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Everything posted by Nanuq

  1. My initial thought would be to alter the things that can be fixed if you don't like the results. Drilling out the case further is irreversible. But taking .5mm off the tube can be salvaged, if you can find another tube. That's the way I'd go. Here's some food for thought: what looks like a 0.5mm offset from the case may not, in reality, be so.
  2. I don't post wristchecks any more because you've seen all my good photos already... correction both my good photos. Minus 10F here tonight, wads of snow, stout north wind blowing, gusting to 50mph. Woo hooooo!
  3. Comex.diver11 has a pair of 280s for a paltry $450 on the 'Bay...
  4. Here's a perfect example of WUS twisted thinking: Perhaps THE holy grail of Doxa is the Conquistador SUB 300T with the HEV. The worldwide numbers are maybe 5 or 6 out there. So a hard-core Doxa aficionado would WANT that thing, if they had the cash. So let's say I go over to WUS and post regarding the current live Ebay auction for a Conquistador. A few buyers would shake my hand and race each other to buy that rare beauty. What would the WUS official response be? Probably a suspension for mentioning a live Ebay auction.
  5. Ole' amigos, the semi-holy grail of Doxa is for sale right now on the 'Bay, the inimitable Doxa Conquistador SUB 300T. 'Taint cheap, but it's rare as an honest politician. Maybe rarer.
  6. Sorta reminds me of a girl I dated in high school ... Scary Mary, we called her.
  7. Ahhhhhhhhhh... I used a board and a piece of sandpaper. Not good.
  8. If the rep has the correct geometry, yes. It needs a retaining ring with a lip, like in this photo. This gen's ring is triangular in cross section.
  9. Pfffffffffft. Go find the video of Ken Block's Gymkhana practice. Better be sitting down!
  10. Now THAT takes skill. I tried to thin my washer and crimped it twice. Fricken thin little pansy piece of tin.
  11. That's it, that's it... rub salt in my wounds. It won't be long now, we're almost to the middle of the Long Dark. Couple more weeks till Solstice. Hey, maybe I'll go shovel the driveway again! Where's my angel wings?
  12. This is a fun challenge, it gets picked up again every couple of years. Google around and try to find the video of the twin turbo, 900hp Viper vs. Kawasaki ZX-12R vs. turbo Hayabusa. It's about 20 minutes long. I won't tell you who wins.
  13. I believe that's the A/6538. German silver bezel with fluting and no coin edge?
  14. Where's the damn BAN button when I need it?!
  15. (drum roll!!) The bezel arrived, it's flippin' magnificent, and sadly, it doesn't fit. Slightly too large. So back on Ebay she goes, to recoup my investment. Drat!
  16. Pfffft! There's nothing all that mysterious to quantum theory. Some of the implications do seem pretty bizarre, but if you remove the anthropomorphisation built into the premises, it becomes pretty evident that mankind is trying to replace the grand mystery of the cosmos with man's puny understanding. To which, I say "What are you guys afraid of?!"
  17. Ah, life is short... GO FOR IT!! Just take your time, lots of trial and error, don't rush the process. Put on some nice music and just enjoy the feel of working the steel in your hands. Let the file bite just a little, turn the ring, keep going, watch for filings, check it with your thumb... enjoy the slow progress until you get it just right. You can do it... nothing to be afraid of!
  18. And a balmy day it was too! Crystal clear blue skies above the frosty mountains, we had family over for brunch, then off to work on my son's truck on this crisp, brisk, subzero day! Yay!! Say, can anyone tell me where my a$$ is? I seem to have frozen it off!
  19. My bezel was a cast iron beyotch to turn and remove when I first got it. I took off the retaining ring and went around the outside very gently with a flat bastard file a few times, maintaining the original angle, then retried the fit. Still too tight. I repeated until I got it about as hard to install and remove as my 1665 bezel. But it's still very difficult to align the shim spring perfectly enough that it clicks on correctly.
  20. Bored? BORED??!!! Mike get your butt up here. We're XC skiing out the front door, hockey every afternoon, just shoveled a foot of fresh powder off the driveway, got the Pugsley out on the trails, had some wolves around the downhill woods last night... it's a flipping' scene from a Disney movie here. Come enjoy it!!
  21. You're both correct, the assembly is same as Rolex. Yes, the retaining ring/washer/bezel all came off together. You can separate them carefully but it won't be easy. Then when reassembling press the retaining ring down completely onto the crystal/case. Then lube the flat washer, get it perfectly aligned to the mounted retaining ring, drop it in place. Then get the bezel perfectly aligned to the washer and press it onto the ring. It should take a lot of pressure to click on, but you can do it with your thumbs. If it's still really hard to turn the bezel you didn't get it quite right. Check to ensure the bezel is clicked on all the way around, give it another HARD squeeze, listen for a final click. If no final click, remove the bezel and try again. It took me perhaps ten tries with my Snowflake before I finally got it right so it turns correctly. All my other watches??? First try every time. Go figure.
  22. There's an ongoing discussion on VRF right now about this exact topic: VRF discussion Most people think this happens because the primary color components of the black dial paint can vary by batch. If, for example, the "blue" component was weaker or faded faster than the others, you would see predominantly red and yellow with the black... hence the brown tint. If you let it go crazy long in intense sun over many years, you can get a pretty startling tropical brown:
  23. Finally! Someone "gets" my joke! Okay, let me soften my initial premise a smidge: If WikiWizKid can provide his precise velocity... THEN we can know if he's here or not.
  24. Okay boys, who can name the COMEX models, left to right?
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