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Everything posted by highoeyazmuhudee

  1. LOVE IT. LOVE the strap as well! where'd you get that strap if you dont mind?
  2. JUST surfin' the 'bay and hmmm EWW hxxp://cgi.ebay.ca/Rolex-SS-Submariner-w-Diamond-Bezel-Dial_W0QQitemZ110269418892QQihZ001QQcategoryZ505QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZVie wItem no offense ..JUST WONDERING if ANYONE here ACTUALLY likes this?
  3. This ones' good for a lark... looks atrocious http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewIt...em=330252729540 i actually believe the seller has no idea. he has a perfect feedback rating of over 2000+ AND i'd be embarassed to list a fake LV in this condition and ask almost 3K for it, it has MANY flaws, and unfortunately it also has 1bid. what do you guys think?
  4. links ARE dead. this keeps happening. next time ill archive a tutorial in a PDF file and post
  5. did the gen crystal reduce the mag size or is this an illusion?
  6. Good job how'd you do it? some sort of wood stain or something? i agree about the dial needing aging. and i wouldnt go darker either... again GOOD JOB
  7. LOL...but sad. i reported it...
  8. not sure about AR, but you CAN reglue a new one with UV after an acetone treatment. better ask the man himself about the AR and acetone
  9. there will always exist a plethora of things to be called out on. why risk it at all? and then there are some people who have never seen a rolex before or even know what it costs
  10. etched crown IS too large but not noticable from a distance, lume never really bothered me. Its that pearl and date magnification which was always the worst for me. date mags are now A LOT better but still not perfected...crown gaurds are better but still not perfect... luckily its all modable.
  11. remove the crystal and let it sit in acetone. it should remove the glue that holds cyclops for easy push off without the risk of fire and burns. acetone is found in nail polish remover, and some are 100% acetone
  12. if you have to talk to them, DENY everything, think of any paper trails you may have left along the way and remove them. if denying doesnt work tell them this is libellous, and is becoming harassment, and you'll countersue them for wrongful prosecution if they wanna push it further. makes me nervous too, i have watch on the way via EMS, and the tracking isnt even in the system as of 4 business days. goodluck, im sure youre just a small fish to them and theyre trying to make an example of you. move your reps somewhere else other than your legal dwellings...you never know.
  13. ive seen some rolex sub and gmt master ones sell on ebay for around $100 they look like giant subs or gmts... apparently its the same ones ADs get in their showroom to put on their walls. i was THIS close >< to buying one, but figured i didnt really need it. i know my local SEARS sells sweep second wall clocks from $10-$40 including a Seiko model
  14. sounds like bad value for the price. BUT if this is the watch youve been dreaming of all your life then spend as much as possible to achieve what you think best reflects the accuracy of the piece. otherwise knowing that something better exists out there that you could buy, might bother you everyday that you look at your watch
  15. some input from me. i found buying a $10 card reader was better than conencting the cameras USB to the PC all the time and using its batteries plus a card was more convienent to leave lying on my desk. as for software i use the Canon DPP tht came with my camera cause quite frankly it renders canons CR2 RAW format better than any 3rd party developer..makes sense... but for work flow i like to use Adobe lightroom, and to a lesser degree bridge if i have too. as for macro i use kenko tubes ($85 same company as HOYA and you can auto focus)but would LOVE the Canon MP-E 65mm thats a 5:1 magnification where as most macros is about 1.2-2:1 or so..its a WHOLE different world at that level
  16. a Synthetic sapphire crystal alone costs $80 at its cheapest brand new. synthetic sapphire and mineral glass should never be interchangable words. one is hardened glass, the other is literally home grown sapphire that has a mohs rating of like 8 or 9...just below diamond Rolex=synthetic sapphire only a diamond can virtually scratch it. Stock Reps= GLASS more scratch resistant than a window but defntly still scratchable. they even chip in my experience.
  17. "How would a 50 yr old janitor who can barely communicate have a 6,000 dollar watch?" maybe he's an eccentric millionaire...
  18. i knew they were inexpensive just forgot they were that inexpensive : ) I hear the Ofrei one doesnt fit the noob case properly tho. apparently there are two variations , i remember reading this on the board a few weeks back. i've been interested in playing with a selita movements for a while, i hear they're the new ETA replacement, just as reliable, cheaper, maybe even an exact clone in terms of architecture. any one have any experience or know of any reps that carry them?
  19. there's ALWAYS some truth behind every joke. i thikn it was a way to communicate how he felt without offending you under the guise of a 'joke'. its less offesnsive under this tone. but yes i would never tell my client that, every client *should* be treated the same weither they buy 1 or 100 reps a year in terms of service. and if a mistake is made you should get priority over someone to make it right. this just further reinforces what i believed about the dealers not caring about what powered their watches real or clone. take your business elsewhere and maybe he'll have more time for his clients once every one leaves. $$ is the only language they seem to understand once they out grow their humble beginnings.
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