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Why Watches ?

Richard Tracy

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Have you ever wondered why you have this fascination with watches ?

Is it the mechanical mechanism, the gears, which represent genius in mankind

to invent, craft and assemble ?

Maybe it's Time that beguiles you, and it's physical representation there of..?

For some, is it the art and beauty of the timepieces...?

I can recall my first spark when my grandfather gave me a look at his

gold pocket watch,..I was totally transfixed...and he had to pry it from my grasp...

and from that time, I can recall having dreams of gold

watches under my pillow...

These dreams were so real that I would awake in a start to run my hand under

the pillow in search of the treasure trove.....

Now I find myself when wearing a loved piece gazing at it at least 40 times a day....

{...jeeze.. how much time am I wasting in my life..? :g: }

What is your first encounter ? Do you know why you love time pieces ?

Are we somehow cracked ?? ^_^

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My first watch was a hand-wind Timex, pin lever movement. One of the last of the mechanicals before the quartz dark ages. Never really gave it much thought, and from then on, watches were just another battery operated device.

I couple of years ago I was at my local jeweler/Rolex AD, looking for a anniversary band for my wife, when the guy gave me a fantastic pitch for Rolex watches. He also added that they are making knock-offs so good now, that alot of jewelers can't tell the difference. They had a customer bring one in for service, sent it off to Geneva and got a letter back from Rolex legal dept saying that they were keeping the watch, since it had their trademark on it, and suggested that the owner buy a genuine.

So that started my fascination with genuine mechanicals and reps on the same day. I soon realized that the quartz revolution was dying and mechanicals were back. From then, I have been researching, comparing, learning all I can about watches and the industry.

I think one thing that kept me intrigued is the disparity in price. How can one watch be worth 50,000 and another one 2000, yet both keep good time, and both have similar materials (maybe some gold, but not 50k worth of gold). Maybe the difference was in the movements, so I got into how the things worked and accumulated a modest cache of watchmaking tools. I got some cheap mechanicals and dug into them...it just gets worse from there. Buying various gens that I could afford, reps of the ones that I couldn't, collecting catalogues, watch magazines.

My wife thinks I'm totally insane when I watch 2 hours of nothing but Jim Skelton pitching watch after watch, while she is watching much more wholesome TV (depictions of murders, crime scenes, etc.). This pursuit really has the potential of becoming an obsession - something that I did not bargain for when I embarked on it. I thought that it would be a nice past-time, but it has moved beyond that into the realm of avocation.

I still don't know what the draw is. There is just something about the little creatures that won't let me go.

Great topic, BTW, I'm interested in how others got to this point.

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I was always into watches as a kid and had quite a variety. Digital watches, calculator watches, swatch, etc etc. Then one year I was given a mechanical Lotus watch which was pretty special for a 15 year old. It was amazing seeing this rotor going round and round through the display back was fascinating.

Then I discovered women, and beer, and I smoked some funny stuff for a few good years! A couple of years ago, once life had settled down again my then boss introduced me to the original RWG and it kind of snowballed. I just wish I had all my old childhood watches. I sometimes see them in old photos and wish I could get them back. The only one I have left is a gold quartz Longines given to me by my godmother, and although most members here would baulk at it it is very special to me.

Interesting conversation topic, even just to think back for oneself!

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Had a mild interest over the years, mainly divers watches, as it was a sport and profession.

Bought some simply awful reps in Singapore about '86, which all died within days of purchase!

About 5 years back, received some spam for " Italian Rolex", and being a research type of guy, went the Replicacentre route. Arrived at TRC, ( having not been burned thankfully), and started collecting.

Then bought a few basic tools, to adjust bracelets etc, and really got into the repair side of things, ( which I am still learning)

Suffered a burn from my friend Natalie, when I decided to buy a few watches in 1 hit, and then started to look at genuines.

Have now stopped collecting reps, for the life of me, I can't understand anyone paying $300-$600 for a rep, when there are some wonderful mid range genuines around for less money! But thats just me.

