Looking at the photo now it is not the movement screws, how ever it may be that because one tab and screw is missing the space may not be sitting level and straight, so the rotor may be catchin that,
Delish although i understand that you want to help puting this persons phone number email and name on the forum openly is not the best thing, if some one wants this info then better you PM it to them
A coil in the balance spring will be touching another making the spring efectivly shorter, there are a number of posts about it, one solution can be giving it a bit of a slap in the palm of your hand to dislodge them, have a search and you will find a number of expalanations
I quick try for you is to remove the auto wind bridge and pop it in isopropenol alcohol in the utlraschal cleaner and give it a good clean and then give it a try again, if that loosens up the auto winder reversing wheels then it is just a case of oiling them with a very little 9010 (off the top of my head)and you may be fixed.
I use clarks hands on my MBWs but i have no spares, i do have a clarks T22 crystal here spare unless Ubi needs it for his 1016, the 19mm endlinks i thought i had i put on the wifes tudor