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Everything posted by redwatch

  1. Very nice shot! This has been a great thread to learn from some of the great masters in photography! Thanks for all the tips guys!
  2. Futterman's design was quite intriguing! I always wanted to hear one of those!
  3. I found a Tamron 90mm Di which is motor driven and will work with the D40 for $350. Gonna pick it up tomorrow. According to a lot of the reviews I read today, it seems like the Tamron is a little sharper than the Nikon 105mm and a huge favorite! Thanks very much for the tip!
  4. Now that's a cool shot Freddy! I love the the OTL-1 amp in the background!
  5. Thanks for that! I had read that the 60mm AF-S was a great all around lens. Good for macros and great for portrait shots. Some of the user pics on some forums looked quite good from that lens! I was really surprised by it! Is the Tamron full auto? Probably is on the D80 because it can drive the focus ring from the body unlike the D40.
  6. Well, about 5 minutes after my first post on this subject, my girlfriend and I broke off the cleanse (properly of course - didn't go get a burger or anything). After a nice gentle ramp up over the weekend with juice and soups we are now off of the diet. Thanks for the tips guys! I kept trying to convince my girlfriend that there are no easy short cuts when it comes to dieting. Just eat right, exercise and watch the portion sizes. We both feel better about being off of the cleanse and are looking forward to a nice healthy diet.
  7. Here's a small batch of my first set of pics with the stock kit lens.
  8. Hi folks, Got a used D40 over the weekend for next to nothing. After reading endless websites, it seemed like it was a good buy. Love the camera so far. Best thing about these D-SLR's is that the lens definitely makes more of a difference than the body or the mega pixel count. So, my question is, which Macro Lens should I get? 55mm Manual Focus (cheapest option) 60mm Manual Focus 60mm AF-S full auto focus 105mm Manual Focus 105mm AF-S full auto focus Any suggestions, especially from users who have this setup, would be greatly appreciated. Here's a pic of the new toy. Got it with the upgraded VR (Vibration Reduction) 18mm - 55mm AF-S Lens.
  9. I don't know anything about the Explorer II white dials, but I must say, it sure looks like the rehaut engraving lines up really, really nice. I am starting to wonder if this is a trick question? (like I said, I know nothing about the explorers)
  10. Jesus that's a beast! You could hang in on your neck and be the next Flava Flav. Cool design though!
  11. These are still here? Seriously? Come on folks! It's a great contribution to the family and you get up to a 3 in 50 chance to win one heck of a sweet, original and all complete watch! Buy up those tix people!!!
  12. I got 13 as well. Quite funny!
  13. Hello, My girlfriend and I were discussing the master cleanse with some co-workers/friends earlier in the week. They announced they were starting the master cleanse on monday and so my girlfriend and I decided to do it with them. We started on tuesday, and are now on day 4 of the diet. I must say, I feel great in the mornings. I feel energized and the fact that I haven't eaten any food hasn't really bothered me. However, by the evening, both my girlfriend and I are quite miserable and very, very hungry. We did a bunch of research online stating both pro's and con's of the master cleanse, and we are both very un-sure if we should continue with the cleanse. As an aside, we were hoping to lose some weight as well as enjoy the benefits of the cleanser. Neither one of us has lost a single pound in 4 days, which I find very, very odd. We are following the cleanse to the letter, and we are even doing the dreaded Salt Water cleanse. If anyone has any advice or suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated!
  14. The modern recording industry as we know it owe a huge debt of gratitude to the mind and genius of Les Paul. You are totally right Freddy, Les pioneered the modern recording industry. I huge cheers to Les and may he make sweet beautiful music long into the after life
  15. Les Paul, 94, a Grammy Award-winning guitar virtuoso and inventor who helped bring his instrument, typically assigned to chug along rhythmically and compliantly, to the forefront of jazz and rock-and-roll performance, died today at a hospital in White Plains, N.Y. He had pneumonia.
  16. Oh my That should never, ever, ever, be allowed to happen to a watch
  17. Ok....we have to see that one in a wrist shot one day!
  18. Ok bought a third. Come on people! Let's get these tickets sold!
  19. Come on folks! It's for a good cause and you can't beat the odds! Buy those last tix so I can win my Tudor already!!
  20. Do they make a rep of the Hannah Montana?
  21. I think I would have been quite peeved if someone grabbed my wrist like that. It's definitely rude and un-called for. If some one wants to see one of my watches, I will gladly show them if they ask. And I always tell them its a fake (if it is).
  22. RED Sub again for today, but on a NATO G10 strap
  23. Very nice! I like the vintage dial!
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