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Everything posted by maxman

  1. Hey R...been waiting for you thoughts on the new SW. I'm sorry to hear about the SEL Issues. It dosen't make the purchase of a new watch that much fun when you have to send the dam thing back to China town. One thing I have noticed about reps Is they dont have the production consistency of gens. Two people can order the very same rep. One person can get one with no issues to speak of...and the other has several issues. Some have better ar and lume for example. Mine had a loose clasp and very tight bezel. But the fix was easy on both counts. The clasp just needed a new clasp tube and the bezel a little lube. I feel that my lume Is good and I'm satisfied thus far. It's not a torch like the gen or Zigmeisters lume... but It's not bad Imo. The ar on mine is also pretty good. Again not as good as gen or Chiefs...but not bad for rep ar. I know you have more experence with Breitling gens than I do R...so your opinion should be more valued than mine. That said... I did get a chance to try on a black dial SW last week. I felt that the rep holds up pretty good to the gen. But of course under close scrutiny by those really familiar with the SW...or Breitlings In general....well the flaws will be seen. But I guess that can be said for most reps If not all. I would like to put a gen bezel on mine...If at all possible. The rep bezel is not bad but not as smooth or refined as the gen. I had my watch guy seal off the HE valve.. so now I can go swimming without worry. Overall I'm very happy with mine. I hope with some time and maybe a few mods you will like yours just as much. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts/opinions with us R....much appreciated sir. Mike
  2. Welcome to RWG lason. Mike
  3. Thanks for the heads up bro. This Is the very reason I don't like to blind buy. I did some research on Costamor Tabacca and It sounds like something I must try. I found this video on CT....this guy Is funny and does a pretty good job with his review. I like to layer fragrances....especially durring the cooler months. So I layerd TF Tuscan leather with TM Pure malt this morning. All I can say Is "WOW" Mike.
  4. Stunning scenery....thanks for sharing. Mike
  5. You've been a member here for almost five years... so I don't think you would be considered a newb.
  6. As far as I know there Is no such thing as a watchden.net. If so could you post a link?? I believe the Op was asking about watcheden.net.....which is a trusted dealer here. As Poker stated....watcheden.net/biz are the same site.
  7. Have used them a few times with no problems. Also a trusted dealer here.
  8. My signature today. D&G the one with D&G PH. The two together complement each other perfectly Imo. BTW has anyone here tried Havana by Aramis? I'm always looking for a good tobacco based fragrance. I really don't know that much about this one but the reviews look very promising. It has around 22 notes...so they thru the kitchen sink In with this one. But Is seems they somehow come together very nicely. According to most of the reviews anyway. Mike
  9. Good to hear...I will most likely order mine very soon.
  10. Thanks for the video. I love cc.....been using them for years. If you go back and work on those deeper scratches for a bit longer... you might possibly get even better results. I had a pretty bad scratch along the side of my SA. It took three or four tries...but It's hardly noticeable now... If noticeable at all. Mike
  11. Good to here you like the Hanae Mori Him. The original Is also very nice. Bond No9 Wall Street today. Im getting a very fresh clean oceanic/marine vibe. I'm also getting this organic garden feeling. The cucumber Is definitely front In center on this one. So far so good. Mike
  12. Very well said lk. Many of the members here have gens. So I guess the days they wear their gens they are upstanding genuine classy folks. But the days they wear there reps they turn Into to unethical disingenuous scumbags. Anyone who would judge a persons worth by how much there watch cost has serious Issues. Some of them are here In this thread. My answer to the Op's question...." Why In general do gen watch owners hate reps"? Thats a easy one. This is for you Killer of legends.
  13. It also looks good to me. As stated above....the angle changes the perspective. Beautiful Pam....enjoy. Mike
  14. These Pams are trully amazing. With the cg pin fix It would be very difficult to tell the difference. Even for the most observent Panerai enthusiast. It looks like the noob version has a better cg pin. Happy days.
  15. So tempted on this new TM flanker. I wish Thierry would come out with a Pure flanker to end all flankers. Quite simple actually. Pure malt, Pure Havane, Pure Coffee, Pure leather. Put all that wonderful [censored] In one bottle and you most likely will have pure gold. Actually that might not be a bad name for It. It's a bit cool up here In the mountains of West Virgina this morning. (I'm on vacation). So I'm layering A*Men with Pure Havane. Pure success. Mike
  16. I know what you mean.... some exotic fragrances take time to figure out.
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