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Everything posted by Demsey

  1. Yup. I'm very fortunate to own a gen. vintage Cosmo., am very well aquainted with the watch, since I was able to tell time wanted one, and too with the flaw and drawbacks of the replicas having focused on them obsessively for years and years on RWG (do any of the old timers remember 'Halley' on the old RWG? The man knew his 6263's well and afore a lot of the heavy weights here ever Googled 'replica') . Yet and still, the real screaming flaw, even the symmetrical pusher models, is the pristine out-of-the-box state of the 'replica'. Those would indeed be Toady's 50K specimen. Mods there can be well achieved in great depth or casual external patina only. It can go by degrees. No one should deny the replica for minutia. Afterall, the WIS's obsessions have their place, but 'in the style of........' hommage should not be denied. I would cast a vote going the 'Spinmaster' DW route. If money is an object, then demure the Valjoux and opt for the 7750. They are such a 'score' with respect to the hobby; 'replica', and despite my good fortune, still want one. If merely for 'paste'.
  2. Exactly D. And another with the same 'pusher' theme to the Zenith;http://www.jpc8118.com/vc10003-chronomoon-phase-white-working-mchronos-pi-3918.html?image=0 Not sure of your expertise level with all this yet 'dieguito', but these Vach with the touted 'Lemania' bi-compax movements (the true identity of that movement is subject of great discussion) are sound with regard. They enjoy a great reputation of being robust and faithful. Although the movement is lacking when applied to a three subdial register, for a 'Moon Phase' complication it is more than well suited.
  3. Me being bombastic as all hell, these are the kinds of posts that would send me over the self engraciating edge. Your account stirs a lot of my own experience chain here on the boards. I will demure all that as I hope this topic will go page after page with regard to you and what you mean to all of 'us'. I first noticed you Gio when you posted the pictoral of your infamous B&W Semi-nude, reclining with Rolex, that coincidentally you included here, on TRC. A few of the pictures in that thread went well and beyond the obvious subject matter and I noted "Whoa, we have yet another 'intelligent' member to add to the already impressive roster." Cool. That day, I searched all your past posts and tutorals. Then, if ever seeing your SN on the main page never was remiss clicking them. Your presence was missed when you dropped off the radar. That happens to a lot of members; life getting in the way, and the mind goes to places you'd rather not dwell as to why. All too often it is a dark place. So happy you are back and taking a new fork in the road. Voltaire would approve. You are an enlightened person. That is contagious. To coin a colloquialism of your own, and simply; Gratsi!
  4. How about a nice Vacheron Constantin Moon Phase or Malte Calendar 'dieguito'? I always thought that Zenith looked like it were from the Vach line. Try clicking around some of the recommended dealers' sites with regard. I'm no expert on Vacheron, but I do know quite a few of the models suffer from 'flaw' to the genuine article. These are rarely seen watches on the street however and their flaws are not screaming 'tells' that they are 'replica'. Good luck.
  5. Challenge him to a boat race. You'd all soon change your minds as his rooster tail soaks your cockpit. He won't take personal checks either for side bets. Hard [censored].
  6. OMG! I laughed. How much were they asking? Great thread, I learned a lot. I have always (thought I) wanted a DSLR, but I have no 'real' use for it and it would be a senseless self indulgence. You know, like having $1750 invested in 7 replica Rolex watches. Will be anxiously waiting for Freddy to get up to speed with the new kit. Good things coming for sure.
  7. lol, I was going to say; to best vintage patina a wristwatch, buy the watch, travel to AK and donate a few weeks this Summer to Bob's Scout Troop. Then you return. Voila!
