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I would like to provide a reason for my general animosity against porn, etc.

It just brings back really horrible memories from a few months ago when I was sitting on a jury in a murder trial. We were shown numerous exhibits seized from the computers of the accused, who dreamed raping women and then murdering them afterwards, and it was revealed in open court that they had over 50,000 pictures combined of pornographic material, and we were shown quite a few of these pictures. Unfortunately, their violent fantasy did come to life and cost a young mother her life, and almost her child's life. So whenever I think of porn-obsessed people, I unfortunately think of violent rapists who murder women now. I'm very sorry it came to this, but this is what happened.

This thread has Highs & Low's but damn, talk about a buzz kill.... :(

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Well, in a previous life (another mod job) I was accused of being too harsh on people. I'm walking down a different road these days and that road is: I read the posts, enjoy myself and help people out when then need help. No need to look at the "bad" stuff, it's all flowers and roses (right?). :whistling: I don't think anyone wants me to revert back to my old style. ;) I do agree that flavor flav's avatar is over the top, but I'm sure we could "persuade" him to maybe tone it down a little bit. As mentioned the report function works great and gets a message to everyone on the moderating team, so it will get some sort of attention. It doesn't mean we all should cry about everything that seems to bother us (guns, nude women, seal clubbing...) just like at home if you don't like what's on the TV (commercials) you either ignore it or turn to a different channel (or thread here). I think probably 98% of us here know what's in good taste and what's in bad taste, but those of us in charge should not be responsible to police every post, avatar, picture or signature on here either. Lets be adults, which most of us are here, and be responsible for ourselves (or I can play "daddy" again). :whistling:

Guest sub4me

I really need to see flavor flav's avatar I somehow missed it :brow: LOL wow this really turned into quite the chat. You want to know what I think? Of course you do, but if not close your browser NOW.

I enjoy all the avatars I find it part of the enjoyment of the forum and I take no offense to anyones avatar or pic or whatever. Now for all you who complain about work isuses, well I'm sorry to hear that but you should probablly be working anyway and not surfing so block it or just wait till you get home, work issuse solved now get back to work so you can buy more reps. :D

As far as a dating forum thats just nuts. If people are coming here to pick up a date well they got some problems if they think their gonna find love :bleh: on a watch forum full of a bunch of crazy rep lovers.

Hey post what you want, express yourself, and be yourself. Have fun thats why were all here to have fun and enjoy this crazy habit we all have and if you feel the need to post little ones, big ones, medium size ones, your girlfriends, yours (girls only please) or the sexiest damn pic you find on the web then do it. Oh also the occasional lesbian pic would be much appericated :thumbsupsmileyanim:

I think were all doing just fine here and no need to go deleting avatars and point to others that we don't agree with.

That said could somone please point me to flavor flav's avator. :thumbs:

In my case I work in the IT department, we're pretty much expected to be surfing the net when we've got spare time. It's not frowned upon at all. If all our work is up to date and there's nothing outstanding it's not a problem.

Not all companies are paranoid about their employees using the internet.

Well said Feek. I work in a very aggresive software company and manage a rather large group of salespeople. These people work their [censored] off for us and I fully expect them to surf the web for virtually anything they want as long as it doesn't create a bad work environment for others and they produce revenue. I enjoy the few breaks in my day by checking in on this and other forums. My issue is that I don't see any reason that a watch forum needs to be pornographic. My assistant is always in and out of my office and I'm sure she doesn't want to see these images. I'm by no means a prude but it all comes down to one question (for me). What does porn add to the forum and what does it take away? Why put something up that keeps others from fully enjoying the hobby? I couldn't care less about most of the images but I can't speak for everybody that views my computer at work or home. Anyway, just my thoughts on the subject and I respect the fact that others will have other opinions. I like the fact that we are talking about it.


Guest sub4me

Just got back from you know whos avatar and all I can say is whoa :yeah:

Am I offended ? NO

Is it porno? NO

Was it pleasing on the eyes? Of Course.

Will I look again? YES

. Tells me a lot about his view on women. :thumbdown:

with all due respect, women in general do not understand males fascination with women. I don't think flav posted this in an effort to demean women, rather he was titilated by the photo, as are most males. We love women and we especially love nude women, hot nude women. This is just biology. Hey, women attribute their rather poor monthly behavior to hormones, can you understand that our hormones may play a role in our behavior?



If it's really that bad and people don't want/can't be bothered to switch of avatars, maybe there could be a self rating of avatars of say 0-3, with 3 being XXX and 2 being nude women, 1 being women semi-clothed and 0 being "acceptable" avatars.... then maybe each level could be switched off individually.

For home use, the FireFox Adblock may be the way to go.

