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Does anyone sell to buy?


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I used to be a keeper/hoarder. However, I have done a 180. Now, I am seeing the need to sell off to fund. I almost traded my Gen Ebel and Gen Explorer II for a Gen RED 1680. Fortunately or Unfortunately that deal fell through.

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I keep about 4 or 5 going at any given time.. then i sell the ones I lose interest in to fund another project. This of course is a slow process though. I ususally keep my watches for a while before i sell them. When i do sell a watch, its because i have lost interest in it, or i am upgrading to a better one. For example selling a modded sub to build/buy a franken, then selling that franken to fund a gen. My collection is just Rolex and Panerai right now. I have a Pam127 that i never wear, yet its a really nice modded watch that i wont sell because im not getting something better. The only thing i would trade if for would be a better Pam vintage with maybe a gen movement or something. I would hate to have to sell a watch to pay bills, and i wouldnt want 50 watches laying around either. Im all about "quality over quantity".

If you have a gen in mind, then sell off the ones you can replace later on if you want to. But knowing your caliber of watches Jojo, It would be a tough to let any of them go.


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I have my collection pared down to six pieces that have enough emotional connection that I won't part with them. There are three that don't get my respect anymore, and they're disposable. I wouldn't really miss 'em, and I'd happily sell them to fund another.

Only recently I allowed myself to increase the stable by one, as I finally found a piece that I'd been searching for years. Now I'm done... there's nothing else out there that I need.

...........I think. :bangin:

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Thanks everyone who took the time to reply. At this point, I've got my sights set pretty high, and the only realistic way to get there is to sell off. I've got a box full of modded pams, and a box full of ultra frankens. Selling those will only bring a fraction of what I need, so most likely I'll be selling some of my major hitters.

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I sort of put my watches into two catagories,the "keepers" and the "disposables". Most of the time a watch falls into the disposable catagory because it was one I bought on a whim because i liked it at the tiime, but find that it just isn't what I like. Then there are those that I sort of buy to try. A good case in point was a cheap but nice SeaDweller rep that I bought as an interim until my WM9 SD was delivered LOL !! Well considering that project is either DOA or so far in the future, I may be in a nursing home when it arrives, I decided to shift my focus to modding a MBW 1665.I figured to sell a couple of the disposables to raise a few bucks for genuine parts, so the SD was one that went.I really try, usualy without much success to keep my watch hobby as funds neutral as possible. I need to buy, so i need to sell something to fund it. (Sounds good in theory, usually doesn't work!)

The keepers including my genuine Rolexes and Tudors are here to stay as well as my MBW's and my PAM 063. Other than those, most of the rest could be sold with little or no remorse. One thing that I do think about before selling today is "How difficult was it to find this watch, such as my old skool Eddie Lee PAM 063 and my WM9/BK v3 Sub, and if I sold it and wanted another how hard and how expensive would it be to replace"?

Another factor in my case, I'm getting to the age where I am seriously considering what I want to pass on to my children, and what needs to be sold before that time takes place.

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I always aim to keep (or certainly make use of parts from) watches I buy, and I doubt what I have would interest many buyers, so as Freddy said, I buy to keep :) I would (and have) sell if I desperately needed the cash, but never to fund another watch purchase, as my collection planning has always been pretty strategic. To me, selling X to buy Y, would still meaning acquiring another X to fill that gap in the collection :)

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I have my collection pared down to six pieces that have enough emotional connection that I won't part with them. There are three that don't get my respect anymore, and they're disposable. I wouldn't really miss 'em, and I'd happily sell them to fund another.

Only recently I allowed myself to increase the stable by one, as I finally found a piece that I'd been searching for years. Now I'm done... there's nothing else out there that I need.

...........I think. :bangin:

Shame those three are wasting space at your place. You should send them to a home of Love.........I have started a refuge for unwanted/unloved watches.

Contact me for the info on this important program.......

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Shame those three are wasting space at your place. You should send them to a home of Love.........I have started a refuge for unwanted/unloved watches.

Contact me for the info on this important program.......

Sort of like a La Brea Watch Pit?! :bangin: I love it!

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Thanks everyone who took the time to reply. At this point, I've got my sights set pretty high, and the only realistic way to get there is to sell off. I've got a box full of modded pams, and a box full of ultra frankens. Selling those will only bring a fraction of what I need, so most likely I'll be selling some of my major hitters.

Hmmmmm, I'm sensing something pretty spectacular looms just over the horizon?! popcorn.gif

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Dare I go out on a limb and guess something vintage? :victory:

Of course TJ! :drinks:

..the funny thing is, I plan on selling my gens to get it. The frankens and nicely modded pams feel more like artwork and creations. Unless someone made me a serious offer for one of my frankens, I think they'll be staying with me :)

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You animal! :thumbsupsmileyanim: Go for it.



Thanks guys :drinks:

I figured that I may as well get one. Although they are not especially rare, they are coveted, and will hopefully hold their value. Unless something very rare pops up at the right time, this will be it. If anyone is seriously interested in one of my pieces, shoot me a PM.

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Of course TJ! :drinks:

..the funny thing is, I plan on selling my gens to get it. The frankens and nicely modded pams feel more like artwork and creations. Unless someone made me a serious offer for one of my frankens, I think they'll be staying with me :)


I completely know what you mean there. I never had to sell a watch I built or modified myself, and I'm not sure if I could for the reasons you mentioned, but a 'stock purchased' item, well, that can always be replaced with another 'stock purchased' twin :D Can't wait to see your new acquisition :victory:

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