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Richard Tracy

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Everything posted by Richard Tracy

  1. I can understand the problems with kids, but I have become quite adept at keeping what is on screen away from my kids, be that violence or quirky avatars.... As for the wife,.. she suspects that this is a singles site, that uses watches as an ruse.... for married men to meet women...as she cannot understand how a guy would use a female avatar,.. nude or not...so she sees these women's faces as the people that I am in discussion with... Therefore I have placed her on the same block out level as my kids.... whenever she comes around,... I simply move the page up, down or put up another site, which I always have ready... Do I find this a hassle ? Yes, but this is the web... so I see it as a part of the experience... Rules, we need to enforce with a bit of kid gloves... so,..Hate, Devisive topics..& Isms,.. I say agree Ban them.... however Sexuality, Nudity... since is 99% a male dominated past time, I expect it... men will be men..but if the board should vote against it.. I won't miss it.. I am here for watches.. and replicas in general....
  2. How about.. WeGuaranteeEveryWatchForLife........
  3. I have no problem with sexuality or nudity.... it's hatred and bigotry that get my goat, one leads to life, the other to death.... Hey Pug.. tell her she's got a way with words..
  4. Great Job ! Could you point out the hand removal tool ? I think I need to get one of those... Thanks !
  5. Yes, when you have a large case, but thin bezel, it blows up the dial huge....that's why I could not keep the fiddy... looked like a big bubble... but at least the face was black ... this jone's white face further enlarges the wall clock effect.. Too bad... it has such a classy look...
  6. So what is the most accurate AP rep out today in the 40 to 42mm range...? Not including anything in quartz or with faux functions....
  7. Thanks MAHLER,... I have seen this myself in many gens.... but not until I became a regular on the board, did I ever notice off-center date fonts..
  8. You've got to get a price range first.... Though fm is not for me.. I can see the beauty & class with my eyes closed....
  9. Well I just pulled the trigger on Andrew's 222.... Thanks for the input Sevomd...
  10. Hmm,.. that 222 is looking fantastic ! Love those s/s hands... and the brushed case is a must.. To be honest, the iwc jones.... when it first came out I thought it too bland.. but now it's sneaking up on me... Especially with that beautiful decorated back.... Almost makes you want to wear it backwards....
  11. Are you literate ? Better bring mom to re-read the page for you. The whole conversation is there un-edited, un-altered it sits for everyone to see... making everything you said and continue to shat a total waste of time.... Now you go back into your trash bag and pull out the first lie tried to use against me ?? Pathetic.... If you had ANY pride, you would be gone now... not sitting there passing gas to the bitter end... But if you want to remain with Zero Credibility, and the Backbone of a worm.... that's your prerogative... .. or maybe we have just uncovered your basic nature..
  12. Is that it ? After declaring like Moses,.. that I am a 'Lying Scum bag' Not even a " I'm sorry, okay,...I lied.." ...or "I that pm was from another member and I made a mistake.." or.. how about "I was drunk " I would even settle for 'look I loose my temper and my fingers just go off on their own."... Am I Disapointed ?.. Nah Simply a repeat of act I.... Do yourself a favor next time.... allow your common sense to win.. it may become a habit...
  13. Sorry everyone... but sissy craytonic prohibits me from pming him.. he's afraid I might offend his delicate sensibilities... so I have no choice but to do this in public.. He manufactured a pm .. claimed it was from me and is using it to muddy the waters .... I personally feel that this sort of activity must not be allowed to stand.. if not... we have no reality, no truth.. anyone can create the view of others they wish to. I again give and plead with mods to verify that I did not send him the pm that he created in post #26 of this thread. See below,.. he gives his permission as well. Great.... looking forward to your return.... have a great trip ... Heres a little something to take with you... My first pm to you and your reply... It's still sitting in my storage space, along with the others.... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Re:Chop, Jun 25 2006, 06:40 PM Delete Post Quote Post I REALLY like it here! Group Icon Group Icon Group: RWG Supporter Posts: 532 Member No.: 76 Joined: 17-March 06 No, I paid $250 from eddie. I think the 149 is the paulmart price... who knows what that guy will send. QUOTE Hi Regarding your chopard.. just checking if your price is a type-o... seeing that the going price new seems to be $149.... Thanks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now it's your turn... Afterwhich we will allow a mod to inform us which real and which is,...crayonic... Then... hole digger... I expect you to honor your word...pack your bags and hit the road.... I will personally make your membership fees myself yearly, just to make up for the ding to the board budget.
  14. .. some will tend to hold on to views unaltered...till the day they die..
