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Everything posted by fotoman

  1. Here is my 177h straight off the shelf from Joshua. I put a smat distressed dark brown strap on it and its fabulous. I have parts on order to shape this puppy up into a primo piece. thanks josh and smat. Here are some quick shots phoband smat straps Suprisingly too i really like the titanium feel. with a nice comfortable strap its nice to have it be really light and you don't even think about it. Somedays you want a big mean SS Pam and somedays titanium
  2. hey look, even though his watch isn't, at least itseme is "swiss made" Oh my friend the wonders you are about to adventure onto. welcome - sit down, stay awhile absorb. You will find many things to enjoy
  3. hey fitmic if your a big maiden fan. have you heard of lauren harris? She is Steve Harris Daughter and is making a go at being a pop star. http://www.monstroentertainment.com/laurenmusic.php http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...iendid=33473263 Monstro is my cousin, he is producing her. In fact my dad is in her first video (not released yet) Personally i pray at the alter of Dream Theater and King's X
  4. fotoman

    Rwg Mug

    Great Minds Think alike !!!! I'm really looking forward to the whole t-shirt thing. Not that i wear tshirts that often but will be fun non the less
  5. fotoman

    Rwg Mug

    This is a fantastic idea - Oh wait, i posted it 2 days ago in the tshirt thread when i was asking about cafe press
  6. The prices on allofmp3 went up on sept 1. But its still way cheaper and way easier than any other system out there. and most importantly NO DRM- - - DRM BLOWS apparently sept 1st was the implimenting date for this law http://www.pcpro.co.uk/news/93065/russia-g...copyrights.html Russia gets tough over online copyrights 3:22PM Owners of Russian sites selling digital music face the prospect of up to five years in gaol after the country's president, Vladimir Putin, approved new copyright laws. The new laws give work published on the Internet the same copyright protection as physical books, videos and CDs. Sites such as AllofMp3.com have previously been able to sell digital music without any licensing agreement from the copyright holders. The new rules were agreed in 2004, but websites were given two years to sign the necessary licences in order to avoid prosecution. But according to Russian news service Kommersant, this has not happened. The site says that 97 per cent of music on the Russian Internet is traded or shared without authorisation and sites such as AllofMP3 continue to sell outside Russia despite the absence of an approved licence. The country's legal music market is worth less than $1 million, while AllofMP3's turnover is estimated to be in the region of $25 to $30 million or more. 'Russian laws might be good, but they are not implemented very well,' Vadim Uskov, head of law company Uskov and Partners told Kommersant. 'If usual sellers of counterfeit goods are not caught on the street, then no one will catch the owners of websites ADVERTISEMENT in the Internet where it is hard to identify them.' Uskov said Russia needs more 'decisive measures', such as those adopted in China that put the criminal responsibility for publishing pirate products on Internet providers. Sites can also escape censure by exploiting a loophole in the law that allows them to sign licenses with Russian royalty collection and rights agencies, even though those agencies have no agreement with the record companies and artists whose music they are licensing. AllofMP3 exploits this loophole through its agreements with the Russian Multimedia and Internet Society (ROMS) and the Rightholders Federation for Collective Copyright Management of Works Used Interactively (FAIR). It is also possible that the new laws may be scrapped almost as soon as they have come into force. The country's parliament, the Duma, will soon debate a completely new copyright law that will set out new rights and protections across all media. However the music industry seems happy with the current state of affairs. Vladimir Dragunov, legal advisor of the Russian office of the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) said that for the first time the industry can set out its case and begin to build a legal market for digital music. 'The problem is not to destroy each pirate site,' he said. 'It is necessary to change the ratio between piratic and legal Internet from 99 to 10 per cent, for instance.' There is a much greater issue at stake for Putin. He is keen to gain Russian membership of the World Trade Organisation, but there is strong opposition among politicians and music and movie industry lobbyists in the US who insist that it must clamp down on Internet 'piracy' before its membership application is accepted.
  8. yup, thanks guys. I'm going to keep experimenting. I think i have almost perfected what i call the "trustywatchguy" shot as Andrew uses this heavy black look often I started using white. But these looked much cooler. Thanks for the inspiration, this was lots of fun.
  9. Here is My Collection Phoband Retired Mrs. Phoband Phoband Family & Friends Network Straps Pens Notable Photos 2 Palp Crowned Pams Before and After 177h Artsy Group Shots Winner of the PUGWASH CHALLENGE contest theme - "fish" Trying on the Freak Meeting RWG member in Lisbon **** Annual RWG SF luncheon ********** Compare Rep-Gen Corums
  10. Yeah i wasn't thinking or i would have recomended this myself. - I have gotten Hundredds of songs from them. They weren't doing things by the book, but as of sept 1st they are now - they came to an agreement with the music associations. The prices almost doubled - but its still under 5 bucks a cd for SUPER HIGH QUALITY mp3 Also I recomend www.gomusic.ru (formerly mp3search.ru) they have a different pricing model, somethimes its cheaper than allofmp3 sometimes not. they also have sometimes different stuff. For instance i got the new Dream Theater album from them on monday, even though it wasn't released till tuesday and 1 week later, all of mp3 still doesn't have it. Also, gomusic has audio books, but mostly in russian
  11. Wow, holy revived from the dead thread - I have been for a LONG time drooling over the 42 MM radiomir GMT - as frequently posted in this thread. I am told that it would take a custom movement and that is too expensive to make unless a very LARGE number of pieces are orderd - like 500 plus or something like that
  12. P2P is dead go to torrent http://azureus.sourceforge.net/ this is a program taht downloads but you need to google torrent download sites to find some regulars that have the links to actually get files
  13. fotoman