Genuine collection, is now over 100, plus there are almost 1000 ( mainly quartz- and about 100 mechanical) in the work in progress bins. The quartz - resold, and some repair work, fund my genuine habit ( almost)

So here I am now, modding on a rep forum, about 5k out of pocket :p, and looking to watch repair to boost my retirement package in a few years time ( Yeh-right!)

Seems like its been a long ( not very bumpy) road, but think I'll be round for a few years to come.

The info I continue to glean here, means I have less chance of being caught on a genuine purchase... touch wood, I have never been caught with a rep on an ebay buy. Although I have had a few which have arrived in a condition "not as described", which have required some serious repair skills.

My latest project is an Omega Geneve, which I picked up, working, for $7! Now polished, overhauled, at no great cost, I am awaiting delivery of a new dial ( $35) to finish it.

My little bit of history... Damn those spammers...but I DO enjoy my home here, and family... and the mostly great group I meet here and around the traps!


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Looks like it could stand a little reluming, and is the date wheel a little dirty?

But, yeh, others may pay that just for the crystal, ( which could well be the same)

And even if you threw another $100 at it, what a beautiful piece, for less than most reps.


BTW, if you decide to ty to clean the dial, I read on the NAWCC forum, that Polident .. denture cleaner tablets, immerse for about 3 minutes, work well. Haven't tried it yet, but will give it a go soon.


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There are no AD's where I live, I'm sure there must be some in the city (Melbourne) though I have never come across them, but when I was a little boy my family used to live in Woolongong (hope I spelt that right) NSW and we used to go for day shopping trips to Sydney.

Now I can't remember very much of those days but i do remember that one shop that my parents used to visit a lot was next door to an AD, I have no recollection of the name of this AD but I do remember that it had one of those large see through watches in the window and I also remember that my parents would have to leave me there glued to the shop window whilst they went next door to do whatever shopping they had to do.

I could literally watch the gears in that display watch turning for hours but also there was many lovely watches in the window to gaze on too with their intricate dials and shiny cases, not to mention the beautiful straps.

So anyway life as it often happens took me away from the area, if it hadn't I would probably be one of those stuffed shirts on the gen forums by now, anyway I have done many things through my life but sadly for most of it I have had a $10 digital on my wrist and then I found this site and.......................end of story :)


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I have been fascinated with watches ever since I was a kid. I received a Casio chronograph at some point in elementary school as a birthday gift, and from that point on I was always looking for "the next great watch" . Of course in high school I had to have Don Johnson's watch on Miami Vice (showing my age), until I figured out that it cost several thousands. If memory serves, it was a solid yellow gold day date. At that time I did find a serviceable canal street rep that passed well enough, though.

Edited by chieftang
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Why watches?

I really have no idea why that's something I'm into either...I just have been since the teenage years.

For me it's mostly "dive" type watches. Rolex was always at the top of the list. Something about the look that is perfection for me. I guess it's like women....everyone has their own taste. What might be incredibly hot to one person is barely lukewarm to another.

I was eventually lured by the spam monster as well. Bored at work one day I followed a link out of curiosity. The site sent up some red flags (regardless of the fact that I would not do business with a spam site) but it did get my curiousity piqued...and the research began. I also started with some of the "boards" that are scams advertising scam sites. Never did purchase. Got close...but it never "felt" right when it was time to pull the trigger. I found TRC and watched to see if it was a scam. Found this place and watched as well.

So far I've received my first rep, have two more set to arrive any day, and bought another one today.

The experience and education is fantastic! It's refreshing to have something new to delve into.

Now, based on Saturday when I wore my rep for the first time, I'll just have to get used to the ramifications of wearing my new toys. But that's fodder for a different thread I'm sure.

The ride is fun, the amount of knowledge here is amazing, and the people (most...LOL) are friendly and helpful. The three dealers I've dealt with have been exemplary. All of this is greatly appreciated by someone new at the game.

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My Grandfather and Father were both Streetcar Drivers. While my grandfather was still driving, my Grandmother managed to save 25 cents a week for quite some time and in 1944 bought my grandfather a Gold Longines Pocket Watch so he could keep time on his routes in style. When my father began driving streetcars my grandfather passed the watch down to him. A few years ago my Father passed the watch down to me.

