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Everything posted by maxman

  1. Im no Pam or pvd expert but I would have to agree with member x. I think that pvd Is normally a mat finish. I would also agree to take your time. I was here only a few days before I purchased my first rep. I purchased a quratz Omega PO. I really dont like to wear It anymore because the movement Is all wrong. I should have taken my time. Oh well that was seven reps ago and I am very happy with my small collection so far, good luck. Mike
  2. Impressive my friend, Impressive Indeed, thanks Mike
  3. What you do to the watch Is your own affair but the straps suck. I put mine on a nice gator strap, It made all the difference In the world. I hope you enjoy your new watch Mike
  4. Nice collection you have going for yourself. Did you say ten reps In a month, dam I thought I was going overborad at seven reps In six months. Well I feel a little better now, thanks Mike
  5. Beautiful Pams DD, wear them well Mike
  6. I purchased this same watch from Watcheden. Idolreplica and Watcheden are really one and the same. Check It out, the Pics are the same also. Nice watch for the money. Mike
  7. They screw you alright. Lets hope one of the fine members here will be kind enough to help you out. I will look around and see what I can find. These come In different sizes so we have to be careful to get the screw that fits this particular cg. I will let you know Mike
  8. I just lost the screw to my Pam 250. I would suggest contacting the dealer you purchased It from and see If he or she can locate one for you, probably wont charge you If you purchased the watch from them. E Bay also has them but they can be quite pricey, good luck Mike
  9. Let us know when It arrives. Waiting Is a [censored] but opening the package, euphoric Mike
  10. Thanks for the heads up on the Photo gig. I plan on being a point and shoot kind of guy. I really cant afford another pricey hobby. That being said, I planed on buying one cheep quartz rep when I arrived here and that was It, Oh well
  11. Although I would rather not admit It because I like to be In the majority, conerstone Is right Imho. We must always remember that we are involved In a counterfeit product. I do wish everyone well with there watches/crystals Mike
  12. 99% of the time people say " nice watch" 99% of the time I say "thank you" It really Is that simple for me. 99% of the time It's that one % thats a pain In the azz. Mike
  13. Just when I thought that It wasn't possable for me to like RWG any more then I do, well here you go Absolutely Titalating. Nice to see that Admin Is a breast of the situation
  14. This Is to keeping your pimp hand strong huggy bear would be proud
  15. Im looking for a camera as we speek. I can only feed one addiction at a time. I hope the photo thing Isn't as addictive as the rep thing or were both In big trouble Mike
  16. Put the lime In the coconut and shake It all up. (ps) Call me In the morning
  17. The Pam bug can be the mother of all bugs, vicious liitle mother I did not even like Pams when I got here, now I have three and counting. Post some Pics when you can Mike
  18. She's a beaut I need to get one, so many reps so little money
  19. Good luck with the upgrade. I already think that RWG Is the best rep form going. The thought of It getting even better Is good news Indeed, thanks for the heads up. Mike (ps) Did you say 48 hrs without RWG?
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