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I want to bring up the issue of the use of pornographic avatars on this forum. I was thinking, should there be some guideline as to what is appropriate and inappropriate for use as avatar?

Now don't get me wrong, I love naked women as much as the next person, but sometimes it just doesn't seem appropriate for a forum like this, and especially when we read the forum at home in front of our wives, fiancees, etc.


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I want to bring up the issue of the use of pornographic avatars on this forum. I was thinking, should there be some guideline as to what is appropriate and inappropriate for use as avatar?

Now don't get me wrong, I love naked women as much as the next person, but sometimes it just doesn't seem appropriate for a forum like this, and especially when we read the forum at home in front of our wives, fiancees, etc.


No rule against naked avatars, and As far as I know.

If you do not want to view others avatars/Sigs, click on the link at the top labled "My Controls" and find the link on the lower left that says "Board Settings". Review this page and you can cut on/off several things you find offensive....

Admin - Be assured that we in the moderating and admin team are vigilant in what is tasteful and tasteless and will act where appropriate.

If this were the case, Admin wouldn't have needed to post.

Imagine you're a woman interested in watches. You're likely to have left before you find the turn-off-avatars button.

Yes, I realise disagreeing with moderators/admins is never a wise idea, but in this case, if I'd have had to guess, I'd have guessed the moderators weren't looking at avatars or signatures.

Or, of course, I'd have thought the admins were all men and really didn't give a monkeys about it.

Freedom vs. Security. It's the old story. Much of the answer comes from self-policing and a sense of community and responsibility.

This thread is the sense of community and responsibility. This is self-policing in action.

Oh, and for all the horny single men hoping to meet single women on the internet, here's a hint: Don't use a pair of boobies or a bikini-babe for your avatar. :D


I agree that there should be some restrictions... Firstly, such material bear no relevance to the hobby of watch collecting... Secondly, I am embarrassed to refer this forum to my 14 year old nephew, who is expressing considerable interest in reps. i think that some constraints would not be unreasonable.


For what it is worth, it doesn't bother me. One of the reasons I spend so much time here is because of a general sense of openness. Several of the gen forums have turned me off because they have a small "in group" and lots of rules (IMO). I guess this is just a preference issue, but I would rather have fewer rules and risk some being offended. Also, since I'm a college professor I deal with these issue all the time with my lectures. When you deal with lots of people, it starts to become almost impossible not to offend someone, sometimes. You would not believe the long list of things one cannot say in the classroom because it might offend someone. The end result is that is things become pretty boring, just like many of the gen forums.

When you deal with lots of people, it starts to become almost impossible not to offend someone, sometimes. You would not believe the long list of things one cannot say in the classroom because it might offend someone. The end result is that is things become pretty boring, just like many of the gen forums.

Ok, I'll get my seal-clubbing Avatar ready. :D

There are simple questions like ... can someone get fired if this pic is found in their webcache?


Ok, I don't want to be labelled as the prude of this forum, but I really don't think a avatar of a completely naked woman inserting something into her vagina is appropriate. Plain and simple. Avatars like sgl_pl's are more than fine.

I think we are driving away a lot of potential audience by this, and especially female members. Every wonder why there's only something like 1 or 2 female's on here?

And god point, Pugwash, using pictures of boobies to attract women is self-destruction. ;)


I enjoy a fun or interesting avatar as much as anyone else but lately I have been seeing more nudity than I'd like to for a forum like this. I would have no problem with a "no nudity" rule for avatars or signatures.

Just make sure this pic of Scarlett that Bignasty uses never leaves us.


I think we are driving away a lot of potential audience by this, and especially female members. Every wonder why there's only something like 1 or 2 female's on here?

Indeed. Would you rather look at the same picture of a pair of [censored] day in day out, or would you rather talk to someone who has a pair for real? :D

Er, I mean ... something. I don't think there's anyone that knows me, even vaguely, that could consider me a prude, but the blatant mammary avatars do make me roll my eyes. Imagine, you want everyone to think you look like a pair of [censored]?

Obviously, there are a few exceptions, and I think self-policing means Edge might not get rid of his fine avatar, for instance, but come on ...

