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Richard Tracy

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Everything posted by Richard Tracy

  1. I can barely keep up with the three forums in our circle.... let alone another one.. Besides... loyalty has always worked best for me. .... Rwg.cc to the end....
  2. These bracelets are a pain to size.. so true.. What I used was sturdy toothpicks to push the rods out,... If you have problems with re-construction like some do..with the many pieces that be there scattered... Be sure to lay the pieces out like they came so to have a blueprint on how they must be put together..
  3. Seems to me, as time goes by that I care less & less about the term, Swiss... especially in mechanical hand winds... CN movements are starting to make perfect sense not only in costs.. while not sacrificing reliability, but in the fact that these watches are replicas, and will remain so, no matter the movement.
  4. I think the problem is that three different issues are being thrown together which don't mix & match.. 1. People who take for granted the strife, problems, and great service of dealers. 2. The issue of Accuracy, dependability and QC... 3. Income waste. For: 1. The people which bring their department store mentalities into this game, are the responsibility of the board. More needs to be done to educate and obtain agreements of conduct before allowing access to our dealers. 2. This a watch forum that thrives on improvement, which in turn moves the rep industry. We effect change by voting with our money...and our accuracy geniuses... So dealers that advertise here should expect that their offerings will be scrutinized. 3. We are working people here, many with families to support. Family Financial drain, hurts in more important ways that trump the problems that dealers face in their businesses. Though I understand that each generation of watch gives birth to the next via the money womb,.. I agree that more can and should be done to bring versions to the market the first time, that are not just an afterthought, or a chance to take advantage of the 'Version Number' game. Most waste however comes from just plain faulty and sloppy Quality Control.... This is the culprit that dealers should work out... or not bother to sell.... I personally would be happy with a first generation watch, that was put together with a mindset, of care. When I open a package with a face that markers at counter angles.. dust, prints or glue marks.. then am told to send the watch back, costing me additional money and time...or told to wait for a new part that never seems to arrive.. man, it grinds me down... and takes the fun out of the hobby...
  5. Quartz,..Whew.... Scared me there for a second.. I was thinking that I would have to take down my paypal card so soon after I put it up on the shelf for a while..
  6. More exact =.More heat.. hence mbw is underground where it's cool...
  7. Too many people fall under the impression that gens never fail or have bad quality control... That is a Fallacy.... There Are, comparisons... or some of us would not be here.. I have owned gens.. and besides taking out a magnifying glass, whist holding one in each hand.. certain reps, are very well comparable,.. not only in material and construction, but in functionality and reliability... Are they exact ? No, but not being exact, does not mean that they are damaged junk.. just different enough to throw off the scent of the dogs... As a sales person, I know the psychology, of price, which sends some people on their merry way feeling much better about their purchase, when they pay more, and which gives them less satisfaction when they pay less. I was never one to fall for that hype..... Give me reasonable quality for a 10th of the price.. any day... The rest is simply the shepards stick sending us to the same grass field that the cows just chewed but making us feel that we are the first in line before the slaughter...
  8. Because 'Style & Taste' should not be measured by how much you spend....
  9. Beautiful !.. Love the gold hands over the black background... Going to check those out.... Thanks Ken..
  10. Mine used to have the crown date change function until I screwed it up.. Yes,.. looks like the opening is the only thing left... once you do that, try removing the crown stem, and re-inserting it also, after adjusting the button. Good luck !
  11. After receiving a shockingly beautiful and well made Silver & White Vulcain Cricket from Narikaa, I started to look up the gens.. and found this gorgeous model... Vulcain, founded in 1835.. They Invented the first Alarm watch... and the Rep works like a charm.. the alarm sound is tremendously effective..
  12. Same thing happened to me.. easy fix.. First, make sure that you have a tool that's a bit longer than a pen ...pen's don't reach down far enough, and don't be afraid to push it as far as it can go.. If it's still stuck, use your crown to complete the turn.. but not the crown date adjustment function.. just the hands.. {I made that mistake and ruined my crown date connection} Lastly sometimes the button is not lined up inside of the case due to the movement ring being out of place.. In that case, open the back and take a look.. it's an easy adjustment..
