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Everything posted by Demsey

  1. I bet the guy gets the girl. The hero always gets the girl in the end. Have a safe trip home Offshore!
  2. Never owned a Panerai replica either. Just can't get with it. Back in the day a member coined the phrase " Ah Panerai, a hamburger on a strap". That clicked with me and I haven't felt differently all these years. The dials, they just look like those telephones old folk have; the ones with huge oversized numbers and key pads. I do like the Submersibles tho' especially the 187. But, that's looking at it exclusively for the job it was designed for; diving. That would mean getting the genuine. And leaving it in the dive bag. Couldn't see myself lounging at the cigar and martini bar with a steel hamburger. On a bracelet. So......... And anything iced out. I love them for what they are; jewelry to be admired as 'art'. You really have to have command while wearing something of that genre. You have to walk the walk and talk the talk. I even felt sheepish wearing my 16613. I did love it so tho'.
  3. Actually P4, Clive did meet up with Jos and Andrew on his trip. It was the highlight. First handedly dispelling the myth Joshua and Andrew were one in the same. But, those two guys being gentlemen, parted company with Clivo before he got too smashed and hooked up with the girls. I wish I were making that part up, but Clive had pics. He wasn't shy about posting them either. About fifty times.
  4. Whenever people mention 'Honpo' I always thought he was the guy who ripped off 'Slayer' and a few others and wondered why people still hold him in any regard. Slayer had Honpo's home phone number and traced it to Florida. He gave me as much info as he had and a friend in law enforcement tracked down his address and name. He lived for a while in Melbourne, FL, and everything, I mean everything, in this guy's world was in his wife's name. The site does have some good stuff tho' I will agree. Maybe his dealing with Japanese clientele only is a God send. Nice watch J. I'd like to see you have one. Definately a player's special.
  5. This is fun. Much better than Clive's Kowloon/Guangzhou account; whorologist at large shacking up with two or three nubile concubines at a throw, stumbling around punch drunk without bail. Say Alan, if you should run into that stiver, hit him up for the fifty he owes me, then kick him in the nuts. No, scratch that, just slip a few counterfeit RMB on him and follow not too far behind with camera. Those are the vacation shots I'd like to see. TIA Stay safe, thanks for sharing! <edit> It just occurs, the sheer magnitude of this industry through Alan's account here makes the Western interest in squelching the counterfeit trade seem pretty futile if not flat out impossible. That decision would have to come from within, not by outside diplomatic appeal or sanction. I haven't made a study of Asian culture, but from what I gathered first hand in Hong Kong and Thailand; they do not appreciate being told how to run things by dog faced farang. I'm sure the official stance of the Department of Commerce is against the trade, but locally? What are these tens upon tens, upon tens of thousands of people involved to do if they shut down the rep trade? Move on down the road to work in the booming tissue paper and bamboo fan industry? TTK used to warn the time was nigh for 'replica'. Get them while you can. Hmmmmm, I really don't see, outside a social/political revolution, that it's going anywhere soon. That other revolution in China; the capitalist one, seems to be the rule of the day.
  6. Whoa. This watch rivals all Rolex in my head. What a watch.
  7. Oh for Christ's sake. GET A ROOM! Homos. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Hey, I could give a go at this 'villain' antagonista thing. It's not like I don't have skills. 'johnnyboy' gave me a 40% warn on RWG two years after this site was born. You really have to pull it all out to almost get banned from an administrative delete, one moderator sworn to police spam only, web site centered around copyright infringement contraband. Or, go to rwg jr. jr. and search my posts. You can't write that stuff. He called me a troll. Then said; "The sun will rise in the East". Uncanny. No, but! I almost, almost, almost posted in 'Rolexman' 's "....threats begin!" thread (which was awesome forista BTW, don't tell me post count is low because of no 'drama'?!) That thread has everything. I laughed, I cried, I went through all the emotions. But, I wanted to post; "Way to take the high road Rolexman, but, don't you realize we are in a post slump? You could have let this go two more pages at least, please think before posting and rapping up a good flame with magnanimous self deprecation. TIA. Is what I wanted to say. You're right tho'. When the sh*t hits the fan the cream rises to the top. The human condition; at it's best when things are at their worst. Yeah, we need Clive back. Fer shur.
  8. I do have that watch! But, any Rolex sport vintage circa 60's-70's would do. Taking aside collateral value; 1680, 1675, 6263. Plexi rules.
