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a german in denmark

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Everything posted by a german in denmark

  1. I used to get torrents too, but mostly it takes ages to download. And I never really felt safe with others peeking around on my PC. I've been using a news service in Germany for a year now. They do charge, but download is lightening fast, you're anonymous (sort of, anyway) and you can get whatever you fancy. Download is pr. PAR/RAR files, so you can reconstruct missed data, you can preview before you download (and read other users comments on the quality) and you don't have to upload anything. You might want to give it a try: www.usenext.de Cheers, Volker
  2. Just saw "things we lost in the fire" by Danish Susanne Bier. It wasn't as good as some of her other ones (f.x. after the wedding), but it sure made a point. Halle Berry was great (though I liked her performance better in monster's ball) and del Toro was (and is) fantastic. I know it hasn't gotten too great reviews in the States... you should see it anyway.
  3. http://www.precioustime-uk.com/
  4. Me too, though I have none of their records... The roof the roof the rooff is on fire.... we don't need no water let the motherf***er burn, burn motherf***er burn.... that's them too, isn't it?
  5. Yeah, and Alexanderplatz, not *Patz... from another German . But I agree, the big B is a great city. Have you done some jaw dropping at Wempe on Kurf
  6. Great... I got this as a question for the Leica Digilux 2 I'm selling on the eBay: Dear friends: We are a wholesaler which deal with elec-tro-nic product, such as: Mo-bile,T-V,P-C,D-V,D-C,games,MP-3 Even mo-tor-cycles and mu-sical in-struments.We deliver our items by EMS to our customers around the world, we have good coorpation relationships with many international customers, we could accept paypal and the other fast ways of payment. Welcome to our website and enjoy your purchasing. The following is our historical tracking number which we had sent to our customers EA943349402CN EA761266607CN EA900497695CNEA910083401CN EA914395325CN EA914394727CN EA910077936CNEA909392595CN EA914397048CN,keeping happy realationship Email---ebyboc@hotmail.com Tel---86+010-83477269 MSN---ebyboc@hotmail.com Website---www ebyboc com your faithfully - kjkievit29 Needless to say, he only got one feedback (most likely from his mother). He is registered in Florida, but searching ebyoc.com on the net got me to numerous links to China... What a scumbag.
  7. Naughty naughty naughty.... I heard that "Wynona Ryder has a big brown beaver", I did, I heard it on the radio the other day. Don't remember the band, though. Maybe Bloodhound Gang? Now every time I see her name, I think of it. Damn....
  8. I so much second that, ryyannon. It's one of my all time favourits. Here's some good news for us BR-buffs: http://www.br-insight.com/ ... Just in time for Christmas Terry Gilliam, yeah, I loved Twelve Monkeys. Brat Pitt's performance is hilarious... Other movies I liked this year: * Das Leben der Anderen * Blood Diamond * The last King of Scotland * Notes on a Scandal * Stardust * Fracture * The Illusionist * Children of Men Cheers, Volker
  9. I got mine from Precious Time....
  10. I'm on Vista and I like having my tool bar on top of the screen, thus my clock is on the top right.
  11. Yeah, light box, thanks defacto. I actually have one and I think I will start using it again... Cheers, Volker
  12. I'm in a rather indolent mood today, caught a cold, am freezing, stayed home from work (they do actually manage without me ) ... Outside it's raining hammers and nails and storming half a pelican. Winter depression is creeping up on me, I can feel. Jesus H. Christ, I hate this time of year. What do Art Of Noise say... No sun, no light, no proper time of day.... November Anyways, I went for my DSN PAM 111 PVD on BoB calf today. Nice week-end to all you guys, peace. Volker (I'm gonna drown myself in Tom Waits and Joni Mitchell ballads now, it's that bad)...
  13. I agree. My thoughts are with the families and friends, I grief with them. It's tragic and absurd... He died in hospital last night. We just had a situation not far from where I live. A group of kids, some down to the age of 12 (!), chased a 16 year old boy with knives and baseball bats, just because he had been kissing the "wrong" girl. He barely got away, but I dare not think about what would have happened if they had gotten hold of him. How can parents allow their 12 year olds to be out at night?
  14. Here's mine. On BOB gator... Cousins ETA day/date wheels. Cheers, Volker
  15. Hasse Hashish in de Tasche, hasse immer wat zu nasche... Something really funny: a German female TV-News host (I think) once wanted to say "Kentucky Fried Chicken". What came out of her mouth was "Kentucky schreit ficken"...
  16. Thanks guys... It would have been nice, but what, it's a rep. Like the screws in the AP ROO bezel, I guess
  17. What is the function of the 5 holes in the bezel? Can the bezel be unscrewed giving access to the crystal or what? Cheers, Volker
  18. Update ... I got my Cousteau Diver and my 3717 back from mod at TomH's. The CD now has the gen 7750 I bought from ajoesmith... The 3717 had a full service of the Asian fast beat and a day/date wheel change. I took off the metal bracelet (wasn't so hard) and put on the crappy "gator" strap that came with it... Now I'm trying to figure out if I should buy a BOB "gator" for 25 EUR or the Watchboys' 109$ genuine... Lastly, the 092 Arktos Ultimate I purchased some time ago, has finally grown on me: I have replaced the terrible CG with the one from the old 092 and installed a black gator strap. This makes all the difference... Cheers, Volker
  19. Fantatic review, thanks for taking the time to share this with us. Absolute Klasse!
  20. The horological Marty Feldman.... (not that he was a miscarriage ...) Still, looks like a crossover between an old fashion fuel lighter an a hand granade....
  21. My thoughts and condolences to you (and his family)... I've lost a very good friend, a soul mate actually, to cancer, 47 y.o. . It was devastating. What helped me get through, was thinking about the good times we had together and being there for his wife and kids. Kind regards, Volker
  22. No no, it's not being dense, I should have pointed you to http://www.replicacollector.com/ Cheers.
  23. You might want to contact TomH on TRC. He did some work for me, movement swaps and servicing. Took ages (you have to be patient, he'll get through), but great job, as far as I can see. Just got my watches back today, actually...
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