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Everything posted by siesta181

  1. I have a DSLR and I shoot crappy photos. Its all about knowing the settings and lighting. The latter plays a very big part in how the pictures turn out. Any of the entry level DSLR from the major players will do. Cheers Siesta181
  2. Was wearing this on Friday Saturday....., Something classy for a black tie event.... I really need a better dress watch.
  3. I would say I am an IWC man. Loved the brand, loved the history. Its a low profile brand with attractive design that will always have the masses asking and wondering. Mysterious at times.... Funny thing is, I could have been a PAM man. It was a toss up between the 2 brands when I realised that my Seiko Monster just couldn't cut it in boardroom meetings and during client visits. Cheers Siesta181
  4. You couldn't have picked a better watch to start off this addiction. The Skyland has my vote for the rep of the year award. You'll understand why... Cheers Siesta181
  5. ???? Scroll down that and look for the 2 pictures of the monster. Phony Black Monster (left) and the real SKX779K (right) Mine is the one on the right. White letters/numbers on black background. Looks correct to me. Cheers Siesta181
  6. White font on black background..... Just checked. My first auto watch after I started working. Lots of memories. Best lume on watch ever. Cheers Siesta181
  7. Thanks guys for all the nice remarks. As a stock rep, I was amazed with the quality but after being "pimped up", its absolutely awesome. @Toad - Darn... I am trying to get J to pencil me in for April. @Coolfire - Its the same feeling when you get your 111 from Canada. We really need to catch up soon and admire The Zigmeister masterpieces soon... @mwee - LOL.....I honestly dont know why you sold your fully modded CD06??? I would have bought it from you if not for this project @Robbie - Yes, the slevin will do justice to the 7750 movt. Its not heavy when you compare it to the Skylands and what have you out there. To tell you the truth, I actually considered getting a gen AT but I was looking at the Split Minute (me and my movts criteria). Could not justify parting with good money for the Slevin despite it being the nicest looking AT (IMO of coz). So if its a gen AT, it had to be the Split-minute. I must have visited over 50 ADs across 3 countries over a period of 1 year trying to convince myself to buy the Split-Minute but at the end of the day, it just didn't feel right. Colour scheme didn't actually give me a hard-on either. So when I managed to get an appt with The Zigmeister, my AT issue is resolved. You need to get yours as well coz the only thing better than owning 1 AT is owning 2....lol Cheers Siesta181
  8. Hi Guys, Its not a new watch and similiar mod have been done before but this pictorial is to express my gratitude to members of RWG who has made my 08 grail project a reality. The Zigmeister for the Nov slot. Ajoesmith for his 2nd last ETA 7750. Chad for willing to send a Jakubed Slevin crystal to me. The Zigmeister's lumework is amazing. Hard to believe its done by hand. Unbelievable. Pictures (esp my pictures) dont do this watch justice. Cheers Siesta181
  9. Was wondering when somebody was gonna start this Fresh from Canada Thanks The Zigmeister
  10. WOW... Let it be known that no watch is safe from our brethren in China. No QC issues with the lume markers. Impressive
  11. Reminder to self.... Must not listen to Lani. Must not buy blacksteel. Must not listen to Lani. Must not buy blacksteel. Must not listen to Lani. Must not buy blacksteel.
  12. Nice UPOs Lani. That's my immediate project for 2009. Monday Tuesday, Cheers Siesta181
  13. IWC in my opinion makes some of the finest watches for their price point. Never liked the Portofino series because I personally felt that they dont have their own identity but their latest line up does catch my eye. Nice catch Lani. Its a beauty. Excellent choice for a dress watch. And yes, its one fat [censored]... Kindest Regards Siesta181
  14. Its 4 hours too late... but here it it. Sorry Lani Wearing this over the weekend. Been ignoring this beauty
  15. Nice watch Catcher. Cool looking. I am waiting for mine.....Its killing me
  16. The wait is actually the most exciting part of this hobby.... and its also the most nerve wrecking. Cheers Siesta181
  17. Welcome to an addiction that has no cure....seriously. Hope you enjoy this forum as much as I have. Lots of nice ppl around. Cheers Siesta181
  18. As much as I would like to see this groupbuy happen, its probably not. Selling a perfect watch means no opportunity for re-releases. It does not make economic sense for them to do so. But I wish you guys all the best for this project. I can't afford to wait for it to take off. I received my UPO a week ago. Am now collecting parts for a franken project. Kindest Regards Siesta181
  19. Big Ingeniuer......................while I eagerly await my Slevin's return from Canada... That's right. Worked on by the master himself.
  20. IWC FA Jones JLC's Reverso Grande Date in Rose Gold But that's just me.....
  21. Damn... that's one mighty fine looking fiddy you've got there...
  22. SMC, my hats off to you for you are a braver man than I am. Tried luming when I first found RWG and looked forward to all the luming projects. I soon found out that I am a total disaster with the oiler and lume. Left it to the experts. My kudos to you for an excellent first attempt. Keep up the good work and looking forward to more of your projects. Kindest Regards Siesta181
  23. Friday and the weekends.. the PAM 111 Cheers Siesta181
  24. Hi xlr8tn, That's how IWC does it for some of their models. They do it for their Da Vinci series as well. When I sent my doppelchrono for its 5 year servicing, the straps came back that way as well. Guess that's how they roll Cheers Siesta181
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