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Everything posted by highoeyazmuhudee

  1. cost was NEVER the issue. it was deception at the hands of our 'trusted' dealers. by your logic i shouldnt complain if i buy a genuine rolex with an asian movement...and pay rolex prices for it. whats the difference right?
  2. i'd have to say different cultures regard wealth and status with more weight than others do. especially countries with poorer percapita GDPs in my experience people that come from nothing are more consumed with proving theyre wealthy than those who truly are. hell India has a caste system, in asian countries its more important to be a doctor or politician than to be happy. most people in those countries want their daughters to marry a wealthy socialite, dowerys exist to prove the family has something to offer or bargain thier daughter for. Old asian people LOVE the BIG BENZ, but they dont need it, do they? they say first impressions are lasting, and everyone remembers what was striking about someone they met for the first time, from then on theyre ascociated with that. if you care to be remembered as wealthy or elite wear a $5000 watch but if you dont give a damn what anyone thinks but just like that watch wear it anyways. everyone is judemental on some level, money, looks, intelligence etc... i wear a sub rep, because as far back as i can remember ive always loved that watch, the style, the function everything, it was love at first sight, before i even knew a rolex cost what it does. i surely dont wear it for bling factor, cause i can think of lots more expensive watches that are jewel incrusted for 5times the price. i agree people judge you based on how you look and what you wear. but i ALSO agree thats complete Bullsh*t, so f*ck em, who the hell are they anways..?
  3. see and thats the problem. thats what theyre banking on. maybe at one point they were swiss eta. rising costs and they take the cheap alternative and keep the branding cause no one will check. dealers are to blame for 2 reasons, for still offering it knowing its not swiss eta, and for not changing the movement as advertised to eta clone when they know. and i KNOW they know whats in their watches i dont believe that excuse for a second. you cant sell something and not know whats in it. their intention is like any other business ..to make money. offer the same watch with a cheaper movt that no one will verify is NOT a clone and you have a greater margin. and the argument that they dont know whats in their watches and theyre ignorant to it, is denial. theyre not gonna start charging less because they cant get swiss etas for the same price anymore, thats counterproductive to what i said about a business. no dealer has said anything about this yet? other than they give store credit if youre not satisfied. there business is watches if they know anything they know whats inside, and if they dont its simple dont buy from them because they obviously have on quality control, find a dealer who goes one step further to earn your money and preform a QC. things will get worse because know one will care and a clone is always cheaper than anything gen. bigger margins. *the DG4813 is a high beat asian movement for $40 and has a good track record of reliability..fits the n00b case nicely
  4. it seems the dealers dont care one way or the other. if theyre selling you what we all agree to believe is a swiss eta, and they frequent this board to not be able to play ignorant as to what that is, and you're not getting what you paid for, its simple. we need to stop shopping there, a new addition to the board is eurotimez, who i feel is very honest and offers what we all believe is a genuine swiss eta, so why cant these other dealers live up to his standards of QC and genuine parts? if he can...there is NO reason they cant. the only way merchants seem to get any msg is to talk their language...$$$ stop sending them $$$ because we all suspect certain ones of not sending what they advertise and theyll get the msg and hopefully make changes... either tell the truth about what goes into your watches, take some pride and ownership, adjust the price accordingly, or lose majority of your business and $$. with eurotimez you gte EXACTLY what you pay for, this is fact, why take chances any where else, when you dont have to? its a matter of principle to get exactly what you paid for, theres a reason you chose and paid more for the swiss eta, instead of the 21j asian movt. quality service ensures repeat business, if youre not satisfied do not repeat your business and the message will be sent. cause i dont hear dealers chimming in here about this issue, out of sight out of mind i guess.
  5. pfft. its ALWAYS funny to see these scam sites claim that their pieces have 440 stainless steel, if only they knew 440 isnt even surgical grade where as 316L is...440 isnt even considered salt water worthy where as 316L is... Yet THEY ALL SAY 440... 440's good if youre selling replica swords or buying a new kitchen set of knives ; )
  6. i still find ebay good for obscure items... and cheap canon accessories from china... are online auctions dead? what do you guys use?
  7. n00b date is too small by the amount of lacking rehaut... fraction of a mm
  8. more on tha date window... all 16610 images from power sellers on ebay it seems there is some variation between them, unless this is just a camera illusion notice the date size on the 2008 engraved rehaut model (first pic, and last) pictured on the bottom is euromariner and n00b: i think the n00b date is off by the amount of depth missing from the rehaut. could it be if the rehaut was the correct depth, thus making the crystal and dial further apart and magnifying it better, would it have the perfect magnification like the gen? i believe so. the depth on the engraved one is too deep by how too shallow the n00b is. still: both models are very nice, and a must for any collection..you gotta get your feet wet at some point. at least all the fonts are finally correct
  9. if Gen is relative to 2.5X ive calculated the n00b to be 2.4X or so, by over laying a genuine date mag at the same scale, its too small by 1pixel width at scale. the new MBK looks oversized to me, like joshs' mag with the date too far right maybe like 2.6X. the correct mags ive seen are on N00b watches with the crystal off MBKs. i guess cause of the rehaut depth it doesnt over magnify on the noob. still it looks very nice nonetheless. just when are they gonna get those CGs right?
  10. YOU are MY hero you read my mind, i was gonna ask BUT here it is...
  11. wish i had your problem... solution: buy another daytona that looks a lot better with no major flaws and similar color, pass it off as the one she got you, but tell her she got lucky this time and youre picky about your watches in the nicest way , so maybe she'll stop? this sounds to be the choice of majority! when ever i see a rep daytona with a sweep seconds hand as the primary seconds i always wonder how someone can wear that... its just SO flawed, like who are you kidding...