  8. McQueen owned and wore two Rolex models, bought as new. The 5512 he bought in 1967 and wore it exclusively (as a personal piece) until be bought the 1655 around '72 +-, then that became his daily beater. But he did wear the 5512 in the movie The Hunter in '80, as shown in the center photo of 'metaljesus' 's post pics. He also wore the Monaco in the film Bullitt. I could have sworn I saw him wear the 1655 on the screen as well, but considering his filmography between the time of his death and the purchase of the Explorer that would had to have been either 'Towering Inferno' or 'The Getaway'. Serious continuity faux pas if he wore them in Papillion or Tom Horn I'm thinking the latter, The Getaway, or I am just making the case up in my head. Likely. Anyhoo, his 5512 was sold at auction (perhaps circa '04? Hmmmm) for 234K usd it was only in 'fair' condition T'J, the bezel/case pretty beat up and was 'pearl delete'. It would be a good vintage project for you, unfortunately his No-Date had a rare vintage bracelet. The hollow mid-links were replete with twin screw screwed on on side plates. Not sure, but perhaps that feature was exclusive to another global market aside the US. My gen 6263 (of the same era) has a similar build aside the side plates are rivetted. According to Bob 'Nanuq' that is a characteristic of a UK market released piece. Here, this should get you <started>. 850SGD, so what, 350GBP? Cheap!
  9. Anyone here use 'Life Lock'? I'm considering it. Not that I'm sloppy or overtly paranoid, but I just know myself. If I were to find myself in the percentile of people who's identity had been compromised I would blow a head gasket. And for anyone here with kids, I was just reading a scam where thieves use the SS#'s of very young children to open up lines of credit. Obviously the parent would never, know not likely to be running a TRW on an eight year old. But when they grow up and apply for student loan, a car, or a home their credit is nill as it appears they defaulted on a sub-prime loan a decade before. Nuts.
  10. Looks like a Jensen 'Interceptor'. Which is cool.
  11. Congratulations. It is known; philosophers are oft exposed to magnetic field. This does make sense.
  12. Is this a rhetorical joke T'J? For heaven's sake, the 1655 of course. If you want a 'smart' watch, Rolex is entirely off the table. I mean, in the 'Sport realm' where you reside, horologically, a 16613 could do the job, but that's certainly no more 'you' than the latter day GMT. For that get a 'Vach. Gentlemen prefer.
  13. Phaedo? Are you new here? Gio's avatar is 'known' I only got 11. The Yam and the Helicopter threw me.
  14. Good points Lanikai, and the better part of it is, that; you are of the sound mind and body to raise them considering these weeks past. I suppose I have a counter, could, merely for the sake of 'debate' with regard to 'healthcare', but not up to the chore today. Much. Food for thought though, what would have been the outcome, do you think, despite the pitfalls of the current, of your situation under another, more universal system? Perhaps the Euro contingency could add. As you stated, and I agree; "misinformation is rampant". Insurance caps are caps surely, and yet considering, at a county hospital 'cost' would have been scattered to the wind to be sorted later in the interest of timely care (spelled; no governmental interference and tape). But waiting lists and 'government stance and policy on disease specific' are another. From your account here, the powers that be (official position) seem to be of the notion; "You had the sniffles", albeit, it almost killed you. Somewhere in the status quo, some eager physician's interest was piqued and, well, due to the deep pockets of special interest insurance/HMO pools, here we are? Hell, I do not know. Another scenerio? That would require 20/20 forward sight. No one ever claimed that resource and was not deemed a lunatic. Save perhaps, Nostradamus. He was such a hack. Anyhoo and suffice, and it should not go un-mentioned; the President's good character as a man is not, or should not be, reproached. I am enough a student of history to understand; right or wrong, in the shaking out of the thing, to a man, they all ( US presidents) have acted in largely what they deemed in the 'best interest'. Whether dictated by popular opinion in the House or from the heart (the latter will always be their undoing. Sigh. What 'men' do) Unfortunately, the tenets of the job will compromise the man and his plan. Always. It's part and parcel of the job description. Unfortunately, it's only after the inauguration, that is discovered, and to what degree. As citzens, we know bupkis. For all we know, you never had the Swine Flu. Perhaps Rihab Taha mixed up that bug in 1988 and the ampule(s) only made it to so many ports of call after the occupation. Who knows? Pity Chrichton is dead. However, the silence you are experiencing from the bureaucracy is deafening. And quite disconcerting. <edit> Cross posted with 'Usil' 's. Great insight 'Usil'! It's a sad testimony to 'politico' and 'media' when you really have to be on the inside to 'know'. And they expect a fair and unbiased political system? Frustrating. @Dani Goods to hear fom you! Actually have had you in my thoughts these past weeks. I have 'rescued' yet another dog. Much to the dismay of Mrs. Demsey. A [censored] (the dog ) that is largely German Short Haired Pointer, but it's father is a certain bull terrier breed whom you know well that 'jumped the fence'. Here, she is only 12 lbs, but in three months has doubled that. Her chest is growing and when she squints to the sun, her father's lineage is betrayed. It's a good dog and she'll hunt quail well. I think. 'Largo'
