Thats a really good way to look at It Zig. I cant remember when I did not reply to someones message(s), I might be out of town or really bussy but I always return messages. I agree that It Is rude to do otherwise. I sometimes get questions from new members about certain watches and dealers. I will give the new member the best Infomation and advice that I can. Many times these new members wont take a minuite to say "thanks" or "kiss my ass" I mean not a word. These people are usally gone within a short period of time, they gather Infomation then they are gone.I for one hope you never leave.I have read everything you have posted, or almost everything I have learned so much form you and I know many others have as well. I also know that you are one of the most,If not the most respected members here,as It should be. Maybe just sharing how you feel will help,I hope so. Mike