  15. Call me a purist,.. however, these conflict of interests that some see or try to pass off as being part of a 'help' network is starting to get pretty pathetic. Some choices have to be made .... we all can't straddle the line trying to be all things to all people.. Replica enthusiasts and Replica exposers are not a team,.. but separate entities that some would even go so far as to call opposite ends of a spectrum.... I don't go that far,.. but still refuse to go for this hype that we are in this to help those who would get burned by scam artists... there are plenty of those who despise us who do that job very well..
  16. Crytonic Look,.... posting a fake pm from me is way over the line.. easy to prove via mods...and worth a ban imo... I am willing to leave the forum if I am lying.. are you ? Want to settle this ? Let's both go to the board admin and let them see the pms in question.. and post the results. I hereby give my permission to admin. Put up or shut up. I will Not be slandered. As for Aspire,... This thread is designed to answer the question of if his current worthiness, {not the past and I stated this in square one} What we don't need is someone jumping in to justify an overpriced used watch sale, by tossing in rumors, myths and hearsay... if you don't have anything concrete to add with photos, or proof, then, YOU are dragging this thread off topic.. Watcher71.. as for my statement of Smaller dealers.. in context it's referring to the high priced dealers.. not ones like Narikaa,.. TTK ...Sichaun and others... Lastly the question of the used watch forum, is a bit off subject but the question keeps popping up so I will address it... Rocket754 and others..As for choice.... I repeat... freedom of choice of course... but choice jaded by misinformation to justify a higher price, is not freedom, but the same tactics that the rip off artists outside of our oasis use. Is that what we want ? For those that say,.. who can say what an unmodded, unserviced watch is worth ? That's easy... the current price of New, is an easy marker to gage from. If dealers drop a price on a watch.... and you decide to sell your used watch after price dives... unless you have done mods.. servicing or upgrades,... why should someone spend more for your used watch, when they could obtain new for less ? This is the area where some people are misleading newbies or the busy, with false or shaded information, when their whole agenda is to get back what they spent... I say if your stock drops... then if you are not willing to take the loss,.. hold the watch until it becomes rare if ever... or take your loss... In that light, I vote for allowing and even welcoming posts by members inside of threads which point out the going rate of a particular watch. {Pm' as I have shown via crytonic... is not effective.} This will keeps things clean and easy for buyers.....
  17. Great ideal and thoughts....
  18. Notice how he goes back to further twist his lies.... That price offer is NOT my pm and you know it... This is a New low even for you....talk about crooked... Pure Slime... Also,.... I posted Every PM including mine... In Order.. There were two hurls from you in the end that I deleted.... without opening.... Mods can verify it... if they so choose.... By the way the $149 was Not an offer.. Einstein... it was information... Yep, perfect example of your character, of which we don't need, in our used watch forum... I close this attempt at communication with the slug, agreeing that we get back on track with saying that I am only presenting my views.... if you don't like them.. go buy your way... however everytime someone has a strong opinion it seems someone else attempts to quiet it by throwing cheap labels... Jeeze... not enough imo's for you....?
  19. Crytonic... You are posting in My thread.... I could give a care about your over-priced toy... I just don't want anyone to get ripped..... Stop tap dancing around the main issue and verify that your watch contains a special movement behond Silix or any other dealer or every time I see someone show interest I will personally inform them myself... For the record I never gave you an offer.... Here... I am going to return the favor... I never have posted pms in the past... but you did it to me, so you don't count for consideration... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Regarding your chopard.. just checking if your price is a type-o... seeing that the going price new seems to be $149.... Thanks Okay.. just checking. That's why I never go to El or the other small guys unless it's for an exclusive or a deal... They just can't compete with the volume buyers.... Thanks First of all...If I was being intentionally bothersome I would post my question on your thread, not in a respectful pm. I was interested in your watch...but not now.. thanks for reminding me what an [censored] you are... 2nd, you have absolutely no idea how much I can afford,... Lastly, this is not an issue of service vs price... you haven't figured out yet that great service does not always equal high prices... but that's no surprise... Good luck with your uh-hem..'sale'.. See how pm can turn out ? Take the cowardly insults you find posted in any forum and magnify it 100 times when someone thinks that no-one but the recipient will ever read it. This guy is rude to the 9th degree and has no inkling of what he is talking about....
