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Steppping out of my comfort zone...

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Well, I guess midlife crisis has finally hit me.

I am very nervous for tomorrow night, in fact I am sweating now as I think about what I am about to do... I must be nuts...

I have...

signed up...


Dance Lessons (with J of course as my partner, she can dance already, I think she feels sorry for me...).

I can't dance worth crap, and I believe this will be make or break test for our relationship. I figure if J is still around by the end of the first lesson, we can just about handle anything. I have warned her that if there is any laughing (including histerical on the floor rolling around laughing) that it's over...

So wish me luck, 6 weeks worth starting tomorrow night, should be interesting, and probably amusing for some :)

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go polish my shoes, 1...2...3...1...2...3



Nice Rob :)

I think you will do just fine after some lesson, you have the balls to learn have to dance many don't and if you never try to learn then you will never now if you can be a good dancer.

Good luck and don't break a leg. :p

Me i have danced since a young age, big MJ fan when i was young :kicking: still is a fan of his music..Who can ever beat his tunes?




Cha cha cha, baby!

Watches are art. Painting is art. Dancing is art. Relationships are art.

You'll do fine.


Good luck R and have fun with it! It won't be half as scary as you think.

You can watch Dancing with the Stars to warm up ;)


dont fret the dancing..its better than having to go to belly dancing with my gf, aaaand lets leave it at that lol

have a beer before aaaand enjoy the experience, more importantly have fun! pretend you are 15 again thaaats what i do when i am nervous about doing something that sounds foolish! i wish you luck!


That is brave !!.. everyone will be cheering for ya R ...... Tango baby!! .. that would be sooo coool B) .. ok maybe start with the basic fox trot...

I'm sure you'll be as .. Smoooth as Glass in no time..

Good Luck !!! .. have fun !!!

Rob, I think you will make a great dancer.

Thanks for the vote of confidance.

If you think "Elaine" on the Seinfeld episode was bad, you ain't seen me... :)

Of course during my military time, with a dozen beer in me, I could make Michael Jackson look like a fool, if only in my mind.

I am sure they will walk us "newbies" though the basics.

I'll let you know how it goes.



Ouch Ziggy, I totally feel you, just today I had dinner with my folks and my gf... my parents have been attending Tango lessons for about a year or so and they do more than fine, people clapped them at my bro's wedding about a month ago... well, the subject came upon the table and as we were invited to attend lessons with them, I ran in my best Limbo to the restrooms. I think I got away from this one.

Still, take it as a fun experience instead of a mission. And I second the idea of an "encouraging drink".

best of luck!


Hey Rob!

You'll be fine! I would assume she's taking you to BallRoom Dancing lessons......that's great! I had to drag my partner for that last year! It was a chore! I'm lucky that I got the genes for Dancing, makes you the star of the party!

Good luck and have fun! 1-2-3 cha-cha-cha! 1-2-3 cha-cha-cha!


I'm sure Rob will take to it like a fish to water...within a few months he'll be consulted by everyone for his expertise in technical theory and application...he'll make sure everything is executed to the highest of tolerances....be swamped with questions from new dancers, have jealous "professionals" make hollow threats against his innovative methods and precision...

Oh wait Rob, I have a feeling you've been through this before! :D

Just enjoy it and hang on for the ride of your life 8)

I can't resist:

This thread is worthless without pictures

Ok if it's pic's you want here's one for ya....


Go for it Rob. ;)



My wife and took lessons to prepare for our wedding.

Remember 2 things:

1. do not get preoccupied with keeping up with the other dancers in the room

2. do not get caught gawking at the other good looking women.

Good Luck!



i say have fun with it!! :victory:

the key to dancing is ignoring the feeling that you look like a fool and having fun. if by chance (not likely) you do look like a fool, and you look like you're enjoying yourself, then people will probably just smile and enjoy watching a "non-traditional dancing style" :D

but more likely than not, you will look just fine and be having fun along the way...:tu:

just remember -- exude confidence ;)



Fandango....Time to dance the Tango! IIEEEEEEE !

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