I don't have any problems with any avatars as no one else touches my computer. This is just a suggestion to help those who are offended.


It wasn't too awful long ago while reading thru some posts, I happened to catch someone's av of a topless chick with really really big [censored]. No, didn't offend me, actually didn't do a thing for me either . . . didn't think she was all that cute anyway. It did kind of suprise me to see that for an avatar though, but saw it again on another posts & just figured things must be a LOT more laid back here than at the old RWG. Didn't get a chance to see flavor flav's but that's not gonna ruin my nite either. When ever a group of people get together there's always going to be the chance of someone doing or saying something someone else is going to be offended by. I know the problems the net can cause in the workplace. I've written and helped write internet policies for companies before, and hopefully, will get paid to do it some more. In the workplace one of the main goals of the company internet policy is to cover their own asses . . . from lawsuits from employees . . . who are offended by something a co-worker emailed, received in an email, or has up on their screen. There are a lot of companies who let their employees use the company internet connection during breaks, lunch, before/after hours, or even in between their normal work chores. It's the employee's responsibility to stay within the company guidelines while on the net at work. In that light, if you are worried about something coming up on your computer at work that might get you in trouble, stay away from it. If you think some of these avatars will cause problems at work, take the extra few seconds to go into your controls and block the avatars. If you are offended by some of the avatars when you're at home, same thing, take the extra few seconds to go & block them. Firefox is also a good idea, and it will keep you out of a lot of problems on the net because most all things infernal are aimed at IE. Don't know if Opera has those features too, but it's also a good choice over IE. If one particular avatar is that so extremely offensive to you, PM or email that person, and politely let them know how/why it bothers you that terribly much. Most everyone here I would think would take your views into consideration, and would probably change it. Somehow I don't think a masturbating babe avatar would be something someone would want to hang onto for their whole RWG2 existance anyway. The moderators and Admins have enough to do without getting involved in policing avatars . . . they have watches to buy too !!



sorry if my avatar offended anyone........seriously, just thought it was a great avatar! i changed it because of the response on my post before i even read this thread! i never thought about people reading forums at work or kids and things like that. i am married and have no problems with women.....in fact....i love them :D


<------ How's my new avatar? Don't know if you remember the old one though...

Well I did not mean to shock anybody with a naked woman avatar.

Actually I never received complaints, only compliments!

But I understnd it bothers some.

Sorry about this.

Posted (edited)

boy, am I late to this thread! In my opinion, I don't think mods would need to do too much. I think most of the time people can do some good policing themselves. Just use good judgment to the best that we can, and I think we will be in pretty good shape as a forum. Happy Friday everyone.

Edited by Woody
Posted (edited)

And here I thought this topic would be about Ron Jeremy and other pornographic avatars. :D

I don't really understand the "I gotta always be looking at women" argument for having nekkid avatars/signatures etc. You know, I'd told that the modern computer can have more than one internet session going at one time. And I am also told that there are websites with more and better naked pictures of women than this one. Watch streaming hardcore porn while surfing this site, I don't give a crap. But some members' alleged 24/7 need to be looking at porn (hey, whatever floats your boat) still doesn't mean it has to be posted HERE.

I like porn too, but I also like to have some control over when I'm looking at it -- i.e., NOT all of a sudden while I'm reading about fake Panerais, with my wife watching TV next to me on the couch.

As far as the workplace aspect of it goes, it does make a difference. Most honest HR directors will tell you that almost every employee wastes hours every day doing personal stuff on the net, so the company is unlikely to make that an issue unless your job performance is actually hurting because of your web habits.

On the other hand, at least in the US, porn in the workplace = immediate grounds for termination because it subjects the company to legal exposure. And the HR director WILL fire you because if the company is later sued and it's discovered that he/she overlooked your porn habit, he/she and you WILL be fired. So the "who cares, it's all prohibited anyway" argument is wrong. Wasting an hour a day on this site at work might cost you your bonus. Getting caught looking at naked pictures at work will cost you your job.

Edited by kanerich

OK, I appreciate your interest in nude women. Fine. I'm going to lay it on the line here. If I [censored] you off, too bad.



I thought I may need to shout that. If you don't have kids and therefore cannot relate, then go to Wal-Mart and try to purchase some consideration for others. Oh, wait, it's something you can't buy. Hmmm.

Posted (edited)
If I [censored] you off, too bad.

Yes, you [censored] me off.

I understand your point of view 100%.

But there is a way to say it, and your way is just wrong.

What if I say: 'If I bother you with my avatar, too bad'????

This topic was interesting, everybody was sharing his/her view peacefully, until you intervened.

Edited by tag

If you want porn, and it's something I'm not against, then go to a porn site.

