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thoughts on the ipad


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Adobe makes some amazing professional things that rarely crash, Steve Jobs is an arrogant elitist with a closet full of pretentious looking turtle necks.

My buddy ironically enough works for Apple and said Jobs hiring policy before it became illegal to ask personal questions about/of sexual nature was to not hire people who would admit to being virgins when asked. I forget the exact reason behind this, but never the less.

I bet if Adobe made an OS it would be impressive, efficient, and productive. And they wouldnt be so lazy as to rebrand UNIX ;)

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You don't work in IT, do you.

not exclusively, NO.

apparently the IT field has replaced dentists for highest suicide rate among professions.

but I DO use several ADOBE products multiple times per day in a windows environment.

most problems lie between keyboard - and- chair "PEBKAC" heh :)




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Interesting read, amigos :drinks:

I'll reserve making a judgement on the iPad till I get the chance to actually handle one, but my opinion thus far, has been based on the (most likely faulty) assumption that it will effectively be an up-scaled iPhone... Personally, I can't view the iPad being a huge seller, simply because I can't see a huge demand or market for it. I find my iPhone is fine for browsing the net, but, there are times when I'll need to jump back on the PC, and of course, for actual work, the PC is a must, but, for light-weight 'on the move' stuff, the iPhone is awesome. Now, this puts me in the positions of thinking "iPhone or PC" for things. When would I actually use an iPad? When I'm watching NCIS and checking MyFacePartyBookSpace? iPhone does it... In fact, iPhone does what I need to do for almost all recreational web-browsing (and other App uses) and for anything else, there's the PC... My view, is that the iPad will be a possible use for business people who travel, as it would be a bit easier to use in an office or hotel room than an iPhone, but obviously slimmer and easier to carry than a laptop. I think anyone needing a 'serious machine', will just get a PC or a Mac. Anyone needing a bit of 'on the go surfing' could make do with their mobile, or certainly an iPhone (which I think of more as a palm computer, than a mobile phone) but the iPad, I think will just get lost in between those two limits...

apparently the IT field has replaced dentists for highest suicide rate among professions.

I'd heard a few years back that IT workers were the most disgruntled with their jobs. I guess disgruntlement has now escalated to suicides :black_eye:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wager based on this: Wall Street expects Apple's 'risky' iPad to sell 1M-5M in first year

I say they don't break 2.5M yr one. $20.00

Year one starts in 4 weeks.

"Sales volume estimates have varied widely. Last week, Morgan Stanley projected 2010 shipments of 6m, almost double the average Wall Street expectation." - Financial Times

The moment it hits 2.5 million sales, I'll be in touch. :)

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Bring it. The nets are alive with iPad hating...

In todays news:

Apple being bashed for App Store. They just removed all Wi-Fi stumbler apps.

Apple being bashed for anti-competitive practices with Amazon

Apple iPad named worst product name.

Apple issues with 27" iMacs

Apple at war with Google and Adobe (Apple will loose the Google war)

Microsoft actually innovating again with some killer new products

Android rocking!

Funny how Microsoft was the evil company as little as one year ago. The tides have shifted, and the educated tech crowd seems to be turning a bit anti-Apple at the moment. Strange...

Apple can only make "Fischer Price" style gadgets for so long. Well, maybe indefinitely, if the average IQ continues to drop. ;)

(I still use Apple products daily, not sure how much longer. Switching to Android phone.) :victory:

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Bring it. The nets are alive with iPad hating...

In todays news:

I'll deal with each of those in order.

Apple being bashed for App Store. They just removed all Wi-Fi stumbler apps.

Misunderstood: Apple removing apps that use private frameworks. Stupid developers.

Apple being bashed for anti-competitive practices with Amazon

... by Amazon. Apple were bashed for 99c songs by the record companies that wanted tiered pricing as well, remember.

Apple iPad named worst product name.

Non-issue. Nintendo Wii didn't suffer.

Apple issues with 27" iMacs

Fixed. It's in the news because it's fixed.

Apple at war with Google and Adobe (Apple will loose the Google war)

Apple at war with HTC et al, not Google.

Microsoft actually innovating again with some killer new products

Really? I've just seen concepts and prototypes. Wake me next year when they're real products.

Android rocking!

No, Nexus One rocking. It's a good phone.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sure am... These are the fan boys and must have latest gadget people, and even ignorant consumers who think this will be a good ebook reader on its backlit/glossy screen (not).

As far as (this first version) goes, initial boom then bust....

Although, I consider myself an Apple guy (well actually all 3 *nix, Apple, and PC) the below video is what I think makes the most sense.

The San Francisco Chronicle hit the nail on the head when it wrote, "The question boils down to whether a tablet is an oversized smart phone or a slimmed down computer." And in some ways, this is the primary question that will be answered as the iPad and the Slate duke it out.

I pray for an iPAD "Pro" with full OS-X....

