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Posts posted by swdivad

  1. Online auction giant eBay has been convicted of selling counterfeit goods and ordered to pay 20,000 euro ($32,497) in damages to French luxury group Hermes, Hermes' lawyer said.

    The ruling, which marks a first in France, found eBay directly responsible for the sale on its website of three Hermes bags including two fakes, for a total of 3000 euro.

    "We are satisfied that they should be considered counterfeiters", said lawyer Emmanuel Colomes, who had been seeking 30,000 euro in damages for complicity in the sale of counterfeit goods.

    At the trial in April, Hermes' lawyer argued that eBay was more than a mere host for the counterfeit items.

    "eBay is an active player in the transaction because not only does it offer a number of services to improve the sale, but when it does not work well enough or fast enough, they intervene with the client," Colomes argued.

    "They are perfectly informed of the transactions since they take a percentage cut."

    Luxury fashion houses Louis Vuitton and Dior Couture have also taken legal action against eBay before the Paris commercial court, respectively seeking 20 million euro and 17 million euro in damages.

    Both brands accuse eBay of complicity in the sale of counterfeit goods by allowing buyers and sellers to transact without imposing any controls.

    Also in France, the auction industry took legal action against the online giant last December, accusing it of encouraging trade in pirated and stolen goods.

    And in a potentially major case, the cosmetics giant L'Oreal last September launched legal action against eBay in five European countries including France, over the sale of bottles of counterfeit perfume.

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

  2. Bill Gates croaked it and met his maker, and God said, "Well, Bill, I'm really confused on this one. I'm not sure whether to send you to Heaven or to Hell. After all, you helped society enormously by putting a computer in almost every home in the world, and we even have them up here now, yet you created that ghastly Windows. I'm going to do something I've never done before. I'm going to let you decide where you want to go.

    Bill Gates said, "What's the difference between the two?" God said, "It might help you decide if you took a peek. I've set up webcams at both places. Shall we look at Hell first?" Bill was amazed. He saw a clean, white sandy beach with clear blue waters. There were thousands of beautiful men and women running around, playing in the water, laughing and frolicking about. The sun was shining and the temperature was perfect. "This is great!" said Bill. "If this is Hell, I can't wait to see Heaven." God said, "Here then" and clicked on his mouse and they viewed Heaven. Bill saw puffy white clouds in a beautiful blue sky, with angels drifting about playing harps and singing. It was nice, but surely not as enticing as Hell. Bill thought for only a brief moment and rendered his decision. "God, I do believe I would prefer to go to Hell." "As you wish," said God.

    Two weeks later, God decided to check up on the late billionaire to see how things were going. He found Bill shackled to a wall, screaming amidst the hot flames in a dark cave. He was being tortured by demons with pitchforks. "How ya doin', Bill?" asked God. Bill responded with anguish and despair, "This is awful! This isn't what we watched at all! What happened to the beach and the beautiful women playing in the water?" "Oh, that," said God. "That was the screen saver..."

  3. I have thrown together a 3D model quickly regarding discussions... some numbers and details would have to be changed, but that is easy... when the numbers update, all the drawing views and geometry updates automatically...

    If you guys want to keep going with this, let me know, as I have some free time now.

    I can supply to the manufacturer in any 2d and/or 3d format needed for manufacturing.

    edit... attachment removed

  4. I was walking past the psychiactric hospital the other day... all the patients were shouting "13....13....13"

    The fence was too high to see over, but I saw a little gap in the planks and looked through to see what was going on.

    Some bastard poked me in the eye with a stick.

    ... They all started shouting "14....14....14" :bangin::o:huh:

  5. If any of the engineers/ designers who have so generously posted in this loop have actual experience converting either a scan of an actual case part or more general drawings into CNC usable plans please shoot me a PM whenever you have a chance. I am working with another member on a small CNC project and before we invest real money into it I had a couple of quick questions. Thanks in advance.



    I am a mechanical engineer and have SolidWorks and all the software needed to do what's needed in 3d... I can convert laser scanned data into useable surfaces for manufacturing... But I really don't understand why we have to re-invent the wheel... anyone have a direct line to JimmyFu?

    If not... I will help any way I can if there is some scanned data of original cases... or even 2D data, and I will turn it into a full 3D model ready for manufacture...

    I could even generate the CNC code, but would want to know the full process, a some of this would be forged, I'm sure... and there weould be no need to machine the full case, unless it is to create a new forging die... which brings me back to the same point of re-inventing the wheel....

    Let me know if there's anything I can do.



  6. Sorry to hear... but that's my experience here in the land of Oz too... Laziness and self centeredness is abound.

    Maybe I'm ignorant about the way the rest of the world has become since moving here, but I was so surprised at the attitude when I came here from New Zealand and before that, the US...

    So sad... but it's a breath of fresh air to see and hear about the few left like you :)

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