  13. Yes.. that one would pull me from my rep buying retirement....
  14. Strap,.. definitely... comfort is key for me, and there is nothing more comfortable than a quality leather strap, with buckle, no deployant.... Second,.. the ability to change the look your watch anytime you want,.. find the perfect band and set your watch off in a totally new direction, to match your mood, your clothing..your environment.. Chrono or not... Pams are a testament to that.... Not to mention, the most expensive, highest class of watches in the world, only come in leather.. {see the link below} There are two metal bands though that I do enjoy,.. iwc gst's in stainless.. and jubiliee... both flow over the arm like liquid...
  15. Time = Life....
  16. Great Looking Piece ! I much prefer the leather strap.. Brings it down to earth, .. a more serious, handsome look ! Thanks for posting.. I have a blue on the way and am now seeking a dark blue gator band to go with it...
  17. Yes, I must agree,.. In the past I thought that this sort of forum was all a dream.. that we would never have a group of intelligent, far, and global and fair thinking individuals come together and run a forum.. but I was wrong...& glad for it.... Strange but it Seems most of the the people that made me start to hate old rwg are still there, returned there, or jumped into other forums... I guess that old 'birds of a feather' saying is true.... Keep up the good works gents... I hope also soon to give something to you all which I hope will be enjoyed...
  18. Another 212 vote for me.... I prefer the much 196 over the 250 series,...
  19. May it be one of many, many more great ones....
  20. Well anything can be made to look better, 24/24 or 26/26 straps for instance can cover the thin area. It also make a difference where you wear your watch... the combo of a wide band with wearing the watch further away from your hand can be the fixer....or wearing it right handed if you wear left.... I do however feel that lug-overhang should be avoided at all costs.... The only thing that corrects that flaw is ... long Sleeves or Squinting...
  21. It's diffucult.. no Doubt.. I just purchased a watch that was on the end of my list.... one that I was saving to purchase used, just because I prefer brushed cases.. but it popped up yesterday in the trading board... so I pounced...-- Bently GT . Now I am through .. for a while at least..though after receiving what I thought was going to be a cheap novelty in the mail yesterday, that turned out to be an outstanding surprise five star jack-pot ..in all five areas...of Craftsmanship, QC, Material, Functionality,..and Timekeeping,.. plus it's a heavy 44mm.....so my determination is a bit rocked.... Big Nod To Narikaa for his Fantastic Cricket, and Jlc alarms.... Can't wait for Neils TT 40mm Deville to roll in....
  22. I feel that anything larger than 45mm is too large for your wrist size... however it depends upon the way your wrist is shaped... if for instance the lugs overhang, then it's too large....
  23. I hope this game had nothing to do with your troubles... and I also hope you will be okay in the end... Keep us posted... you are in our thoughts...
  24. What consequence is there ? As we can see,..These posts do nothing to curb the ignorance.... I say you should name the person so we can flame, then ban him....otherwise it will continue...
  25. Well in my fun and interesting search for the perfect collection of watches. Ninety plus,..which I estimate I have spent, about $8k minus trades... have boiled down to Three panerai Two Iwc, and an Omega.... Pam 196-7753 Pam 212-7750 The New Pam 222 Iwc Gst Stainless - Black & White Omega Smp 2000 All enough accurate, {excluding the 212} so I don't have to worry about newer generations prompting me to go back in for another purchase.... I do have a few cheapies in transit for fun, alarms, novelty and such.. but I don't plan on doing any more buying.... That is until a new release Zeniths, or Breitling Chronomats ever come around... My wife would say that I wasted 8 thousand dollars on junk worth zero... Maybe.. but how many people have the money to purchase 95 genuines just to find out what make, style, shape, size and functions in the world of watches ? I say not many... This experience has been invaluable to a watch lover.... and I regret not a second of this fun.... Worth every penny
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