  15. The timing is all wrong JB. They already elected an US president. Now, if Lani had fallen ill last August? Well, hell, he very well may have been all over CNN, as the one canidate stopped by to get a photo op and tie it in with an impromptu reunion @ Punahou, and the other guy would have hand delivered Lani's medical dossier to the CDC in Atlanta on his way back to D.C after Lehman collapsed. Think of the districts won. There. Hmmm, this still could work out. If the president keeps getting stone walled with his single payer health plan, he might have to stop by the home town and use 'H1N1' and 'crisis' in the same speech about 25 times. Shout it from the roof tops Lani. The voice of experience is purdy loud. To the grass roots. I'm with Ken. I have been, am, and will be; 'on it'. Lani's situation just confirms what the diligent should have suspected all along. The fact that this board is multi-cultural shouldn't be lost. How many concerned with his ordeal are registered as 'members'? Do the exponetial math. Knowledge as 'information' can spread like wild fire. Which is just a little bit faster than the flu. Coo'
  16. Then you listened to the Sirens telling you; "Go and seek the 'hamburger on a straaaaaaap'. Gooooooo. You seeeeeek the 'hamburger on a straaaaaaap' !"............and well, you did. Lost another one to Ditech. Glad to see you have come to you senses Ulysses. I certainly no longer have the impetus to seek these grails, for they are fleeting. And my interest is fickle. I have since relegated myself to one Rolex gen., a drawer in the gun safe relegated to a few 'used to be' fine examples a` replica, that meant more in the company of the hunt than the piece, echoed in the enthusiasm found in threads as these. Towit; pics and review please D Luddy Van.
  17. Les Paul invented electricity. What an accomplished life.
  18. !!!!! Careful! That's a recipe for 'normal' or dare I say; 'ordinary', or God forbid; 'common' shiver..........
  19. Not a bad first post! I think we are all victims of a cultural in house drive by. Somehow the Ravenswood I was going to drink tonight seems lacking. 'Gio' ? Any suggestions?
  20. "No, but I presume the geezer I kicked the crap out of last week and then stole his watch did. So, how about me and my mate here take an SR out?" The only person who ever noticed my watch and showed me grace was the kid at the Go-Kart track. He knew what fly was and noticed my rep 116520. "Nice watch!" "It's fake, hold onto it for me while I take my laps" He started the field and then disappeared. When we came in he ran back around the corner out of breath and said he would give me another 'round on the house if he could wear the watch a little longer. There were a few more G's he had to jaw drop at the race park. I gave him Joshua's addy. I wonder if he ever bought one. I should have just given him mine. It crapped out two months later. Two years on a A7750 secs @ 6. Meh, not bad.
  21. No Col., they'll just size you up as a French Naval veteran, that is until you order the Vicky Bitter.............get the WM9 rep and let them think what they want............. It's a cool watch. But PAYPAL IS FROM HELL! Anyone want a side bet to who takes it? Vegas odds? Pugwash is the odds-on-favorite. Good luck everybody............................
  22. Killer piece of gear. It says; "Dive deep". Wear it in good health at depth.
  23. Still: But I'm going back to the bracelet. It's 97F here with 90% humidity. The strap is getting gross. Are those Jack Purcell's Freddy? I didn't think anyone aside me wore them anymore. Not sure if you are familiar or care, they were Pagey's shoe of choice when the band gigged the Royal Albert Hall in 1970. Too funny. Why I retain this insignificant info.? I do not know.
  24. Wow, this is crazy. I must be charmed, aside the resetting of the bookmark issue, the experience has been seamless and error free from the first............... Tho' I have been seeing many, many, many problems on other forums I belong (not the rep ones, from the jingoistic politico, music, gun to boating ones) and the versions of Internet Explorer (above IE8) have caused the snags, especially with streaming video and the function of periphery controls; editors, smilies, and flash.
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