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Is Jakub away?


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I think as time passes, a line will be crossed where there will definetly be no more friendly contact, sooner or later the bounty hunters, Detectives and PIs from all over the world will swarm out to retrieve the stuff of the scammed customers...no one can say he didn't had a chance!!!

thats how it should work, but lets be honest, we all know nothing will happen at all. most people will write it off and forget about it.

im glad i havent lost a watch or money with him, but it sucks that there isnt a ar-coater in europe anymore now.

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im glad i havent lost a watch or money with him, but it sucks that there isnt a ar-coater in europe anymore now.

Well given that he needed 3 weeks for shipping inside the EU you can as well send it to the US. I am testing Chiefs service right now...we will see how this works - and this time I am only sending the crystal ;)

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What if you use a different nick and a http proxy? ;)

Then our systems will reveal that you have a second identity. We have some very good systems for revealing duplicate identities, and I'm not talking about the IP-addresses of members + we have systems in place that will reveal if the IP you are using is a proxy IP ;)

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9515 views on this thread.

309 replies.

Some time ago RG started commenting the same, and it seems there are members there not common to RWG who also have items with J, so the list is potentially longer than the one composed here.

No-one has received anything back.

No-one seems to have been able to get in contact, other than a couple of members receiving a mail saying will be shipped (did it ever arrive).

Too much time has passed now surely.....for any hope that J will return and send back everyones items....let alone re-funds if warranted.

So - a great scam overall. He's walked away with say +$10,000 of items (estimates reached $20,000) plus cash payments......

He did a good job......and we all got screwed.....

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9515 views on this thread.

309 replies.

Some time ago RG started commenting the same, and it seems there are members there not common to RWG who also have items with J, so the list is potentially longer than the one composed here.

No-one has received anything back.

No-one seems to have been able to get in contact, other than a couple of members receiving a mail saying will be shipped (did it ever arrive).

Too much time has passed now surely.....for any hope that J will return and send back everyones items....let alone re-funds if warranted.

So - a great scam overall. He's walked away with say +$10,000 of items (estimates reached $20,000) plus cash payments......

He did a good job......and we all got screwed.....

The thing is he could have made a lot more continuing his services than take this $20K and run.

And how much will he get in his hands when trying to sell of these items? ..sure there are a lot of watchheads but with no straps/bracelets and there is certainly a lot of crystals without watchheads. Dont think he will get anywere close to 20K if that is the "retail value" of the watches he hold for the moment.

I still think there is something more behind this than a scam, either he got really big personal prlbems that makes him not bother on anything else or he have got into some other problems, the law? the lab has messed up? or whatever..

anyhow he should come clean, that would fix a lot of things, just some words in the forum and someone who lives nearby can collect whatever is left and send it out to its owners..

he should be aware of that all rep-collectors are licenced killers, right?

-> Santos 100 + killergloves ;)


btw, I also lost a bit of hope and have re-ordered one of my "missing" ones..

- tazz

Edited by tazzman
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And how this forum plans to prevent scams as such in the future...

How can you "prevent" something like this?

Do you have any good suggestions?

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And how this forum plans to prevent scams as such in the future...

There isn't a lot one can do. Members just need to use their common sense. It is very unfortunate, and Im not saying in this case it was members not using common sense, because I too dealt with Jakub.

With the rep game I am a firm believer that you should never invest/send away a watch/part of a watch that you can't afford to lose, which does come with exceptions of course for people who are very well known on the boards.

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With the rep game I am a firm believer that you should never invest/send away a watch/part of a watch that you can't afford to lose, which does come with exceptions of course for people who are very well known on the boards.

Very well said b16a2 !

I would add "even with the ones who are very well known.

If something goes dramaticaly bad in someone's life, he will eventually disappear, known or not.

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And how this forum plans to prevent scams as such in the future...