This timepiece had been around for 60 years. Never serviced, pretty well used and from the second I wound it up, it kept near perfect time. It was pretty amazing...Haven't looked at watches the same way since then.

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I could always be a smartarse, and tell you to go and check our links section :p

However, not a lot there, although Dashto would be worth a fly.

And I'm sure you had already looked :D

However this , I googled up...

Lejour Watches

Private Company, Headquarters Location

New York, NY 10168 United States

(212) 551-1199 , (914)923-1837 fax


Company Description: Watches, Clocks, And Watchcases

The WWW doesn't work, but would be worth a phone call.

Another thing I like about watches is how they sound. Some are melodic, some "whisshhh" as the escapement operates, and others klunk. I strain to hear anything from my 6536, and my DW Daytona is loud enough to hear at arm's length.

You know, one of the things I enjoy is winding a manual wind, must be my early days of watch owning when you had to wind it every morning. I have an Aeromatic, which has just the sweetest feel while winding, so smooth... its almost sensual.... yeah I know.. I'm getting carried away.


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I have had a fascination with watches for many years. I suppose when I wasa young adult, I began to "Accumulate" watches and other mechanical items. Watches are the epitome of mechanical minuturization in my eyes. A complication that gives you time, date day of month, week, moonphase, etc is just an amazing piece of work.

My particular interest has been for quite a few years,dive watches. I dive, and the "tool watch" aspect of these rugged litle machines is what appeals to me. i have had a fair number of genuine as well as replicas. I bought my first rep in the mid 80's, from a magazine ad I believe. It was a pretty horrible rep of a Rolex, quartz movement, ncorrect everything, but it kept good time. I gave it to a friend who wore it for several years before it died. I pretty much stayed with Rolex Subs and SD's for several years. Then opened a Dive shop and handled Chronosport for several years. In the last few years, I have collected Doxa Dive watches along with an occasional Rolex.

Several years ago, I remarried a wonderful woman from Ukraine, who has become a watch person too.While we were dating, I began to develop an interest in GMT's as it was nice to have a 2 time zone watch. I found that they had a great deal of utility for me both while traveling to Europe as well as being able to tell at a glance what time it was in Ukraine(Important I found after waking her one Sunday morning at 3AM, because I miscalculated the time). I have a genuine Rolex GMT Master 16750 as well as a CN GMT Master II replica. My only other replica at the present time is a MBW DRSD, sooon to be a White dial SD.

Watch collecting is a "Sickness" of which I know no cure!! It is a fascinatiing hobby and one that has provided me many, many hours of enjoyment. If I had the resources, I would be dangerous, probably have a great collection of expensive vintage watches. Unfortunately, I like most of our members have to work for a living, support a family and try to feed my addiction to watches at the same time, not an easy task. Thats why my collection is small and limited to fairly inexpensive watches.

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I refer to my watch fascination as my "Swiss disease."

There aren't a lot of high quality ADs in middle America, where I mostly grew up, but I remember requesting a diver-style watch out of a German "Quelle" catalog (or similar) for my confirmation present.

I then received a nice Omega Geneve Dynamic for high school graduation.

And the lust for more watches was rekindled every time we visited relatives in Switzerland and Germany.

But I couldn't bring myself to spend the money needed for the nicest watches. I came very, very, very close during my last visit to Switzerland two years ago. But I decided to wait until I was home and would be able to shop for the right watch at the best price over the Internet.

Alas, I found RWG I and TRC, and instead of saving money on one pretty good genuine, I've spent at leat two, three, or four times that amount on a small drawerful of quality reps.

Thanks in part to you, my companions in sin, my watch lust has only grown, not diminished.

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I must say in unison, that Trc - Rwg, acted like a springboard into

styles of watches I once thought illogical to obtain...thus has turned a passion,

into an addiction... -_-

I also will, as a result of some of the posts in this thread, start casting my lure

into the sea of sensibly priced genuines, that have a history worth representing...

When I do.. will these genuines, take me out of the replica market....? :g:

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Why Watches and then further Why Reps?

I'm guessing that you Brits reading this will be confused... but hell, here it is.