  12. im willing to bet, all major players in the watch manu' game know we exist, they have teams that deal with this sort of thing. monitor these kinds of things. sure a few postings like done by mimmosa probably is unnecessary at best, but i dont think itll be the down fall of this hobby. lets face, if someone wanted to find this place 10 seconds with google will do the trick... i should know, thats how i came to land here 6months back. look at the bigger issue here, lesson, learnt and move on. now lets focus our attention on the 500lbs elephant in the corner named 'google', cause this thread is getting old and redundant. information is too easy to find, someone posting a couple times on an outside msg board, albeit not on par with our standards or in our best interest, is the least of our worries... posting here there or anywhere doesnt make a difference when the thing linking us to the outside world is developed to do just that, and its purpose is to search, the internet is designed as a public place and search engines connect it all. moreover i dont know why (although an informative idea and i like it) the rwg splash page will soon feature "info baout replica watches" this surely doesnt help our current problem. it begs to be spidered by google and then seeked out by all sorts of people dabbling for the first time. before buying anything i research it, and someone typing info about, or how to buy, or what to look for will surely find this place that much more easier. this forum will rise to the top search result and be used for the current inside information and to keep tabs on dealers by all sorts of PIs working for these companies. the forum is safe... but it carries consequences for existing. rwg and repgeek may already share the no.1 search result spot, and i would be willing to bet the wrong people already know it exists. it may not be too late however. if we exist to help everybody we cant operate covertly but we also cant operate openly, then we surely cant help every body. if were not on google no one will find it and [censored] away $1000s on bad over priced reps, then what is our mission statement? if we exist to help we have to remain public and open, but know that this WILL if not already lead to the wrong people knowing our existence and reading up for the purpose of keeping tabs on what their paid to keep tabs on. the only way to hide barely is to go full login mode instead of allowing guests to browse, this should of been in place prior. even this wont prevent people from finding the site and registering in 5minutes, but it will deter the public, but not someone who is determined to seek out something. maybe there is NO way to hide, like i said the internet IS a public place. removing certain key words from our splash will also help... like watch, rep, etc... if we instated a $5 registration fee for the very first time it would generate $ and help keep those who aren't serious off the boards. not to mention google ads on here...i know it creates income, but does any one here click on them to buy gen pieces when our whole forum is based on NON gen? if someone did buy it google gets the stats of who, what and where...im just trying to brainstorm ideas now to keep our hobby safe... ive been on lots of underground sites for various things all found using the root keywords of what i was looking for and google. all of those sites still exist but surely the wrong people know about them...maybe it just unavoidable... damn i ramble sorry.. any one else have any ideas?
  13. actually tin foil hats are good at blocking electromagnetic radiation... and thus preventing brain tumors. i will be offering a few custom made ones for sale here under the title "n00b-tromagnetic blocker" genuine solid foil, not plated let me know how many people are interested...
  14. still not sure if i like the date being there or not... conflicted
  15. yeah the rehaut engraving says to me "look what we did, nah nah " speaks more like an ad about some of the features, for others to boast about. if they put the depth rating on the ring instead of the dial, and made "sea-dweller" in red print thatd be way more exciting
  16. OI812: i agree, no point in taking unecessary chances for the sake of gloating no_one: i think we're talking about different things
  17. the reason no one raises too big a stink about counterfiters is "you scratch my back, ill scratch yours" they have a symbiotic relationship, China produces prudcts in their factories for them cheap, and they let a bit of the double dipping gray market profit taking slide. the SECOND they try to shut it all down the chinese government will tell them to get the hell out of china, raising their labour costs signifigantly. they rather lose a bit of profit then have to re source where everything is built and made for much much more...and well the chinese government likes their national infrastructure growing...
  18. well im sure its not that hard to find info about reps... hey the only reason i found this place was beccause i put three words together in a google search "replica watch forum" glad i did tho. if you google rep watches you get hits for a lot of over priced dealers and then the forums...rep geek rwg..etc. GOOGLE is a scary tool but there is no way to censor it. even what i write here this moment will be found at some point in time via a google search. im not sure if its like this already but maybe te admins should make no anon logins...meaning no guests or people just browsing with out registering... sure its a minor set back , but its still a hassle to someone that just comes looking for a quick peek. even then theres the cache pages that google keeps... so all the old stuff would still be available... hmm what can be done to hide a public forum? capice: i assumme you mean international laws in relation to the use of photos? if so, believe it or not EVEN in canada it is NOT illegal to remove the watermark from someones photo for use, yet you CANT buy a pack of smokes (at least in my province)without having the store clerk swipe your drivers license into the terminal NO matter HOW old you are.
  19. that thing looks like youre strapped into an electric chair! congrats on getting exactly what you wanted tho
  20. heh i dont think sunglasses are as complex as watches to have a whole forum about... but i guess forums for strangers things do exist : p generally i havnt found any noteworthy or quality reps in NY, all 1 week disposables that break the first time you bump em. so shop for fun, but DONT expect anything to be the jewel of your collection or even last very long. who knows, maybe the quality has improved 400% since i last bought from there, its been a few years.
  21. so they didnt know it was fake? there goes my theory of a floor/window display model that they wouldnt care if it went missing..much like those cell phones that dont work on display in stores... i still think the store would get their money back in court, just cause its their business to know doesnt mean that someone can get away with defrauding them, id still bring it to court since an elementary law was violated, just cause youre ignorant doesnt mean someone should get away with taking advantage of you. plus it's harder to tell these days whats real and whats not... if someone with their franken project watch pawned it, and it had a genuine movement inside, it would be almost impossible to tell especially with all the mods these days...
  22. maybe the price is because its a grade 1 swiss with 27jewel italian movement
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