The three available high quality DSSD replicas each have their own tiny flaws, and choosing one is more a matter of preference than the severity of an individual watches' tells.
The Cartel / BK / Noobfactory version 5 "Ultimate" (also known as the v3)
Simply put, this dial has fat, fat markers. Fat. The bezel insert's white triangle follows the curve of the insert. too curved.
The TrevorTime (Eurotimez) 2010 v5
This pearl has no clear dome. Dial markers are too thin but some people find this very pleasing to the eye. The HEV proportions are not as good as the Noobfactory watch. The white triangle in the bezel insert has no curve at all. edit: the bezel insert is a little tall, and needs to be sanded a mm or.two to sit down inside the bezel as it should.
The MBK DSSD v6 (only recently widely-available but reported here a year ago by a member visiting MBK)
There are no hands-on reviews of this watch yet. It looks very good indeed, tho. Good pearl dome, the hour markers thickness falls between the thin v5 and the super fatty Noobfactory markers. It's case back is a step-pyramid design unfortunately, which is a step backwards, since the current dominant DSSD models corrected this to the correct conical shape over a year ago. The date window is the correct stepped design, and not a plain bevel ... if the dealer photos are interpreted correctly.