I've always been around firearms. I recieved a 1911A1 Colt for Christmas when I was 5. The mechanics of the action always enthralled me. Fast forward 24 years: Firearms dealer and avid shooter/collecter. I shoot 1000 yard high power rifle competitions and own several high end bolt rifles and a nice .50bmg semi-auto rifle. I'm guessing i'm nuts though, I own two bolt rifles that cost me 10k usd each. Recently I started shooting competively in the Cowboy Action Shooting arena... (i.e. old west stuff, single action revolvers, lever action rifles, paper shelled shotguns) my tattoo artist got me into the cowboy action. I went and bought several old timey firearms and practiced a bunch with them. I then started noticing the pocket watches that the other shooters carried. Genuine (and rep) handwound/keywound pocket watches with beautiful handmade movements. I started researching the old pocket watches to track one down to "complete" my cowboy action gear. From various internet searches I found Replicas.

Looking back, my first Rep watch was a gawdawful "gold" (read orangish-yellow) quartz action datejust I aquired in the 6th grade. I was damn pimp for about 3 weeks before it broke. It didn't get me any female attention so I sort of forgot about rep watches for a while.

Now my recent re-introduction to reps... I've always been a fan of the rollie black face sub (I know, isn't everyone?) but I couldn't bring myself to buy one when there are always firearms (and motorcycles) I've wanted. In my research for a nice pocket watch I came across a few of the SCAM sites that sell rollie/pam/other highendstuff knockoffs, I'll admit I was tempted to drop the 850$ one site wanted for a ss/black sub. I did a bit more research, found this forum and a few others. Researched the dealers and made my first purchase from Andrew.

Upon reading up on the reps available, and reading about the movements and looking at various pictures, I became hooked. I mean really... for the amount of money I spend on ammo for a day at the range, I can get a Pam or VC rep? Heck I'll stay home one day and have a new watch to look at and enjoy wearing.

Ever shot a .50bmg wearing an automatic movement? Try it sometime. I swear it gets the rotor going 400rpm each shot, prolly winds fully after 3 rounds down range. It amazing, the quietest action rep will have an amazing "whir-whirl-whir" sound after each shot.

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I picked up a sweet refinished '74 Guild F50 maple jumbo about a year and a half ago and while it was gorgeous, it just felt dead. No body, no life, no zing, no boom.

I've been playing my beloved D70 to death for years, but a few months ago I came to the realization my frets need changing, I'm almost down to the fingerboard. So instead of making the problem worse, I've been putting a lot more hours on that F50 and I'm happy to report it is coming to life. It seems the more I play it now, the better it gets, daily. For a year there was no change and now I can feel it coming to life in my hands.

It's an obsession. :wub:

Bob - I had this image of you doing the "Townshend" with the F50 swinging above your head and then "CRASH!" as it hits the floor and breaks up into a hundred bits and then you gathering up all those bits and patiently reassembling it back to it's former glory AND it sounding sweet as a nut when you did so.

But somehow I think the Nanuq we know and love with regard to the rep-testing is not the same Nanuq with regard to guitars. (Reminds me of John Hiatt's dig at Pete with his song 'Perfectly Good Guitar') :lol:

I was always told about guitars - Look after them and they will pay you back in spades. Now I do get satisfaction from my watches but this is nothing like the enjoyment and fun that my guitars give me. There is just no comparison.

Enjoy the F50 it will grow with you. I can hear it now with a nice new set of Elixirs. Sing baby sing.


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i would say, watches, especially pams are the daily bread for my soul.

I would like to explain with this song !!!!!

i would say, watches, especially pams are the daily bread for my soul.

I would like to explain with this song !!!!!

i would say, watches, especially pams are the daily bread for my soul.

I would like to explain with this song !!!!!

i would say, watches, especially pams are the daily bread for my soul.

I would like to explain with this song !!!!!

i would say, watches, especially pams are the daily bread for my soul.

I would like to explain with this song !!!!!

i would say, watches, especially pams are the daily bread for my soul.

I would like to explain with this song !!!!!

Now I'm confused!!! :Jumpy:

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