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TTK's Group Buy and Beyond - Where's TTK?


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What is the point in keeping it open Ken? Without TTK here to listen, you are just being a bunch of whining hens.

C'mon - this is just angling for mischief isn't it? I don't see what this adds to any group buy discussion.

TTK is not going to be posting responses to questions here, so it is true to say that there is no point asking TTK questions here.

Still, it will be nice for those members still awaiting watches to be able to post the wonderful news that they finally arrived.

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True CS, but as we have seen inaccurate posting is happening here (TTK pocketing re-routing charges), and TTK isn't here to defend himself against this type of BS. Is it fair that Rico or Narrikaa have to monitor this thread just to make sure TTK's back is covered? The casual reader may now be left with the impression that TTK is indeed a scammer, if they happened to view before Reg was able to uncover the truth.

All these people will get there watches. I'm sure you have no doubt about that either CS. So shut the tread, and stop spreading rumor and innuendo about a guy who is not here to defend himself.

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I looked at the times on RG, and within 5 minutes of musicale seeing the explanation there he had updated the thread here. In the scheme of things, that is not an unreasonable amount of time, and hardly worth fretting about. I thought musicale's post was excellent.

Again, I will reiterate to folk - there's no point trying to contact TTK via this thread, you have to skype or contact him on repgeeks.

But I understand that buyers do still have watches outstanding from the group buy, so there is not a chance in hell of shutting this thread down - they deserve to be able to say their piece.

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so there is not a chance in hell of shutting this thread down - they deserve to be able to say their piece.

Confirmed...and that is a snowflakes chance in hell!

Once ALL.. OUR members have confirmed satisfaction.......we can move on.


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I should now add that I have been in touch with TTK over at Repgeeks and he has explained the situation, that in fact the routing was unnecessary and that the credit is waiting for me for another order and has been all along. He did in fact try to explain this to me through PM before I ordered but I must have misunderstood his explanation. I'm satisfied with the outcome.

How smart of TTK to hook you for another order with him.....better pass on that offer!!!!


Edited by loewenheart
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I looked at the times on RG, and within 5 minutes of musicale seeing the explanation there he had updated the thread here. In the scheme of things, that is not an unreasonable amount of time, and hardly worth fretting about. I thought musicale's post was excellent.

Again, I will reiterate to folk - there's no point trying to contact TTK via this thread, you have to skype or contact him on repgeeks.

But I understand that buyers do still have watches outstanding from the group buy, so there is not a chance in hell of shutting this thread down - they deserve to be able to say their piece.

If the big concern here is for our members to get their watches, then why not grant TTK access to his PM box where he has information critical to the delivery of our members watches? That, to me, would seem to be a far more useful approach.

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If the big concern here is for our members to get their watches, then why not grant TTK access to his PM box where he has information critical to the delivery of our members watches? That, to me, would seem to be a far more useful approach.



I will grant Neil PM access for the next 12 hours...

Problem solved...



PS: Please do me a favor and let Neil know...

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I will grant Neil PM access for the next 12 hours...

Problem solved...



PS: Please do me a favor and let Neil know...

TTK has asked me to let the members here know that he will NOT be visiting RWG for the purpose of collecting his PMs. Needless to say that the recent events have soured him on this place, and that he does not wish to enter the site again. If you have outstanding issues with the group buy he has asked that you contact him at RepGeek with details.

@TT, thanks for trying.

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Hmmmmm, so much for the rationale posted on RG about not being able to deliver because of those PM's.

Since you appear to be his interpreter.....If he is really committed to delivering all outstanding RWG orders, what are members here supposed to do ^_^

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Wow, the truth comes out. TTK first and customers last. I never thought I would say that. But now I can only conclude that the whole admin team was way to lenient with him. We should have caught on and banned him long ago. I had a fond place in my heart for him, his antics and his arbitrary dealings but now it is gone.

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Since you appear to be his interpreter.....If he is really committed to delivering all outstanding RWG orders, what are members here supposed to do ^_^

Did you read my post? Go to RepGeek. If you think about it, if you were in his shoes, wouldn't you want tour RWG customers to register at RG? He really has no use for RWG only members does he ;)

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I think a little bit of common sense should prevail here

None of my affair as I am not owed a watch nor had any part in this group buy

But if I did, I think I would be communicating with Neil to get whatever the delay is ironed out

Baying at the moon in this thread clearly isnt achieving that.

Sitting back and waiting for its none arrival seems a trifle myopic too now doesnt it....so it doesnt come, what ya gonna do? Scream scammer? eer Ban him?? Come on lets have a reality injection here.