I am cheering for the Slate actually because I do not like the "Closed Business Model" road Apple is heading down...

This expresses exactly what I want in device:


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Sure am... These are the fan boys and must have latest gadget people, and even ignorant consumers who think this will be a good ebook reader on its backlit/glossy screen (not).

As far as (this first version) goes, initial boom then bust....

Just like with the iPhone. Oh, wait

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I like the line about "Shipments are not sales".

HP / Slate, PC devices need to get to the market fast. If they do, I think it will cut in hard on the iPAD. Especially if "Businesses" embrace the Slate. IT Departs could easily manage their deployment and access controls. VPN + RDP on the Slate FTW!!!

I really think THIS TIME, the "PC" side has it correct.

Version 1 of the iPad needs to fail and Apple needs a wake up call. Sorry to say. IMHO. It would be nice it they would start paying more attention to their Mac line again instead of gadgets, a closed business model, and their stock price. <_<

In the tech circles I run with, it is funny how mood/allegiances change. From ~2002 thru Vista days 2009, Microsoft was the company to hate. Enter 2010, Win7, XBox, and a desire for more competition and openness the tune has changed amongst my peers. I am seeing iPhones being replaced by Droids, I am seeing people switch back to PC's from their Mac's because of those ~slight~ incompatibilities here and there. I had one peer mention that he will laugh (to himself) when he starts to see the iPad in peoples hands. This is not the revolutionary iPod / iPhone that were practically status symbols when they came out. The iPad will be more like, I am a wanna be hipster/fanboy/sheeple consumer. (At least in my part of the world).

:evil2: Just playing Devils advocate here. :victory:

I won't mind loosing the $20, it will just confirm what I feel about consumerism/people.

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IMO there's nothing wrong at all with Apple's closed business model. They build products that work and app developers have to adhere to Apple's stringent guidelines to ensure their products continue to work. I love my mac's and I hate my PC's. What's even weirder is using Windows XP in Boot Camp or virtual in VM Ware Fusion, the Windows stuff works better and is more reliable then using it on my actual PC's.

The iPad will find it's niche and it will definitely do well, but I will wait to see what they come up with on version 2 or 3 before I go down that path. There's aren't enough gains to warrant using an iPad over my Mac Laptop.

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Oh and one other thing.....I have Windows XP installed on my Macbook running VM Ware Fusion. I hadn't updated my windows stuff in a while and thought I would start that on Friday of last week. After 5 reboots and two days of downloading, it just finished today. Ridiculous! I had forgotten how much I hate doing Security Patch updates on the PC.

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IMO there's nothing wrong at all with Apple's closed business model. They build products that work and app developers have to adhere to Apple's stringent guidelines to ensure their products continue to work. I love my mac's and I hate my PC's. What's even weirder is using Windows XP in Boot Camp or virtual in VM Ware Fusion, the Windows stuff works better and is more reliable then using it on my actual PC's.

Don't get me wrong, I agree, for the most part. I am a huge "Virtualizer" myself and the Mac Pro is perfect.

First, the Closed Model. This is a double edge sword. If you are content paying for everything, and what you need is offered, fine. However, when that "profit model" drives technology adversely/backwards, that is where problems arise. We have beaten the "Lack of Flash Support" to death, but there is nothing "Technology wise" to prevent it from working on the iProducts. Apple and Adobe could have easy worked together to build a more streamlined/less crash prone platform. Again, no flash = buy your stuff from our closed eco-system. No Free Stuff for You!!! (I am fine will Apple profiting, don't get me wrong, but wouldn't having a choice be nice? Buy a game -or- play a free flash game. Buy and episode of Lost -or- watch it for free on Hulu...) Don't even get me started on the being locked into AT&T...:nea:

Stability. As a hardcore user of Mac, Win & Lin, I can say that the Mac perception was TRUE up thru Tiger. Leopard and Snow Leopard from my experience has been on par with Win stuff. I actually left my Wife's Powerbook and Father's Mac Mini running Tiger. From my experience with Apple products-- since the iPhone came out I think the rest of the Apple product line has actually taken a hit in quality. Not to mention refreshes (Mac Pro w/3gb stock RAM & 640gb HDD, seriously?). Again, my experience. I own 4 Apple Macs, 3 iProducts. Family, total Macs = 9! :victory:

Edit to add, the latest Snow Leopard Update/Service pack is out: It is 752 MB !!! :g: Is Apple becoming Microsoft on the OS front?

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I won't mind loosing (sic) the $20, it will just confirm what I feel about consumerism/people.

That is a "If I win, it proves I'm right. If I lose, it proves I'm wrong" cop-out if ever I've heard one. :)

Edit to add, the latest Snow Leopard Update/Service pack is out: It is 752 MB !!! :g: Is Apple becoming Microsoft on the OS front?

Since when was 752MB a large download? I download TV episodes I'll never watch that are almost twice that size.

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