Ok, I don't want to be labelled as the prude of this forum, but I really don't think a avatar of a completely naked woman inserting something into her vagina is appropriate. Plain and simple. Avatars like sgl_pl's are more than fine.

I think we are driving away a lot of potential audience by this, and especially female members. Every wonder why there's only something like 1 or 2 female's on here?

And god point, Pugwash, using pictures of boobies to attract women is self-destruction. ;)

I totally agree with you, Admin. I saw that avatar and thought it was quite over the top.

I used to have some pretty racy avatars of beautiful women wearing cool watches, but one of the older members of the board made a comment about not being able to view the board at work because of some of the content. The point was well taken, and perhaps it should be revisited.

I agree, there has to be freedom here, but some stuff simply is not appropriate. I have no problem with mods deleting offensive images...


Bottom line is that I don't think anyone here wants us to be the "Avatar" police. Removing avatars would "Offend" some while allowing certain avatars would "Offend" others. There is no part of the Site agreement that says you have the right to not be offended...

If you have a problem with a specific Avatar, Sig, Post, etc.... use the "Report" button and tell us about it. We can't see everything...

There are simple questions like ... can someone get fired if this pic is found in their webcache?

They/we shouldnt be surfing web forum's on their/our employer's time and computers anyway...so the naughty pictures are just gravy if the employer is looking to fire someone :D


I'm one of those people who checks up on the forums from work a fair amount. While this is certainly something I do at my own risk I have had to explain to my female assistant a few times that it is a watch forum and not a porn forum. She just laughs it off but it does make me wonder how many people have the same issue. I really enjoy the different avatars and think they add personality to the members but would like to see people keep the really nasty stuff off. Just my 2 cents.

btw- I don't think the mods should have to worry about the avatars. We should be able to decide what is done in bad taste.




Ahem (wee voice in the wilderness) I'm a woman, been on the forums for 3 years, haven't been driven off the forums yet. Gotten close, but that's because of the obsession with Pams (really boring). I really love watches and reps, I've got over 30 of 'em, and I'm not going away any time soon.

I just ignore the avatars and photos of near naked girls, I find it kind of silly and juvenile, if you want to know the truth. To me, a person who feels compelled to post this type of thing seems to have some kind of need to prove something, to impress. The cool guys I know and like would never do this, they don't need to.

The only practical comment I would like to make is that when you are at work and want to check into the forums, having these avatars and photos come up on your screen is not cool.


I tend to agree here that I would rather not see the naked ladies in the forum - unless of course it's MU! (KIDDING). Seriously though I think it takes away from the focus of our group and drives off some. I love to look at a beautiful woman as much as the next guy but im here to look at watches (just my 2 cents worth)


I like to have avatars and signatures switched on because they add a personal touch, plus it's easy to recognise some people by their avatars and signatures. At home, if I don't like any of them I can just adblock the images in Firefox.

However this means that I can't browse the forums at work without first going in and turning off avatars/signatures in case someone has something there that's not work suitable. It's a pain having to remember to do this so I've ended up just not browsing here when I'm at work. I don't have a choice of browser at work so the adblock thing isn't an option.

Shame really. I'd love to see a 'no nudity' rule in sigs and avatars purely for this reason, ie to make the forums work-safe.


You can simply switch off avatars and signatures in 'my controls'. That is what I had to do some months back as the volume of racy avatars & sigs increased. I do look at RWG at work, and enjoy a quiet look at the forum from time to time. Having pictures of semi, or fully naked women pop up on the screen would have seriously jeopardised that! So I switched them off, and now I miss them but I've still got a job!!! It's a shame as you often associate members with their avatars & sigs and now I can't even remember what mine look like (avatar and sig that is...)!!!


Naked women are nice and all... but I check in from work and would rather not see them. Its nice to have the avatars and signatures enabled because they add a personal touch and make it easy to quickly identify someone.

If someone wants pics, there is the GGG thread or its equivalent.


Dunno about you guys, but I'm having a problem with that exploding head animation someone is using. I know it's just a movie effect (Scanners) but I still find my stomach churning for a few minutes after I see it, plus I can see that giving kids nightmares.

[censored] and [censored], no problems though.... :D

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