    Father's Day

    happy dad day - i have to wait till next spring in order to have my first
  14. Especially a buck - and you can even sign up for a 1 dollar a time till you feel comfortable that the forum isn't a total scam. Who will care about a buck coming out here and there. If 10% pay 5 dollars a month - then, 75% (assuming some drop off) would easily pay 1$ and that would be more. Only question i have is - we obviously want to allow the forum to grow and new people to contribute. I don't think many of us would be concerned if growth slowed. - But - We have to all be reaping some benefit from our dealers due to size of our market. So i assume there is a diminishing return where we risk of not just losing a potential future contributor because of barrier to entry but also reduced dealer interest? I guess maybe, maybe not.
  15. Yeah, the carribien cruises are flush with citizens and when i get bored i go trying them on I'm going in mid october - very excited
  16. Do people here go on cruise vacations? If you dont, i can probably convince you its a good idea. But i might be able to get a forum sponser / advertiser if you guys want to direct some business to them. They have a very good business based in South Florida, but with clients all over the country. They are RCCL's biggest producer in the south so they get access to cabins and deals that other people don't. their real nitch is customer service. The margin on cruises is very low. There prices are fantastic AND, because of the nature of the cruise industry discounts come along at random times. When they pop up they pass that along to their clients - even though they could keep the difference with the client none the wiser (most other shops) They can help you figure out what cruise is good for you based upon tastes habits level of service and food. Cause there is a cruise out there for everyone - even the most demanding wine and food enthusiasts. Of Course you can cruise anywhere in the world. Just a thought. If i get a response that people would be willing to give them a shot, i'll approach about either a refferal - tell them your from RWG and they will contribute per cruises sold. or a sponsership. and the owner of the buisness has a gen breitling, rep rollie and 3 rep pateks that of course he got via me via the forum What Sayeth Ye
  17. Yeah, actually there are several apps out there that can do it over your cellphone. I have one on my blackberry but i never got around to using it. I can get data in europe for cheap, so thats a great solution. There are even java apps for like moto razers and such for other VOIP services. I forgot about that, good point
  18. I love my citizen - its a perfect knock around watch - Yours looks great, i'll have to check that out on my next cruise
  19. Hmm, what about this - is it possible to setup a Free Preview of the site? So, lets say, people can get on it for 1 week for free. But then after, they must pay 1 or 2$ a month on a regular billing. how many active users are there at 1 time? multiply that by 1 or 2 and see if that covers the expenses most people after 1 week on the site will be addicted enough to pay a buck a month. and maybe we have some additional premium features - posting in offers ect. that is 3 or 4 dollars a month. i don't know what the service fees are on something like this, but clearly its easier to have people shell out a buck than 5 or 10. and it creates a steady reliable flow of income as opposed to spotty here and there income.
  20. i have only ordered 1 from you TTK but it was a great transaction and my father who wears it (inexpensive sub) absolutly is in love with it. I might offer the following reason 13: We should all be sure to keep TTK in business In order that we may continue to be graced with his photographic artistry 14: he is one of the funniest damn posters on the board 15: Even though most of our dealers are honest in their dealings, no one drives the straight talk express like TTK!!!! 16: he offered to help me reconstitute my pen collection after my office fire by givng me a price break. And damn, i thought that was just a nice thing to do.
  21. jesus thats crazy. You should check with your cell provider sometimes they have decent international rates - the real deal though, is VOIP. if you have a laptop you can talk to people for basically free. And other persons for .10 or .20 cents a minute
  22. Fantastic collection, now i'm glad i said encouraging things in the other thread what is that piece in the bottem left of your watch box, looks like it has a cut out section of the dial.
  23. someone from turkey bought a 50 dollar work out video on my card. how random and small time do you have to be at least buy something worth having that you can't get on napster
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