  9. 4 pages? Well, if nothing else this thread has boosted total posts. 'Double Posting' doesn't count 'Lanikai' It is good though as it gives pause to re-evaluate the board and individual member 'commitment'. I just hate to see people beating themselves up like Oskar Schindler at the end of that movie; "More! I could have done more!" Somebody mentioned other genre forums. Aside some political ones, I can catch up on all posts in a matter of minutes and the memberships there equal RWG in number. Maybe I'm easily impressed but I think the contribution(s) here, as I did TRC, could float a mandatory subscription fee. I know that is not on par with the designs of the Admin. and I'm not suggesting it, the grace of benevolent contribution is more noble, but the content is there. Here. Steady with quality if not heady with quantity. It'll pick up. Someone mentioned the A7750 mod to the 16520 Daytona lay-out. That'll be big. Maybe the factories will get on the stick and start a putsch for a WM9 grade Sub out-of-the-box for under $300. George and blkm have a four corner share of that market. How long will Asian capitalism stand for that?! A new Tudor Sub rep? If the board is slow, chances are commercial interest in the current stock is ho-hum. Not sure through what channels that will filter to the manufacturing sector, but it will. What happened to TRC was not 'out of the hands' of the webmaster. I don't think. It was slowly parked by design and a conscious decision was made to put it up on blocks. First, closing it to 'new registrants', then leaving it to stand alone as a database. Then a concertive, purposeful blending with RWG. Those sites, more than any other two stood too similar and therefore diluted one another. They were redundant. As Gunnar stated; The new RWG = The new TRC. I always appreciated TRC as it was where I went to get real data on the industry. The 'other one' was good too but mostly for drama and [censored] with your watches. That had run it's course with me. I personally find the current pace here more than satisfying. I had a pilot friend who kept a journal throughout his career in the service and the private sector. Each day had a single sentence entry. It was some great reading. Anyhoo, it is a good thread, this. I wouldn't fear for the long term appreciation and continued support for the board as a whole or the Admin. team as individuals tho'. Like the surf, the noobs and new watches come in sets. The old guard out past the first break waiting for the right wave to catch. To take it to task tho' I jumped into the ".....first American Made Caliber in over 35 years" thread. Something I wouldn't ordinarily do, but enjoyed even though it was over my head technically. I learned something, but I just find it ironic; a thread regarding 'low post count' goes 4 pages and 75 replies while a thread addressing probably the most ground breaking news with regard to US made mechanical movements since Hamilton closed shop lags behind? Hmmmmm. Maybe our heads are just 'full'. Onward!
  10. MmmmmmmmmmK from the RGM official site:
  11. That's pretty sharp Bazz! Here's another shot of the ETA/Unitas in a Sinn for comparison. As RG pointed out, the balance [censored] detail and similarity is glaring.............
  12. Not a 'watch works' kind of guy Rob/Andy, but I did gather from the text from RGM's site; there are three "untapped and unobtrusive" holes in the plate that were 'fore engineered' for future complication modules to be added to this caliber at a later date (hmmmm a movement 'system') I think I made sense of that statement looking at the pic of the movement. Anyhoo, I am going to try and dig for a statement, one way or another, that either links this caliber to ETA or refutes the idea. It will have to come out of the horological periphery though. To read the literature from RGM, you would think they invented the 'watch'. They are purdy proud of themselves. Rightfully so, perhaps not so much? Sidebar: Clicking around here and there, I actually linked a watch web site with a forum that is dedicated to Rose Engine Guilloche and Straight Line styles bridge decoration. They too are intersted with the 801 caliber. <fascinating>. This could be your next calling Rob. An opportunity to meld your art and your engineering.
  13. Nothing too special here, '04 TWB. I actually had to wait all through weeks and weeks of "The 50th Anniversary LV is going to be repped! The 50th Anniversary LV is going to be repped! Fat hands and everything! I can't wait!" and "LV, what does LV stand for?" banter before this watch broke into the market. Funny. 'TTK' was the first to come through with a quantity. This one is from Eddie Lee. My oldest replica. It started out life with a black insert, people actually ordered them that way as a POP option. They were termed 'Super Subs' or as Eddie called them' 'Souper Sub'. I lived with it that way until I couldn't stand the ridiculousness of it all. Here after the Watchmaterial insert.
  14. I can't remember. Probably 'rya' and 'jonthebhoy' 's posts.
  15. You can analyze it to assemble some sort hypothesis with regard, and that is always 'fun'; a debate that probably will not go polar, but, I have to agree with Robert; it's just a cycle. All forums go through them. No concertive, intellectual effort will swing the pendulum any faster than it's design will allow. Septembers, as far back as I can rember, are a drag. 'Oktoberfest'. We need 'Oktoberfest'.
  16. A lot of the observations and concerns here, were raised @ TZ last Feb. Meh, it's a good <read>. The watch: Nice.
  17. SWISS MADE over five tics. Cool. Nice watch.
  18. Congratulations, it looks like an old beat up Tudor watch. EXCELLENT!
  19. MmmmmmmmmmmmmmmDoxa! Too kewl.
  20. Paranoid 'dutchy? No, that's just the money you could be saving with Geico. "I always feel like, somebody's watching me.............."
  21. This thread caught my attention. As fantastic as the 'super' Rolex reps (WM9/blkm1234) are; they are just too much money from a 'principle' POV. I set my limit @ $300 for any rep a long time ago. I ordered a SSD insert from Watchmaterial while ordering for my Classic Sub and LV, so I still intend on getting one. I cast my vote there. I'm still fond of my old TWB SD as sad as it is technically to gen. The SSD is 'it' for me. The DSSD is just too over the top intrinsically for my tastes.
  22. Oh. I'll just presume you have all 'Dave123' and 'JohnG' 's posts 'blocked' then Col. It's a way slippery slope dealing from the US. You gotta admire the chutzpah. When the door gets kicked in. What a mess. I'd rather sell Cuba Caterpillar machinery on the slide.
  23. Yeah, it's a carpet bomb campaign Marty. I got the same this AM. Reported. <edit> This is the same text that 'lanikai' reported from member 'wasd8038'. Spam bot then.
  24. A master among the masters. I hate you! But in a good way. Congrats!
  25. In after Admin. but to hammer the nail (pun intended) further; Never make your *hobby* your job, you'll end up hating both. If I never sit in the pointy end of an airplane again, fine with me.
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