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Everything posted by Nanuq

  1. Now this is something I'd never heard of. Anyone seen one before?
  2. Not so fast there, pardner. Is the crystal distorted? Or is it just ugly? If it's distorted you'll never like it again so it's time to replace the crystal. It might be tricky to find a replacement crystal of the right diameter and wall thickness. Can you live with it if it's distorted? Think hard about that before continuing. If it's just sanded, gouged and ugly, you've come to the right place. I had a truly horrific gouge in a Tropic 39 Superdome once (approx the same crystal you've got) and found I could hold a knife on edge and scrape the blade sideways, peeling off layers of plastic until I removed the gouge completely. I worked outward shaping the dome with the blade to approximate the curved surface that I wanted (my scraping produced a nasty flat spot) then I used abrasive toothpaste to get my rough dome shaped back up, then I used SoftScrub (kitchen sink cleanser) to polish it up smooth as a baby's butt. It came out perfect.
  3. Ahhhhhh, it's not that big of a deal. I've got a little over 100 hours under ice and it's creepy at first, but pretty soon you start to dig it. Just watch your lines.
  4. SWEET! Nice photos! Here's the Deep Sea's elder cousin, this particular watch has spent quite some time on the bottom in the vicinity of the Chukchi Plateau ... that's as specific as its owner could legally get. Spooky stuff for sure, these guys got BIG brass ones.
  5. Yeah baby! I prefer blowboats too. If it was MY money I was spending, this would be mine. I used to race a 54-footer and this one would probably beat us.
  6. Whoa. I wonder if you could catch salmon off the aft end of this beauty? Wally et Hermes yacht
  7. Good on ye, Chief. I'm in.
  8. Hey, ma Brudah, have you tried rotating the phone so you can widen the screen? That helps make RWG easier to see. Plus it frees up both thumbs for faster typing. It doesn't help the mistakes-per-second rate, but so be it.
  9. By-Tor, "Do you believe in miracles" What a game that would be! I love it when teams leave nothing on the ice.
  10. THAT, from By-Tor, says it all. Great game!
  11. Nicely done, my friend. My hat's off to you. I saw a new/unused 6542 dial last week for $5,000. I'll keep my eyes open for anything in your price range. Of course this all raises the question, what are you going to do with Phase-I once the Phase-II is complete? Yes, I'm begging here.
  12. Now for a potentially very expensive question: with this one are you going the same route with a Silix case/bezel combo, or are you taking another route? What I'm getting at is, once in awhile I see a gen 6542 bezel for $ale. Do you want to know about it when I find one? Same question, about gen inserts?
  13. Well said, Lani. I'm down to about 7 pieces in my collection that each have a significant "history" to me. The rest?? It's about time to sell 'em off.
  14. @SouthCoast... there's the perennial question. My estimation of what will become collectible is, "is it rare?" and "is there a coolness factor?" and "does it serve a segment of society that others will eventually want to emulate?" For Doxa, the answers were, and continue to be, "yes", "yes" and "yes". Same with vintage Rolex. Now think of any Rolex made since about ca. 1985. Ask the same questions and you get "no", "yes" and "no". Are your links rare AND cool AND desireable? No, yes, and yes. If they only made 100 each of the Zinex, then I think you'd almost have something. But for the most part they're hommage to existing genuine cool vintage pieces... so I doubt they'll go where the gens have gone. Just my $.02
  15. Well said, SouthCoast. And I've been telling people for years that this is a HUGE opportunity we're looking at. How much was a Doxa SUB 300T 5 years ago? Half what it is now. Certina DS2? I just saw a primo example go for $442. Expect that to double in 3-5 years. Super Kon-Tikis have doubled in 5 years with no end in sight. Keep an eye on the Zodiac Sea Wolf. If you can find an orange one, grab it now!
  16. Diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks, my friend. Some look at a shiny new Rolex DeepSea and see beauty. Others see ugly. Some look at an old well loved (abused?) watch and see ugly. Others see beauty. Some look at a Monet and see a maze of brush strokes. Others see a memory of a place they've been. This is what "art" is all about. Good art should repulse you, or attract you. No middle ground.
  17. A correlation! We are serving our purpose here, folks. Keep up the good work!
  18. Well said, mbjoer. Another old trick is to fill a sink with blazing hot water, and drop the watch in. If it produces a stream of bubbles, snatch it out quick! I have never tested my MBW and it goes swimming and into the hot tub and playing in the snow almost every day. That's why I keep it... as a beater. If it floods and seizes up, it's not a huge loss. That's its purpose in life.
  19. Thanks, R ... it's an honor. Brothers in (left) arms! (I'd post a wristie of my 'Lung Pro next to a wristie of your 'Lung Pro, but my server is down today)
  20. Yeah, try the same tool and look up "RWG forum".
  21. My friend that died a couple weekends ago... he helped start up SeaLab (Man in the Sea) off La Jolla and as a thank-you for all his work Doxa gave him a USD Pro just like this one. These are a piece of dive history for sure.
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