  20. Crytonic,.... Look, the price of your stock dropped, combined with an overpayment hole that you so blindly stepped into, now I see, with a dazed and eager look on your face... All this b.s. about your particular movement being different is only smoke ... Unless you have two of the same Chopards, from different dealers and Aspire in particular, proving a point, then you don't have one...so silencio for once.. Lastly, your remark about a connection between aspire and I... it's another childish crytonic tactic that's silly at best... Your whole reason for being in this thread is a crooked attempt to justify your purchase decision ineptitude.... & a hope to pass it along to some other poor sucker.. If you were honest,.. you would wait until your watch, if ever became unavailable or rare... or lower the price to match the going rate for a used chopard.. ````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Hey Cwai02,.... The used market is being swayed by people who manipulate, either knowingly or un-knowingly busy people who don't have or take the time to know what's what. Is not the purpose of this board to help people from getting ripped off ? Before you say anything... I don't mean the people that know what they are doing and simply want to save time. I am speaking of those times when a person is selling a watch with stated reasoning to justify the price of New, for Used, with a hoax or mis-informational remarks... that some people won't verify... Why, is it not okay, for someone who knows better to step up and save a poor soul some money...? I say these kind of events, plus those that constantly bump their own posts month after month for watches that evidently no one wants...are doing damage to the watch forum and our credibility as a board....
  21. I don't find it necessary to respond to every line of agenda based postings... You are going to have to fool someone to pay $225 for your watch that sells for $149 to $175.... Bringing up the rip off artists outside of the forums is another ruse... Lastly If you buy a Chopard from Andrew, the same one will come from El, Josh... King or Jay...they are not sitting in their kitchens assembling their little watch kits... Service and communication have already been addressed... Get out of my thread.. as long as you place justification of your personal sale, with this mis-information...over the benefit of the board as a whole... you are not welcome...
  22. Hmmm,.. seems someone has a high priced used watch posted for sale.. Best Service I have had,.. way, way, over the call has been from #1. King... She actually replaced watches without requesting a send back several times. 2nd Is Jay... he never argues.. simply apologizes and fixes the problem. I have even seen him replace a watch from a guy on this board that had it for Five Months... 3rd. Andrew... You must send it back, but he will replace it, without a hitch... As for quality.. the best have come from King and Jay... e-mail may be slower for the mega-dealers, but that's expected as they get bombarded, with mail... but the few day wait is more than worth the price... When I first came into the game three years ago... I made the mistake of buying from higher priced, small dealers, and ended up with my three of my first four watches having the worst quality control of any watches I have had, in +90 since... and the dealer Did Not Address or fix the problems... Price Does NOT always equate quality or better service...Prices mostly represent a dealer's connections, or volume buying power... so let's stop this myth in right now for the sake of those people who may be addicted like most of us are, but may have kids to feed or house budgets and needs that demand a higher priority than these bangles we love to play with. You Can obtain the Same Quality Watch, for less, if you do your homework....
  23. Special, Unique, or Rare items aside,.. most people are spending more than they should simply do to lack of homework,...or misleading sales or dealer posts. They are too busy or lazy to to some comparison shopping, fall for the customs ruse, when most dealers guarantee delivery and last but not least believe negative dealer hype. Neil for instance is turned out to be one of my favorite dealers. As many know, I go through quite a few watches in my search for my ultimate collection, and always sell those that don't fit me, at a loss, worn or not... I don't worry about it either... this is a hobby, not a business... and I see anything I get back on a watch as a discount on my next purchase. Plus I pass along a deal to the board... Squeeze the dollar, till the eagle hollers.. and get clawed...
  24. I think we need to put some perspective on this 'you get what you pay for' notion posted by people who wish to sell their used watches for close to what they over-paid. They would mislead the group to save their own pockets. I say if you paid more, that's your mistake, but don't attempt to palm it off on another member. Keep your watch, or take your loss, and learn a lesson for next time. Most replicas, not all, but most are the same from a few manufacturers in China, so if we can save money on the same watch that's being sold elsewhere for more, why not do so ? Dealer loyalty is grand in sentiment but at times a bit silly, when a person is willing throw double the money in the lap of a dealer just for a great e-mail exchange or funny jokes. Post sale Service, as we all know is important, but Jay, & aka Paul, are the low price large selection leaders, and I have yet to hear any legitimate negative reports on Jay as a matter of fact I know Jay is Top Notch from personal experience. Aka Paul had some trouble in the past, but it seems that it's all changed now.. his competition was King and later Jay,..and I have tried my best to get Jay & King to stand up to Aspire and compete, but it seems they are too busy to get busy for us, so I am beginning to lean towards Aspire, as he seems to be in it, to win it. Rocket, Thanks for the tip I'm going for a Washington mutual account.. !
  25. Great Job as Always Edge... if anyone deserves to get some recognition of his work..it's you bro. Contrats !
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