I won't speak for the Admin, but I would say there's not much that can be done. At some point, you the individual have to accept some risk for sending your property to another person, whether that risk be in the form of customs, a scam, or anything else. Further, in this case, I would say there were plenty of warning signs right from the outset for anyone who wanted to see them.... Lies, propaganda, and deception. But I think most people chose not to believe initially, the subsidized zealous reviews started to come in, and those warning signs were forgotten in short order. But more importantly, I feel that there was a breakdown in appropriate feedback, and this is never going to be solved by forum moderators - only by the membership. I have received numerous PMs and emails asking if I would fix work performed by Jakub: cyclopes falling off, date wheels not working, hands bent, visible AR tooling marks, and more. But I'm not going to turn around and make these private messages public. That's your job. Now of course, everyone makes mistakes, and in the watch modding arena, things can happen. And I know, at least early on, Jakub was making good faith efforts to fix problems. So I'm not saying we should be petty (I don't have 100% flawless results in my AR runs either), but quite honestly, based on what I've been told firsthand, far too little has actually been revealed. I've heard even more secondhand info from trusted members, and I'm convinced that this "Polish watchsmith" isn't someone I'd allow in the same room with any of my pieces. If problems are being caused by what can only be described as incompetence, then does it really matter whether or not the individual takes corrective actions to attempt to fix them? So the bottom line here, as far as I can see, is that this was caused by a dishonest member, an overly trusting membership, and a breakdown in communication. Sadly it's the same old story, though. Hopefully the ending to this one is better than others, and I truly hope everyone receives their property back.

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I understand you are aware of claims from the members about Jakub and you do not diclose them.

That is 100% normal.

What I do not understand is why the members who had reasons to complain did not post more often and make these highly visible by bumping them.

I mean if one to three problems occurs within a year, I would not want to crucify a modder of course.

But when so much problems happen like cyclopes falling off, date wheels not working, hands bent, it's our role as members to post warnings.

If everyone had posted a warning, we would maybe have 25 or 30 of them which would have saved other members from the current disaster.

And yes, there is only so much the Admin team can do.

Certainly not prevent a scam when the entire community seems so happy to finaly find a EU based modder.

Remember, in the begining, everything is perfect in a relationship...only time makes it trully trustable.

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The problem Stephane is that when a member has negative things to say about a particular dealer/modder, it usually draws the wrath of that dealer/modder's supporters. For some reason this rep game makes people extremely loyal to the people that they do business with. Complaints are generally seen in a negative light by many members, whether the complaint is valid or not.

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^^^^ Beaten to the punch :lol:

I've stayed out of this thread thus far, as, having not had any work underway with Jakub, it has not really been any of my business, but the last few comments have caught my attention, and I just wanted to offer my input to them.

Stephane, I may be wrong, but, I suspect that some of the reason why problems have not been raised sooner, is that people might have feared to voice concerns for fear of a flaming, well-meaning advice that "[insert name here] is a great guy, and will make things right..." which, while well intended, does not really help the person with the concern, or even the fear that publicly raising a complaint, might get them in the dealer's 'bad books', so have possibly kept quiet for fear of incurring wrath...

With regards Yachtmaster's suggestion, I think that is an excellent idea. Such information need not be made public, but kept secure by Admin, but, it would definitely be a good idea to have, should things like this happen again (as like when TWP went AWOL)

Just my .2c, I hope it's of help :)

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And how would we verify that any information a dealer provides would be true? A cheap pay as you go cell phone and a photoshoped drivers license is going to give you peace of mind?

No, but a landline phone number, taken from a communication's provider's bill, and a clear photocopy of official government ID would, or rather, if submitted to Admin, would be at least some reassurance. I don't think dealers/modders should have to go posting their PI on their sales sections, but, if such information were passed onto Admin as part of the application process to have a sales section, it would at least be a step in the right direction, and certainly would be useful for situations like this, or TWP's vanishing act, or when group buys go south. Now, I know forum admins don't want to be seen as endorsing any vender, but, having verifiable ID for a vendor 'on file', would certainly be useful should things go south, as, if it is then serious enough that admins need to step in on member's behalf, at least they are going to be able to do so in a way other than simply emailing the known email. Admins might not want to have to take this kind of intermediary stance, but, as it is their forums being used by vendors and modders, it is only reasonable that they have some manner of, if not 'authority', per se, verifiable ID which could be used to contact someone should the need arise.

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