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Isnt this forum the best?


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Tyrant, you'd do well to learn not to let things bother you that you cannot control. So they laugh it up at other fora... big deal. It doesn't hurt you in the slightest. Best thing you can do is act with integrity and build a solid reputation. THAT is what speaks loudest when the gnats are buzzing around.

I figure probably half the people in the world will hate me, and half will accept me. The further you go up the leadership ladder, the uglier those odds get. So let it slide off like water off a duck's back and focus on the things that matter.

Like... Who's got the best Sub?! :Jumpy:

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"Isn't this forum the best?"


Well of course it is. The tempered mannerisms of well grounded members, the lack of back stabbing and witch hunts make it a great place for both inexperienced and long serving members alike. 



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On 10/11/2017 at 10:19 PM, kernow said:

"Isn't this forum the best?"


Well of course it is. The tempered mannerisms of well grounded members, the lack of back stabbing and witch hunts make it a great place for both inexperienced and long serving members alike. 



I'm the inexperienced one and I like the long serving members help... Nice to be here. Thank you guys.

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50 minutes ago, lorenzo1910 said:

I'm the inexperienced one and I like the long serving members help... Nice to be here. Thank you guys.

We are a Brotherhood. What goes around, comes around. Everyone started as a noobie, but before too long one finds oneself able to pay back kindness shown by helping others with the knowledge one has acquired.

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12 minutes ago, Jack1993 said:

I think it’s great. It’s been a few weeks now and I still struggle to navigate it. Not to good with my phone but I just join in where I can and like looking at the pieces everyone turns out 

Get yourself an iPad for Christmas mate

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5 hours ago, Sogeha said:

Get yourself an iPad for Christmas mate

Oh I got an iPad, don’t really use it my phones nearly as big ? I’m fine using the phones it’s these sorts of websites in general I’m no good once actually on the web lol

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Oh I got an iPad, don’t really use it my phones nearly as big I’m fine using the phones it’s these sorts of websites in general I’m no good once actually on the web lol

Download and try using the tapatalk app. It’s a little easier to navigate on smartphones and iPads. Welcome aboard!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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  • 4 weeks later...
On 11/9/2017 at 11:40 PM, tyrantblade said:

I been banned on 2 of the other rep forums, and i dont miss them at all.


I do know what they been up to on .bz though since they like to laugh it up at people they know arent on their forums to be able to stand up for themselves.


You and me both mate.  This place is where it's at my friend.

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On 09/11/2017 at 9:40 PM, tyrantblade said:

I been banned on 2 of the other rep forums, and i dont miss them at all.


I do know what they been up to on .bz though since they like to laugh it up at people they know arent on their forums to be able to stand up for themselves.

So you’ve been banned but still know what’s going on? Sock account?

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Fox, maybe they just read you do not have to be a member here to read most areas. Could be could not but we as mods choose not to pursue it further at this time if we did it would be done quietly behind the scenes in RWGcc style no witch hunts and we ain't starting one now.


Rush you are correct and rest assured I know the facts/details from Greg and TB, we have discussed this at length a matter of fact quite recently.


Look guys it is really different here for better or worse well that is a matter of opinion but we believe in second chances in some cases and the rule of law not the mob. I will not re-adjudicate these cases here in open thread (that's for sure) nor in PM unless new info warrants it . As of a week or two ago neither Greg nor TB had anything new so at this time these matters are closed.


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Well said Mike. Civilized societies did away with lynch mobs awhile back, in favor of evidence, impartial adjudication and hopes of correction and restoration. "Off with his Head" is a thing of the past where mature people rub elbows.

Every one of us has skeletons in our closet, and we've all received forgiveness when we didn't deserve it. Personally, I'm grateful for that. It compels me to extend forgiveness to others whenever possible. I see a lot of people doing that here, and that builds strong communities.

That is what makes this place great.

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3 hours ago, Mike on a bike said:

Fox, maybe they just read you do not have to be a member here to read most areas. Could be could not but we as mods choose not to pursue it further at this time if we did it would be done quietly behind the scenes in RWGcc style no witch hunts and we ain't starting one now.


That is true Mike, good point. And I’m not looking to start or participate in a Witch Hunt (God knows, life is to short for that). I just wouldn’t want anyone getting the wrong impression about how people are treated next door.

I’ve been lucky enough to be a member there since 2012 and have never had any bad dealings with anyone (I even managed to never get a hard time from Baldrick, which was a feat in itself). I treat others how I expect to be treated, according to how I have behaved or have been perceived to behave. I take both your (and Nanuq’s) rebuke on the chin if you believe I have acted or spoken out of turn (I am big, old and ugly enough to take responsibility for myself and answer accordingly). 

It can be a little rough at .bz but we look after each other and if someone or something walks like a duck, quacks like a duck... it’s usually a duck...

Anyway gentlemen, thanks and have a good week ahead.

Edited by foxindebox
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Fox, I didn't intend my post as a rebuke. More of a statement of purpose.

The early days of TRC and RWG (original) were the Wild West at times and we all had a dig at each other dozens of times. That's still welcome here and I've been on the receiving end myself more times than you can shake a stick at. We're all big boys and know when jesting takes on a sharp edge. I figure I'll never say anything here that I wouldn't say to someone's face... that works for me.

In the meantime, who's got the best Sub?

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It most certainly is the best Fluffy, we worked with you to keep you here, others would have blasted you and look at you now, you contribute more than a lot of people. That’s why we’re the best, we care and understand each other!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

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