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Everything posted by maxman

  1. Very well said Ken. I know from personal experence how good a high quailty rep handbag....for example...can be. Unfortunately we have some around here that talk out there ass with little or no knowledge. There thinking Is...If It's not 100% as good as the gen then It must be [censored]. I would personally consider the source and move on. If the replicated product Isn't up to ones standards then buy the gen. End of story. Again....well said Ken. Mike
  2. No need to get personal bro.
  3. I know nothing about this site and wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole. But It may be worth a look. If not for anything else but shits and giggles. http://www.<strong>g...tch-p-9629.html Mike
  4. I'm just a little curious about something here It seems to me that you are offering " free candy". I can't see how you can make much of a profit offering free candy. Unless of course It Isn't free....and If not... then there must be some kind of agenda behind this free candy advert. But if your offer Is legit/sincere...I'll take some M&M's and Recess peanut buter cups. Throw In a few feces pieces while your at It. Thats some good [censored]. Thanks. . Mike. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9B_6PH4dhU
  5. Might want to take a look at the new Seawolf and Skyland. I picked up the SW resently and just love it.
  6. I've used Chanel Egoiste....and It's very good. But that Evaflor Double Whisky sounds wonderful. I must give that a try. Thanks for the suggestions Claude. Mike
  7. Thanks bro. I almost blind purchased PL....thats how much I wanted to like this new TM Pure flanker. Who knows??....maybe It's my skin. I'm going to wear It several more times and hope I warm up to It. But If I don't I will always have a decant of TF Tuscany. That stuff Is magic In a bottle. Mike
  8. I picked up a sample of TM Pure leather last night at Nordstroms. I was surprised to see It so soon after It's release. As soon as I sprayed it on my arm I knew something was wrong. I got that original blast from A*Men but I also got this synthetic vibe....and not In a good way. I did not get this rich leather...but more like a pleather. It reminded me of that new plastic smell you might get from a new car. I'm not talking about the smell of expensive leather from the seats...but more like the smell from the plastic bits. It sat very close to my skin and was gone In about a hour. I'm a huge TM fan boy and love the Pure line flankers. But Pure leather and Pure shot are huge disappointments Imho. I get the feeling that TM phoned this one In. I wish he would have put more effort Into the leather note(s) To my nose It's a watered down version of the original A*Men with cheep Ingredients. I love the original A*Men....tar note and all. Imo It has the best dry down In the fragrance Industry. Pure Havane, Pure Malt,Pure Coffee. love them all. Pure Havane Is most likely my favorite because of that wonderful tobacco leaf. But this Pure leather Is not In the same league as TM other flankers. Unless he plans on doing something really special...I hope It ends here with the pure flankers. For those who love leather as I do....try this. Get the original A*Men or Pure Havane Pure Malt etc.. and layer It with Tom Ford Tuscany leather. The leather note In Tuscany Is one of the best..If not the best that I have ever had my nose on. I don't know what Mugler used In this formulation but It smells cheep and uninviting to me. Not deserving of the Pure flanker line. I put some on about two hours ago and can not detect anything... unless I put my nose directly on my arm....and even then I can barely smell anything. Maybe that't a good thing, Mike PS...I also picked up another sample of Hanae Mori(1996). I feel that it's a citrus gourmand that can be worn year around. Very good projection and longevity. I will probably pick up a bottle tonight. I would suggest trying a sample If you haven't done so as of yet.
  9. If this situation doesn't resolve Itself I think a set up for donations would be In the true spiritof RWG. I would be happy to contribute. Mike
  10. I will keep my fingers crossed for this situation to end well. But like Consepta said. "It only takes a few min to show a life sign". Shame really. Mike
  11. Congratulations on your Masters and wishing your little one the very best of health. I know that sometimes life can get In the way of are little hobby.....amoung other things. The good news is...RWG and your friends are always here when you return. Good to see you back bro....cheers. Mike
  12. I came across this pix several months ago. It has been burned Into my memory ever since. Those jeans have trully been assassinated. Lucky jeans. Have you seen better? If so...show us what you got homie. Mike
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