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Everything posted by Nanuq

  1. There's a very handsome early 300T Doxa Searambler on the 'Bay. Check it out!
  2. Redwatch, there's a twin to Lani's Searambler on the 'Bay right now... looks to be in good condition too!
  3. Speaking of rarity, I've been able to account for six of them now, over about 3 years of looking and researching. John Vargas was the one that started the idea of marketing the beasties with a recognizable USD logo on the dial, and I actually saw him logged onto the "other place" a couple weeks ago. I was gonna ask him if he had any more in a sock drawer someplace, but I chickened out. I mean, the man is royalty! Some fine day, you'll get lucky like I did. In fact, there's another member of RWG that owns a Black Lung besides me. Maybe someday he'd be persuaded to part with it?
  4. VERY nice, ma brotha! Very nice indeed. Your cousins in Alaska send their regards, though not as photogenic.
  5. I wonder if we can put this in HackR's topic about requesting the top 5 projects being worked on by Ubi?
  6. Thanks to all who read this post and have spread the word... there is zero tolerance for ripoff artists and scammers here, and if someone pops up that puts up the hairs on the back of your neck, by all means alert the mods and admin and we'll look into it. Keep up the member trade reviews, boys. Out the bad eggs, spread the knowledge, and be sure to point out the ones that do good work too. Cheers! Nanuq
  7. Watchguy95 was banned permanently. This morning he is back as Omega0. Already banned. Avoid this guy.
  8. Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice. Your case looks like it does not have the "droopy" crown guards from the first set of photos I saw. Es verdad?
  9. Ah, lads... this is where the wisdom of our fathers comes into play. Remember their old stand-bys: saddle soap, mink oil, neatsfoot oil and dye. I made this leather axe cover out of brand new stiff full grained leather, treated it with neatsfoot and mink oil, and voila'. Soft as a baby's butt and a lovely aged color. It took me an hour to treat it.
  10. Thanks Freddy! It makes sense. My Doxa Sharkie has the original crystal and it's developing those age cracks too. Hmmmmmm, not unlike its owner, eh??
  11. The bezel spring on a gen and the MBW is slightly "dished" when you look at it from the side. Make sure the dish is open downward, to match the profile of the crystal retaining ring. Otherwise it's very hard to turn.
  12. A few years ago I mentioned that a vintage crystal often has a slightly amber tint to it, and wondered if strong UV would produce that effect. Someone took a gen T39 and exposed it to strong UV and after less than a week he reported that it was going slightly amber, but it had also developed spiderweb cracks all over it! He panicked and pulled it out, but really... what he had was accurate. There are threads on TZ with people showing off their spiderwebbed domed crystals. I use museum grade glass over my artwork, ostensibly to prevent it fading from UV, even incident scattered UV from the windows at home. The pieces I've protected like this are still as new, but others that I bought from individuals were not protected by anything more than windowpane glass and when you shift the matting you can clearly see where colors are faded. To me, that means the bulk of insert fading comes from the sun.
  13. Pshaw, 120 degrees is nothing! I cooked my ancient MBW in the blazing hot sun in Okla-stinking-Homa for days on end, to the point the case was so hot I couldn't hold it in my bare hand. It was easily 200 degrees. The dial went a little chocolate (cocoa crispies?) but everything stayed intact and it still works like a champ.
  14. A gen 6263? Whoa... that would be a beauty! I might have to sneak up behind Dems and whack him over the head. Yes sir, the friend is one and the same. A prince among men.
  15. I had a couple of DW Daytonas and gave them away, but maybe this one will cover the "land" side of the puzzle? I'm not sure the vintage, but it's a Gigandet pre-Breitling AOPA triple date chrono. It was given to me by my closest friend, who received it from his uncle after decades of service as a pilot. Sadly, my friend passed away this last weekend, so the joy of wearing it carries a twinge of loss these next few months.
  16. Ah, thank you Ubi ... that means a heck of a lot coming from you.
  17. Lani's got good advice... most importantly, get it dried out PRONTO. I have a circulated hot water boiler in my house, and when I get a fogged watch I snatch the back off and leave it sitting on top of the boiler overnight. It gets up around 120 degrees and dries right out.
  18. Jmarin, thanks for that! That word describes a flaming orange dial nicely.
  19. Okay HackR, here goes. In no particular order, these are my top five. Sorry for the rehash of old pictures! 1665 DRSD Mark II 6536 "Bond" Submariner 1675 "Mini dial" GMT 1680 Submariner And of course the Doxa SUB 300, in "Black Lung" and "Sharkhunter" Whoops, that was six watches. Sorry!
  20. Kilt Lifter Scottish Ale (Seattle, Washington)
  21. Congratulations, big guy! Now get out and buy your Boy Scouts uniforms, quick! It's never too early to sign up for the biggest adventures of you and your son's lives.
  22. Holy smokes, a 'Prof on mesh would be enough to push me over the top again. Warm up the plastic, boys!
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