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Neil's PM's have been archived and sent to his e-mail address...

Which is what should have happened at the very beginning of his ban <_<

The delay in doing so served to sully Neil's name in a way he had no control over.

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I received the tracking number from TTK a couple of days ago...I am expecting them soon to arrive...

ok, even if it is a thing from RG group buy...just to let you all know that the watches arrived today...in 4 days once they've been shipped...reps are great...for the price paid, this are definitely one of the best reps that you can get...

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Which is what should have happened at the very beginning of his ban <_<

The delay in doing so served to sully Neil's name in a way he had no control over.

Neil had every chance to access his PM's when his collectors account was suspended, he chose instead to sully his own name and bring on the ban when he started handing out threats instead of looking after business.

There is not one member of our Admin team who has called TTK a scammer, I know I have posted on a couple of occasions that I did not think he would ever do that, the whole team has also been more than willing to help to get this GB cleared up.

If one member does not receive his GB watch because of some perceived interference by our Admin team then that member would have been scammed by TTK!


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Ken, according to Neil, access to his PMs was denied without warning. Now, coming on the heels of his dealer section being locked down (again with no warning), I doubt whether he had the foresight to archive his PMs. For you and the admin team to try and take any kind of credit for members receiving watches is absurd. As far as I can see, you took away his ability to do business here (apparently without T' consent), not once but twice. You denied him access to his business info, and have done nothing but slow the process for RWG members.

Everybody will get their watches, as I'm sure you knew they would, but please don't take credit for it.

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Andrew I thought you had a bit more intelligence that this, or have you just thrown your lot in with Neil regardless..

1, Everyone knows that Neil did not deal with customers through his PM system

2, If you truly believe T did not consent on Neils banning send him a mail and ask him, the guy does have executive powers and we can do nothing that goes against his wishes.

3, At no point did I even remotely suggest that the Admin team will take credit for Neil delivering watches, please do not try and take what i say out of context our members are not stupid enough to fall for that.

4, To my knowledge when Neils dealership was suspended he still had access to his PM account

And finally to answer your previous question about this thread staying open, every dealer has to put up with these threads when deals hit snags, why should we make an exception for Neil?


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If one member does not receive his GB watch because of some perceived interference by our Admin team then that member would have been scammed by TTK!

What an utter conceit! Do you realise how ridiculous the above statement sounds?!

Ken, according to Neil, access to his PMs was denied without warning. Now, coming on the heels of his dealer section being locked down (again with no warning), I doubt whether he had the foresight to archive his PMs. For you and the admin team to try and take any kind of credit for members receiving watches is absurd. As far as I can see, you took away his ability to do business here (apparently without T' consent), not once but twice. You denied him access to his business info, and have done nothing but slow the process for RWG members.

Spot on Andreww. Members who were around at the time would have noticed (and Reg has since alluded to) how TTK's account status jumped back-and-forth from green to red several times as events ensued.

There is a history of moderators acting unilaterally in events without first seeking consensus from the mod team. One such occasion is how relations between us were destroyed Ken!! I even managed to get an apology from T for that incident.

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What an utter conceit!

Exactly where is the conceit in this comment, I am saying the team will help in any way to see he gets any of his info needed to meet his commitments.

Why is that you guys that openly support Neil POV have totally glossed over our Admin's post where he clearly states that Neil was banned for making threats?


Edit to add; this is what our Admin wrote in the TTK banned thread...

I'm just going to add this single post to this thread before I go back on my forum leave:

Sure, the timing on this is not the best and to be honest, I do not like this at all. But TTK has made his own bed here. This is not about his customer service, him being rude or members who have not received their watches yet (Most likely received the watches you have ordered from him, because TTK has never scammed a member).

There is only one reason why he has been banned from the forum: The threats I have received from him, both in writing via Skype chat and also by voice, via Skype. I have up until two days ago considered TTK to be a good "online" friend, but I will not tolerate threats from any forum member and that is the reason he is no longer welcome here.

What part of that do you guys fail to understand?

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TTK has asked me to let the members here know that he will NOT be visiting RWG for the purpose of collecting his PMs. Needless to say that the recent events have soured him on this place, and that he does not wish to enter the site again. If you have outstanding issues with the group buy he has asked that you contact him at RepGeek with details.

@TT, thanks for trying.

That is just really mature on his part. Rather than make an effort to ensure that things go smoothly for his customers after complaining that he could not get information from his messages on RWG he turns down an opportunity to get that information. He is making these poor people who have paid him in good faith for nothing so far jump through even more hoops. What a piece of work. <_<

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