining or losing. You can try regulating yourself. Read The Zigmeister's Post on Self-regulating. Any watchmaker should be able to do it for you. It's not expensive and takes probably 30 minutes or so. If it's within 20s/day you're doing alright.
  11. Aaah...it was your Graham he did. That thing looks amazing. For those that are interested...here it is in daylight:
  12. Yikes...I forgot about some of those!! As to "mistaking" a DG4813 from a 2892???? Dem's some fuzzy vision happening!!
  13. I don't find it any more morbid than people buying war collectibles...in particular weapons...in fact...the Titanic series IMHO is significantly less creepy than that. The fervor by which people buy Nazi items is freaky...and this is by people who aren't even remote sympathizers (at least I hope not!!).
  14. Hilarious!! I'm not laughing AT you...I'm laughing ABOUT you. That is excellent. I would do the same if I had that opportunity. Heh heh. AND NOW...in the words of the Esteemed By-Tor: I think it sounds better out of context than with it.
  15. To be honest...I'm not a car person at all. I drive a family car and tote around kids who are spilling food, drink and their insides all over the thing...why would I spend money on one? My car gets drivin probably 3 days a week...and even then, not that much so I don't invest anything in them. I just laugh at the folks who spend more on the non-performance parts of their cars going for the "look" instead of either spending money where it matters or even on performance driving lessons (I think of the heavily cambered low profile wheels which actually adversely affect performance), and pants baggier than the 5 point harness would normally allow. I agree...if you love the look of the tricked out car more than the higher performing car...more power to you. Now this: ...is going HERE.
  16. Beware of getting a gen dial. You will need to confirm the thickness of the dial before installation as some gen dials don't fit the reps properly. Read this post for more info: Gen Breitling Dial Fit Post by The Zigmeister
  17. A good comparison. As to the Fast and Furious Honda Civic...if it was really a car tricked REALLY out like those ones...then what you're wearing is likely gen considering that those cars generally have about $100K in hardware inside them. However...I know most are just early year crap jobs with Sparco seats, "Euro Sounding" cheap mufflers and a whole pile of Benbo, Mugen Power, etc stickers with no muscle under the hood.
  18. That's pretty neat info. I doubt I'll ever have a piece with a brevet crown...but very cool reading.
  19. Welcome aboard. I see you caught the fever hard and fast. There are links to taking and posting pics in the Noob Guide in my signature.
  20. Mmmmm...muffins... That is hilarious. Nikki...you're slow on the draw there. Don't you have 9 news readers like Robbie trolling for quotes for you? Hah hah. Hey...when you break 12,000 posts...you can post whatever you want.
  21. I'm not waiting!!! Been there...had The Zigmeister Do Dat...and am enjoying it every minute. BTW The Zigmeister...my wife hates the lume job on the Cousteau. She keeps thinking it's daytime when it's fully charged, and it keeps her up at night.
  22. Love the Skyland pic. Good to have you back Pug. Is your bucket now half full? Here are mine: Sorry for the old pics...all links are in my sig.
  23. True indeed...but who said it and in what context? I'm assuming they weren't talking about RobbieG. Love ya man!!
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