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Member X

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Everything posted by Member X

  1. This is a great thread Did we ever get the re-assembly one? lol
  2. Got this recently for the missus: She's very happy with it, although it's not 100% accurate to the gen. Would your mum like an all white HBB with diamond bezel?
  3. There's a good photo guide on RWG1.1 on this that I read today! It seems that the reps aren't really very accurate to the gen, but are still goodlooking watches
  4. Do you mean a CO (Carbon Monoxide) alarm? That's the odourless one that makes you drowsy and then just drop off, never to awaken unless someone finds you...
  5. I think it's a 20/18 but I haven't got it on today so will have to check!
  6. That was an awesome show last night - how bonkers is that Peoples' Palace?! He really was a nutjob...
  7. I can't wait for the stealth version - I may have to batter the plastic when it's here...
  8. There are also homages of BR01s on ebay, which I have ordered and am very happy with
  9. Great links - subscribed to this thread!
  10. There is one excellent quality BR02 rep but they just aren't the same as the 01s and 03s IMO. Have a search on here and see what you can find
  11. I only use the two-blade cheapie ones as they never last long no matter whether you spend
  12. That story sounds like a load of balls
  13. What on EARTH are those two massive ones? Full on diving versions, I assume?!? I'm sure the PAMs are worth a fortune but I'm struggling to see any difference between them and some well aged reps lol
  14. Just to play devil's advocate, why do you want to get a Rolex? To impress your friends? There are a wealth of other brands out there that you could buy - get something different and difficult to get hold of, perhaps very limited edition! (Oh, and if cost isn't an object, just get a gen! )
  15. JKay - you are right with regards to the 01 model but I believe the OP's watch is an 03! Which in real life also has the same method, I believe, but in this case it appears to be a solid block of metal... I think what needs to be done is you need to somehow unscrew / prise off the 'bezel' that holds the crystal in place - I don't think the case and bezel is a one-piece construction, I think the metal rings are put in afterwards, presumably with crystal already in place. Can you see a gap between the metal ring and the case? I think I can see one on the pic of the crown where it slightly overhangs the case? Good luck if it is as I can't imagine it's going to be easy to get off! lol
  16. OCD anyone? lol Would be interested to see the PAMs at the back too!
  17. That's a pretty harsh hand you've been dealt... You've clearly got the strength to get through it, though, so I wish you well while you take the next few steps and will look forward to seeing you on the other side! Remember, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger
  18. B&R seem to keep a very firm grip on all spares - even the gen owners on the main forum don't have any spare parts, bar screws and lugs and stuff like that that isn't much use lol Good luck finding any and post here when you do!
  19. This thread is uber-geek but a great source of info, thank you all!
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