This isn't about anyone ruining anyone's fun, or puritanical witch-hunts, this is about consideration and respect for others.

How's about I spell it out for you. If you use a porn avatar, and I include out-of-context [censored], you are probably reading this forum naked with one hand on the mouse and the other in your genital area.

This isn't about anyone ruining anyone's fun, or puritanical witch-hunts

Yes, it is, as long as one can simply switch avatars off but he rather prefers to pontificate others about decence and morality in a community.

How's about I spell it out for you. If you use a porn avatar, and I include out-of-context [censored], you are probably reading this forum naked with one hand on the mouse and the other in your genital area.

And here is how I spell it for you. This is the 2nd time (the first is here) that you make a compulsory association between seeing nudity and masturbation. This goes a long way in telling of your mental attitude.

As Highflyingclive said,

Evil is in the eye of the beholder.
And here is how I spell it for you. This is the 2nd time (the first is here) that you make a compulsory association between seeing nudity and masturbation. This goes a long way in telling of your mental attitude.

Once more with feeling: Nudity isn't porn.

You have no idea how amusing your image of me is.

with all due respect, women in general do not understand males fascination with women. I don't think flav posted this in an effort to demean women, rather he was titilated by the photo, as are most males. We love women and we especially love nude women, hot nude women. This is just biology. Hey, women attribute their rather poor monthly behavior to hormones, can you understand that our hormones may play a role in our behavior?


I DEFINITELY understand the male fascination with women. I am a blonde Barbie-doll...I did some light modeling through and after college, and have been on TV here and there. Even at 37, I still look ok ;)(Birdman knows me...he'll tell ya). I have been the object of...fascination or whatever...most of my adult life. Certainly not complaining about it...I have rather enjoyed the attention!

I think that posting a woman masturbating ON A WATCH SITE goes beyond fascination. I think there is a difference between posting nudity (which is not porn) and posting an act (which is porn). Hormones may play a role in your behavior, but it doesn't mean you need to have bad judgment.

Like I said on a previous post, I don't have a problem with most of the avatars. Nudity is cool. Maybe I should have a naked man as my avatar...


I have a problem with the nudity and the pornography.... doesn't scandalize me anymore :blink: .

For the rest each does as believes.

Once more with feeling: Nudity isn't porn.

And Repaustria's post surely did not contain porn (neither nudity, as well), still you came out with speaking about masturbation.

I can re-phrase my sentence with 'porn' in place of 'nudity' if you prefer, it does not change a bit about its meaning:

' This is the 2nd time that you make a compulsory association between seeing porn and masturbation. '

You have no idea how amusing your image of me is.

Surely I don't have (and I don't care to have).

Personally, I feel no amusement at the image of a man who does not consider that other men can look at nudity or porn and they still do not think about masturbation. A man who uses charges of masturbation as his next-level argument to those he does not agree with.

Btw, it seems as you even think that masturbating is a worse thing than trying to drive others to conform their behavior to someone else's idea of decence and morality.


My question for those that have the nude avatars is what is the point?

I don't see any benefit in having it? However it causes trouble for many members?

If there was some benefit to be derived, then cool. But what benefit is there to having a naked girl next to your post about the IWC Jones?

I don't see an upside here, just a downside?

If an upside exists, would someone please explain?

And Repaustria's post surely did not contain porn (neither nudity, as well), still you came out with speaking about masturbation.

You see, you missed that thread before posts were edited and deleted. There was a post going on about his girl's [censored] and another claiming to be able to see her nipple and describing it. I wasn't the one one-handed browsing that thread.

Personally, I feel no amusement at the image of a man who does not consider that other men can look at nudity or porn and they still do not think about masturbation. A man who uses charges of masturbation as his next-level argument to those he does not agree with.

Btw, it seems as you even think that masturbating is a worse thing than trying to drive others to conform their behavior to someone else's idea of decence and morality.

You don't know me, because if you did, you would know that my time spent working in the porn industry was an excellent and entertaining period of my life and didn't change my views on how I see porn. I love pretty ladies, especially when they're naked or scantily clad. I worked with a porn photographer and met quite a few porn stars and models and was impressed by how un-abused they seemed. I don't have any pretensions that porn was art, as it is produced purely for enjoyment, usually involving wanking.

Masturbating web surfers paid my rent, and as such I do not judge them or fear them. I was grateful there were enough of them to subsidise my spending time in the company of porn stars.

Is it clear enough yet? I have nothing against nudity, sex, porn, masturbation, etc. However, this is a [censored]ing watch forum and when I want porn, I'll look elsewhere.

Honestly, when I said you don't know me, I wasn't kidding.

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