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Everything posted by Toadtorrent

  1. For the most part...there are a few women kicking around.
  2. Nice!! One day I'll make it there...one day...
  3. Oooh...that sucks. I feel your pain. Would you believe this happened to me with an IWC CATALOGUE???
  4. Welcome aboard. You just found yourself the most knowledgeable board around...including gen and rep baords. You've got a great sounding collection there...but I think we'll need some pics to look at. Read...search...read some more. You've already amassed some good experiences I'm sure, with the purchases you have...share what you know!!
  5. Great stuff in the wristies!! I love that 239? Where did you get it?? If you don't mind a Pam Noob question...does the "Destro" mean it's a Lefty version?? Regardless...it looks great! @RobbieG - Great shots as always...love that bottom PO shot...beautiful @BT - Pepsi is strong as always @Toomuchgear - Love that vintagized dial/hands @Bazz - HAH HAH HAH @Freddy - Love that 33 caseback @Robertk - the SMP Chrono is a definite fave @Pubus - That Zenith is looking interesting...you don't by any chance have a review on this one do you?
  6. HAH HAH...especially if you were thinking "...all I want is this ONE rep/gen that I've been dreaming of..." You are OWNED!!
  7. Lani...I'm looking forward to this one. This is one of my Holy Grail project watches I dream of doing when I get the courage to start the process. Good for you for taking the plunge. I'm looking forward to seeing this one completed. Wow...simply amazing...and Rob is going to do this one proud for sure!! If you want some more gen pics...let me know...I can scan what you need from the Antiquorum catalogue!! The big question is what engine are you sticking in this one??
  8. I was going to write a reply...but BT and RobbieG have done what needs to be done!! There you have it...and welcome aboard.
  9. I agree with the above. Rubber and diamonds don't mix...but on the Skyland it's great. Like Andreww, I'm not a huge fan of the holes, but I love that buckle...awesome!!
  10. I had a nice bottle of wine with dinner in your honour.
  11. Try reading Eurotimez (Chris') QC procedures...that might put you at ease. I received a sloppy (but still great) Skyland from Watchstation...but he's remedying the situation quickly...so he has worked for me.
  12. Ace...we aim to please!! Post back pics and let me know how the whole experience went.
  13. PM is a Private/Personal Message sent through the RWG board. Near the top right part of the board you'll see a link that likely says "0 New Messages". When you get a new one it will be highlighted and show how many messages you have. To send a message, click the users' userid and you'll see a dropdown list as below...click "Send Message" as below: Lite is essentially the cheaper version. Some have cheaper movements...some use a PVD bezel instead of ceramic, Single AR vs. Double vs. No AR, non-functioning chronos, etc...each "Lite" varies on why it is light.
  14. Just to get you going...because I'm such a nice guy...and I know you'll appreciate the information so much on this board that you'll upgrade to a paid subscription to show your appreciation, and ensure the life of the board...I'll even help you with a few initial searches: Abbreviation wiki...so you know the acronyms we use RWG Recommended Collectors RWG List of Links Trade Reviews (Including Reviews of Collectors) Go to the Other Brands area for AP information. There are a number of posts on the various versions of the AP ROO...the most popular series of APs based on the fact that the secs@12 is reasonably accurate. Good luck..welcome aboard...SEARCH, read, SEARCH MORE, read, learn, have fun and post back your experiences to share your new thoughts with others like we're doing here.
  15. Great looking piece and great strap. @JBB...for the most part, we like to answer posts here...or by PM, so other people can benefit from the answer to your question. The Skyland V1/V3 and V2 are widely reviewed all over RWG. Check out my review for links to other reviews, and you will find out about the various versions of the watch, and the various people to buy it from. Go to the Collectors section to see what they have, and to the review section to see what it's like to buy from the various collectors. You can also search the topics posted by rckh to find out more about his watch...as his Skyland is not something you can just go out and buy without saving up a few pennies. Welcome aboard...search lots, read more, learn and post back your experiences.
  16. You came to the right place. There are lots of CDNs here...me being one of them. Rep ordering to CA is not a problem as there are no issues with customs seizures like in other countries (including the US). This forum has the best info out there including the gen forums. So...stick around, read, search, learn and have fun. Use the search feature as you'll uncover lots of gem articles that you might not have thought of looking for, and will likely find the info you were looking for...and more. Look at the collectors section to see who to buy from...and read the collector reviews to see what it's like to buy from them. When you make your purchase, post back your experiences so others can benefit from your experience. Cheers, and welcome aboard If you find the info useful...consider upgrading to a paid subscription to help keep the board running.
  17. Remember...grand complication type watches like these...will not perform or operate the same as a gen. Reps are based on only a handful of base movements which means they are not making specialized movements for each rep. There are "rep" tourbillon movements, which are really not copies of specific tourby's per se, but are genuine tourby movements in their own right, designed with borrowing heavily from the gen ones, but not intended to take gen parts or to be a copy of a particular movement. These are beautiful watches...and expensive. If you are looking for a perpetual calendar, minute repeater, working moon phase, etc...you can get watches that "look" the part, but those function will not operate like the gen. They are still beautiful looking watches like the Sky Moon above.
  18. Happy Birthday...30 is old...you need to feel young and get a nice sporty watch!
  19. LR is the Lord of Generosity. Awesome!! I've said it before...what goes around...comes around. So if you got your back scratched this time, it means you've done your share of back scratching as well...and I know I've been the recipient of some of your generosity Offshore!! So glad to hear your project can move forword.
  20. I've heard from him within 36 hours for my last 3 emails and placed another order with confirmation this morning. If you haven't heard in 3 days, it might be your email address got filtered out in a spam filter on his end. Try sending from another email address. These guys get tonnes of emails every day, so it's possible one got sent accidentally in a junk box. You can also try sending him a PM through here (RWG) telling him your emails from 3 days ago haven't been returned.
  21. Congrats to the Noob!! Bring on the pics and welcome aboard.
  22. Awesome...very cool You definitely need a good pod and head for that. Very nice!!
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