Hey guys,
some of you may still know me, I once was a pretty active member here and I also bought and sold about 50 reps in a couple of years in this hobby.
Well at some point I wasn't really interested anymore... dived deep into my other hobby photography, bought an Apple Watch... (yeah I know lol). I haven't been online here for around 9 years I think.
Now of course I know absolutely nothing anymore about the rep market. I do have some nice old models though that were bangers when I bought them and I wonder if they still have some value now.
For example the original Noob GMT Master II, the IWC Ingy from around 12 years back, the Submariner that was hyped so much... I don't even know where it was from anymore, I'll have to check old emails, maybe I find something.
So does it still make sense to sell those old models, or is everything much better now?