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Everything posted by Chronus

  1. Sad ... didn't Jaymoi sell some watches to buy her a birthday gift? And she turns out not to be the right one. I guess you live and you learn.
  2. I agree about Johnny 5 is aliiiiiive! I haven't seen Wall-E (or Lord of the Rings).. but heard that it was supposed to be good. Guess I'll wait for a DVD release. For me, best movie in the cinema has been The Dark Knight... I did something I have never done before - seen it a second time! Admittedly it was at iMax and with a girl, but it was good 2nd time around too. Probably the best comic adaptation...
  3. There is another one called FlipSide from http://flipside.fm It's a little different.
  4. Correction: it's $19.95 and unlocked via a registration key.
  5. Ah that explains the anitpathy to certain London teams! If I supported the team that were local to where I was born, you'd be classifying me as that too, but luckily for me I thought Liverpool played in Enfield (Anfield/Enfield, same thing when you're a kid) and had my favourite player John Barnes. My sister is a Spurs fan though, she's going to the game tomorrow. Sadly I cannot afford a season ticket for any team... probably better off getting a ryanair flight to Germany and watching a game for 10 quid ! I was in the Shed End for the Chelsea - Liverpool game in the CL last year (a Chelsea supporting fan had an exam the next day and reluctantly had to sell the tickets to me). I still have the flag they had on the seats which I was hoping would give me and Chelsea good luck against man ure in the final
  6. Sounds scarily similar to arguments involving religion ! ok time to lock the thread before *they* go off
  7. any thoughts? Or where to get it? They are asking $30-40 for it i think
  8. If supports his local team, it'll be a rich team in blue by the way, who do you support chief?
  9. In begrudging defence of Setanta (no I won't get their channel - they are part funded by Man Ure's sponsors AIG), they are just doing what Sky did in the past to build up market share. Sky had the monopoly before with exclusive rights... i agree i wouldnt want to pay for both channels... and rather it be setanta in the long run with all the games until they become the new Sky In the meantime best to get a satellite dish and watch it on foreign channels, or go to the pub, or find an internet link. I saw the Liverpool - Man Ure game on one yesterday full screen and it was great. And for those into Italian football in the UK, betfair have the internet rights so you just need an account and then watch it on their website for free!
  10. well it was removing one excuse .... doesn't stop the shyness though and way out of shape from working too many hours so no time for exercise... though having said that a couple nights ago on the walk home from work at almost 11pm a girl said something but i just walked on by.... i should have stopped... and a party a month ago, a beautiful girl came up to me and danced with me, and i didnt say anything...! and then again later that night she came back to me and i was still tongue-tied... it's been a while now i guess. i'm over my ex so that's not it ! well, i guess i better score a few goals at 5-a-side football tomorrow! I may start biking to work if i have to move next month
  11. ok! it's not for you, and you have zero chance of complications There are exercises you can do that will improve your eyesight naturally... I was too lazy to do them Work too late and no time when I get home. today is the earliest I finished this week - 9pm. My dad does those exercises (in his 60s) and says he has seen improvements.
  12. There is a guy at work in his 50s, still lives at home with his retired parents (I think the only time he was away from home was when he was in the army)... he's said he's never had a girlfriend... and likes RPGs and he's said he went to a Star Trek convention dressed in Star Trek uniforms...
  13. It's been over a year for me and it's fine. Still haven't done the 2nd eye though! Maybe this xmas... Anyway I had LASEK and not LASIK. The one I had does not involve any surgical cuts. I think technically, it does not count as surgery because of that. Anyway surgical procedure has a risk though.... that will never go to zero. There is a risk of a bird sh!tting on your head, but most people walk around without umbrellas. It's a personal decision though. If you aren't comfortable, don't do it! I knew for myself that I would keep pondering it until my eyesight was "normal".
  14. By the way, away qualifiers' TV rights are sold by the home FA (ie. not England) which is why Setanta don't HAVE to sell hilights to BBC or ITV
  15. Setanta are showing hilights for free on freeview/digital services apparently.
  16. and yes, he is one of those annoying man ure fans
  17. Thanks, I just got home... gonna try it now along with a couple my friend just called me about. Thanks!
  18. thanks! i'll be leaving work in around 45 mins, i'll try it when i get home by the way will this work on an N-series Nokia phone.. or the new Blackberry Bold? Otherwise I'm stuck streaming Radio 5 Live on my N82.
  19. Give it a few more years for them to perfect it and we'll see how good it can be. A friend of mine is a computer games programmer and says the animators there aren't doing anything like this for many of the reasons stated above. They are doing things where they can take one face and produce many variations to create new character models. This helps with costs and lip-synching but not as good as the one in the link above.
  20. http://technology.timesonline.co.uk/tol/ne...icle4557935.ece This really is very good.... perhaps in time we won't need primadonna actors and actresses? Friends would still be running? Or more realism in computer games, though the media will kick up a fuss with first person shooters being too realistic...!
  21. I can but wish... but with the weakening pound
  22. not sure, but it says you can watch them with spectacles on if you want, or without.
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